Stempel di Timses, Hibah Rp 100 Juta, Tidak Terima?

Menelisik Bantuan Hibah / Bansos / Jasmas,

di Kota Kediri (5)

Kasus dugaan korupsi terkait bantuan sosial (Bansos) yang disidik Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dan melibatkan mantan Mentri Sosial, masih terus bergulir. Bagaimana pelaksanaan pemberian hibah, bansos, dan atau bantuan melalui Jaring Aspirasi Masyarakat (Jasmas) di daerah? Baik ke individu atau lembaga? Berikut sebagian fakta dan pengakuan yang ditemukan di lapangan. (*)

informasi Kelompok Masyarakat (Pokmas) yang terdaftar sebagai penerima hibah dari Jaring Aspirasi Masyarakat (Jasmas) anggota dewan, tapi mengaku merasa tidak menerima, kembali muncul. Kali ini disampaikan oleh Pokmas Saroja, Kelurahan Manisrenggo, Kota Kediri.

Pada tahun 2019, berdasarkan data di APBD, Pokmas Saroja terdaftar sebagai penerima hibah Rp 100 juta dari Pemkot Kediri. Namun, pengurus mengaku merasa tidak pernah menerima. “Gak. Gak ada. Pokmas tidak pernah menerima Rp 100 juta,,”ujar  Sugiyanto, yang mengaku salah satu pengurus Pokmas Saroja dan dulu rumahnya dipakai untuk pertemuan Pokmas.

Sugiyanto membenarkan bahwa ketua Pokmas Saroja adalah Puji Rahayu. Tetapi Puji Rahayu sendiri sekarang sudah tidak di Kediri. Sekitar 6 bulan lalu, dia merantau ke Kalimantan untuk bekerja. “Saya yakin Puji tidak menerima. Biasanya kalau ada bantuan, selalu dibicarakan dengan pengurus lain. Puji tidak mungkin bohong ke pengurus lain,”kata Sugiyanto, berusaha meyakinkan.

Menurut Sugiyanto, Pokmas Saroja dibentuk karena adanya permintaan dari tim sukses salah satu anggota DPRD Kota Kediri, agar mendapat bantuan hibah dari Pemkot Kediri dengan rekomendasi anggota DPRD itu. Maklum, umumnya mereka yang masuk anggota Pokmas itu memang anggota tim pemenangan anggota DPRD itu. “Dulu ya di sini (rumah Sugiyanto,red) kumpulnya,,”jelasnya.

Saat ditanya soal stempel Pokmas, Sugiyanto menjelaskan stempel Pokmas dibawa salah tim sukses anggota DPRD itu, pengurus tidak membawa. Karena semuanya dia yang mengurus. Tetapi untuk apa stempel Pokmas itu dibawa tim sukses anggota DPRD itu, dia tidak tahu. “Saat (stempel,red) diminta ya diberikan. Pokok bantuan yang Rp 100 juta, kita tidak pernah menerima. Dulu, sudah lama, pernah ada bantuan, kalau tidak salah tahun 2016, lalu diwujudkan untuk kebutuhan musholla. Tapi kalau Rp 100 juta, tidak pernah menerima,”tambah Sugiyanto. (mam/bersambung)

Examining Grants / Bansos / Jasmas,

in the City of Kediri (5)

Stamp on Timses, Grant IDR 100 Million,

Not Received?

?The alleged corruption case related to social assistance (Bansos) which was investigated by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and involved the former Minister of Social Affairs, is still ongoing. How is the implementation of grants, social assistance, and / or assistance through Community Aspirations Network (Jasmas) in the regions? Whether to individuals or institutions? The following are some of the facts and confessions that found in the field. (*)

The case of Community Groups (Pokmas), which are registered as recipients of grants from the DPR’s Community Aspirations Network (Jasmas), but claiming that they do not accept them, have returned. This time it was delivered by the Saroja Pokmas, Manisrenggo Village, Kediri City.

In 2019, based on data in the APBD, Pokmas Saroja was registered as the recipient of a Rp. 100 million grant from the Kediri City Government. However, the management admitted that they never accepted. “No. Not available. Pokmas never received Rp. 100 million, ”said Sugiyanto, who admitted that he was one of the members of the Saroja Pokmas and his house was used for Pokmas meetings.

Sugiyanto confirmed that the head of the Saroja Pokmas was Puji Rahayu. But Puji Rahayu himself is now no longer in Kediri. About 6 months ago, he moved to Kalimantan to work. “I’m sure Puji doesn’t accept it. Usually, if there is assistance, it is always discussed with other managers. Praise can’t possibly lie to other managers, ”said Sugiyanto, trying to convince him.

According to Sugiyanto, the Saroja Pokmas was formed because of a request from the success team of a member of the Kediri City DPRD, to receive grant assistance from the Kediri City Government with the recommendation of the DPRD member. Understandably, generally those who are members of the Pokmas are indeed members of the winning team for the DPRD members. “In the past, he gathered here (Sugiyanto’s house, red),” he explained.

When asked about the Pokmas stamp, Sugiyanto explained that the Pokmas stamp was brought by one of the success team members of the DPRD, the management did not bring it. Because everything he takes care of. However, he did not know what the Pokmas seal was carried by the DPRD member success team. “When (stamped, red) is asked, yes it is given. The main aid is Rp. 100 million, we never receive it. In the past, it has been a long time, there has been assistance, if I’m not mistaken in 2016, then it was realized for the need for a prayer room. never accepted, “added Sugiyanto. (mam / continued)


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