Kantor lockdown, Dewan ke Solo

KEDIRI – Meski 8 anggota DPRD Kabupaten Kediri sudah positif terpapar covid-19 setelah pulang kunjungan kerja dari Cirebon, dan kantor dewan lockdown, tapi tidak menyurutkan para anggota dewan untuk melakukan kunjungan kerja. Para anggota dewan yang tergabung dalam Pansus, melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Solo, Jawa Tengah, sejak Selasa (17/11/20).  

MASIH LOCKDOWN : Kantor DPRD Kabupaten Kediri

Beberapa anggota dewan yang dihubungi, membenarkan adanya kunjungan kerja Pansus ke Solo ini. Hanya saja, mereka tidak mau memberi keterangan lebih jauh. Umumnya mereka hanya menjawab pendek-pendek, dan sebagian tidak memberi jawaban. “Ya, luar kota” “Betul” “Maaf’ dan sebagainya.

Beberapa staf dewan yang ditemui di kantor, juga tidak membantah adanya kunjungan dewan ke Solo ini. Tetapi, mereka hanya menjawab bahwa di kantor tidak ada jadwal kegiatan. Saat kediripost menyebut bahwa para anggota dewan ke Solo, beberapa di antara hanya senyum-senyum, tanpa menjawab.

Salah seorang anggota dewan, sempat menjelaskan bahwa kunjungan kerja ke Solo itu karena sudah dijadwalkan pada Bamus pada bulan sebelumnya. Sehingga mereka tetap pergi sesuai agenda yang sudah ditetapkan.

Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, Dodi Purwanto dan Sekretaris dewan, Ilario Mendes, yang dihubungi melalui saluran whatsapp, juga tidak memberi jawaban terkait kunjungan kerja Pansus ke Solo ini. Tetapi pada pertemuan sebelumnya, Mendes mengaku belum mengetahui pasti apakah jadwal kunker ke luar kota setelah kantor lockdown, akan dilanjutkan apa tidak. Menunggu jadwal Bamus selanjutnya. (mam)

Lockdown office, Council to Solo

KEDIRI – Even though 8 members of the Kediri Regency DPRD have been positively exposed to Covid-19 and the lockdown council office, this has not deterred council members from making work visits. The members of the council who are members of the Pansus have made a working visit to Solo, Central Java, since Tuesday (17/11/20).
Several board members who were contacted confirmed that the special committee had visited Solo. However, they do not want to provide further information. Generally they only answered briefly, and some did not. “Yes, out of town” “Correct” “Sorry” and so on.
Several council staff who were met at the office did not deny the council’s visit to Solo. However, they only replied that there was no activity schedule at the office. When Kediripost mentioned that the council members went to Solo, some of them just smiled, without answering.
One of the council members explained that the working visit to Solo was because it had been scheduled for Bamus in the previous month. So they still go according to the agenda that has been set.
The chairman of the Kediri Regency DPRD, Dodi Purwanto and the secretary of the council, Ilario Mendes, who were contacted via the WhatsApp channel, also did not provide answers regarding the Pansus’ working visit to Solo. But at the previous meeting, Mendes admitted that he did not know for sure whether the kunker schedule to go out of town after the lockdown office, would continue or not. Waiting for the next Bamus schedule. (mam)

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