Gudang Lanceng di Eks SDN II Semen, Tanpa Ijin Resmi?

KEDIRI – Geger Koperasi Niaga Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia (NMSI) atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Koperasi Lanceng, belum ada kepastian bagaimana penyelesaiannya. Para mitra yang sudah telanjur menginvestasikan dananya, terus disuruh menunggu. Sebagian mitra merasa sudah putus asa dengan kondisi yang belum jelas ini. Harapan mereka agar uang bisa kembali, semakin menipis. Padahal, nilai uang yang sudah masuk ke koperasi dari para mitra, diprediksi total bisa mencapai sekitar Rp 0,5 triliun atau sekitar Rp 500 miliar.

DI GEDUNG SDN II SEMEN, PAGU : Tumpukan setup Tawon Lanceng milik Koperasi NMSI

Di sisi lain, gudang setup atau kotak Lanceng di bekas gedung SDN Semen II, Kecamatan Pagu, belum jelas ijin penggunaannya dari mana. Ada kemungkinan, penggunaan gedung bekas SDN Semen II untuk gudang Koperasi Lanceng itu, ilegal atau tanpa ijin. Seharusnya, penggunaan aset Pemkab Kediri itu harus seijin Pemkab Kediri.  

Kepala Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (BPKAD) Kabupaten Kediri, Erfin Fatoni, melalui Kepala Dinas Kominfo Krisna Setiawan, menjelaskan bahwa BPKAD belum mengeluarkan ijin atas penggunaan aset daerah gedung bekas SDN II Semen, Pagu itu. “Sudah saya koordinasikan, BPKAD tidak mengeluarkan ijin (penggunaan gedung bekas SDN II, Semen, Pagu,red),”katanya.

Sedangkan Kepala Desa Semen, Kecamatan Pagu, A. Mahfut, saat dikonfirmasi juga mengaku pihak desa tidak mengeluarkan ijin penggunaan gedung bekas SDN II Semen untuk gudang Koperasi Lanceng itu. Dia juga tidak mengetahui siapa yang memberikan ijin. “Tidak ada ijin dari desa Mas,”ujar Mahfut.

Informasi yang dikumpulkan kediripost di sekitar lokasi, gedung bekas SDN II Semen itu, sebelumnya dimanfaatkan warga sekitar antara lain untuk kegiatan karang taruna dan ibu-ibu. Mereka tidak mengetahui secara pasti, bagaimana  prosesnya, tiba-tiba gedung itu digunakan untuk gudang setup Koperasi Lanceng. “Tidak tahu Mas, kok tiba-tiba digunakan gudang koperasi,”ujar salah seorang perangkat desa. (mam)

The Lanceng Warehouse at the Ex SDN II Cement, Without Legal Permit?

KEDIRI – Unbreak Koperasi Niaga Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia (NMSI) or better known as Koperasi Lanceng, there is no certainty about how to solve it. The partners who have already invested their funds continue to be told to wait. Some partners feel that they have given up on this unclear condition. Their hopes that the money could come back are running low. In fact, the value of money that has entered the cooperative from the partners is predicted to total around Rp. 0.5 trillion or around Rp. 500 billion.
On the other hand, the setup warehouse or the Lanceng box in the former SDN Semen II building, Pagu District, is unclear where the permit to use it comes from. There is a possibility that the use of the former SDN Semen II building as a warehouse for the Lanceng Cooperative is illegal or without permission. Supposedly, the use of the assets of the Kediri Regency Government must have the permission of the Kediri Regency Government.
Head of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Kediri Regency, Erfin Fatoni, through the Head of Kominfo Krisna Setiawan, explained that BPKAD has not issued a permit for the use of the area assets of the former SDN II Semen Pagu building. “I have coordinated, BPKAD does not issue permits (to use the former SDN II building, Cement, Pagu, red),” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Cement Village, Pagu District, A. Mahfut, when confirmed, also admitted that the village did not issue a permit to use the former SDN II Semen building for the Lanceng Cooperative warehouse. Nor does he know who granted permission. “There was no permit from Mas village,” said Mahfut.
The information collected by the kediripost around the location, the building of the former SDN II Semen, was previously used by local residents, among others, for youth and youth activities. They did not know for sure how the process was going, suddenly the building was used for the warehouse setup for the Lanceng Cooperative. “I don’t know Mas, how come the cooperative warehouse suddenly used it,” said one of the village officials. (mam)

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