Gugatan Perdata, Bisa Sita Aset Pengurus

KEDIRI – Para mitra dan agen yang merasa menjadi korban Koperasi Niaga Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia (NMSI), disarankan untuk melakukan gugatan  perdata dan atau melaporkan ke kepolisian, karena diduga kuat telah terjadi tindak pidana.

DANAN PRABANDARU SH, Praktisi hukum di Kediri

Melalui gugatan itu, agar mereka bisa menyita aset pengurus koperasi, khususnya aset yang terbukti berasal dari aliran dana koperasi yang tidak wajar. “Tetapi sebelum melakukan pengajuan sita aset, harus ditelusuri dulu aset yang dimiliki pengurus apa saja. Sehingga bisa diajukan untuk disita,”ujar Danan Prabandaru SH, praktis hukum di Kediri.


Seperti diberitakan, para mitra dan agen Koperasi NMSI, kini merasa kebingungan setelah koperasi NMSI mengalami masalah. Mereka khawatir uang mereka yang sudah diinvestasikan tidak bisa kembali lagi. Padahal, nilainya sangat besar. Total nilai uang yang dikumpulkan dari para mitra itu, diprediksi bisa mencapai sekitar Rp 0,5 triliun atau di kisaran Rp 500 miliar.

Danan meyakini, ada yang kurang beres dengan pengelolaan Koperasi NMSI itu. Dia menilai ada sejumlah indikasi yang mengarah bahwa koperasi itu melakukan money game menggunakan uang dari para mitra. “Indikator koperasi itu mengarah ke money game, sangat kuat. Saya sama sekali tidak yakin uang mitra bisa kembali,”tandas Danan.

Bukankah dalam perjanjian antara mitra dan koperasi adalah perjanjian jual beli? Danan menilai perjanjian jual beli itu mengarah akal-akalan. Karena yang diperjanjikan adalah stup atau kotak. Dalam perjanjian tidak ada yang terkait dengan madu.

“Ini salah satu indikasi tidak wajar. Setup yang dibeli tidak ada isinya atau kosong pun, kesannya boleh. Karena jual beli setup. “Masak harga setup dari kayu dan kosong atau oke lah ada isinya, harganya Rp 500 ribu sampai Rp 1 juta? Bahan kayu paling mahal pun tidak seharga itu. Perjanjian jual beli yang ada itu, mengarah ke indikasi pengelabuan,”tambah Danan.

Danan menyarankan agar mitra koperasi NMSI lebih baik menggugat koperasi secara pidana dan perdata, meskipun uang mereka tidak bisa kembali sepenuhnya. “Saat gugatan nanti, bisa meminta bantuan PPATK  (Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisa Transaksi Keuangan), akan diketahui kemana saja uang koperasi mengalir,”jelas Danan. (mam)

Civil Claims Can Confiscate Assets Management

KEDIRI – Partners and agents who feel that they are victims of the Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia Cooperative (NMSI), are advised to file a civil suit and / or report to the police, because they are strongly suspected of having committed a crime. Through the lawsuit, so that they can confiscate the assets of the cooperative management, especially assets that are proven to come from an improper flow of cooperative funds. “But before submitting an asset confiscation application, we must first trace the assets owned by the management. So that it can be filed for confiscation, “said Danan Prabandaru SH, a legal practitioner in Kediri.
As reported, the partners and agents of the NMSI Cooperative now feel confused after the NMSI cooperative experiences problems. They worry that their invested money will not return. In fact, the value is enormous. The total value of money collected from these partners is predicted to reach around Rp. 0.5 trillion or around Rp. 500 billion.
Danan believed that there was something wrong with the management of the NMSI Cooperative. He considered that there were a number of indications that the cooperative was doing money games using money from partners. “The cooperative indicator points to money games, very strong. I am not at all sure partner money can come back, “said Danan.
Isn’t the agreement between partners and cooperatives a sale and purchase agreement? Danan thinks the sale and purchase agreement is a trick. Because what was agreed was a stup or box. In the agreement there is nothing related to honey.
“This is an indication that it is not fair. The purchased setup is empty or empty, the impression is okay. Because buying and selling setup. “Cook, the setup price is made of wood and it’s empty or okay, there are contents, the price is Rp. 500 thousand to Rp. 1 million? The most expensive wood material is not that price. The existing sale and purchase agreement leads to indications of fraud, ”added Danan.
Danan suggested that the cooperative partners of NMSI should sue the cooperative both criminal and civil, even though their money could not be fully returned. “When the lawsuit later, we can ask for assistance from the PPATK (Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center), it will be known where the cooperative’s money flows,” explained Danan. (mam)

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