Proyek TPA 3 Rp 7,6 Miliar Dilidik Kejati ?


KEDIRI – Proyek Pembangunan Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) sel 3 atau TPA 3, Klotok, pada Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, Kebersihan, dan Pertamanan (DLHKP) Kota Kediri, kini dalam penyelidikan Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kejati) Jawa Timur. Informasinya, salah satu pejabat di DLHKP sudah diperiksa Kejati pada akhir Januari 2021, dengan nomor surat B.52/M.5.5/Fd.1/01/2021.

DISELIDIKI  KEJAKSAAN TINGGI: TPA 3 Klotok Kota Kediri, yang proyeknya berbiaya Rp 7.6 miliar, sedang diselidiki Kejaksaan Tinggi Jawa Timur

Berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan kediripost, proyek pembangunan TPA 3 itu, senilai Rp 7,6 miliar lebih, anggaran tahun 2019 dengan kategori pekerjaan konstruksi. Tender proyek itu dimenangkan oleh Bangkit Eka Jaya,  Gresik, sekaligus satu-satunya penawar proyek pembangunan TPA 3 itu.

Informasi yang dikumpulkan kediripost, di lokasi TPA, lokasi TPA 3 itu sebenarnya direncanakan di sebelah barat TPA sebelumnya, yang kondisinya sekarang masih berupa ‘hutan’ penuh pohon. Namun, karena masih ada masalah tanah di lokasi yang direncanakan itu, akhirnya dipindahkan di sebelah Selatan, yang semula merupakan area makam.  Untuk bisa digunakan lokasi pembangunan TPA 3, sejumlah makam yang sebelumnya di lokasi itu, dipindahkan ke areal pemakaman sebelah utara.   

Sedangkan TPA 3 itu, secara bangunan fisik, yang terlihat antara lain bangunan saluran air yang mengelilingi TPA dengan panjang sekitar 600 meter, kedalaman sekitar 1 meter, dengan lebar saluran sekitar 60 cm, serta jalan untuk kendaraan yang belum beraspal, hanya tanah uruk bercampur bebatuan, yang diduga dari hasil kerukan tanah bekas makam lalu ditimbun untuk jalan masuk kendaraan sampah.

Kepala Seksi Penerangan Hukum (Kasipenkum) Kejaksaan Tinggi Jawa Timur, Anggara Suryanaga S.H, saat dihubungi melalui telepon selularnya, tidak mau memberikan keterangan karena dia dalam proses pindah tugas ke daerah lain. Posisi dia sedang penghadapan di lokasi tugas baru. “Langsung ke kantor saja Mas, nanti biar ditemui staf. Saya di luar kota,”kata Anggara.

Sementara itu, Kepala DLHKP Didik Catur, saat akan dikonfirmasi, menurut Satpam DLHKP yang menemui, Didik tidak ada di tempat. Saat dihubungi melalui saluran WA, belum ada jawaban. (mam)  

TPA 3 Project Rp. 7.6 Billion. Investigated by the Prosecutor?

KEDIRI – TPA cell 3 or TPA 3, Klotok, at the Kediri City Environmental, Cleanliness and Landscaping Service (DLHKP), is now under investigation by the East Java High Court (Kejati). The information was that one of the officials at DLHKP had been questioned by the Prosecutor’s Office at the end of January 2021, with letter number B.52 / M.5.5 / Fd.1 / 01/2021.
Based on the data collected by Kediripost, the TPA 3 construction project, worth more than Rp. 7.6 billion, the 2019 budget is in the category of construction work. The project tender was won by Bangkit Eka Jaya, Gresik, who is also the only bidder for the TPA 3 construction project.
The information collected by kediripost, at the TPA location, the TPA 3 location was actually planned to be in the west of the previous TPA, which is still in the form of a ‘forest’ full of trees. However, due to land problems at the planned location, it was finally moved to the South, which was originally a grave area. In order to use the location for the construction of TPA 3, a number of graves that were previously at that location were moved to the cemetery area to the north.
Whereas TPA 3, in terms of physical buildings, what can be seen includes the water channel that surrounds the TPA with a length of about 600 meters, a depth of about 1 meter, with a channel width of about 60 cm, as well as roads for vehicles that have not been paved, only landfill mixed with rocks. , which is thought to be the result of the excavation of the land from the former grave and then heaped up for access to garbage vehicles.
Head of the Legal Information Section (Kasipenkum) of the East Java High Prosecutor’s Office, Anggara Suryanaga S.H, when contacted via his cell phone, did not want to provide information because he was in the process of moving to another area. The position he is currently facing at the new assignment location. “Go straight to the office, Mas, let the staff meet later. I’m out of town, “said Anggara.
Meanwhile, Head of DLHKP Didik Catur, when it was going to be confirmed, according to the DLHKP security guard who met, Didik was not there. When contacted via the WA channel, there was no answer. (mam)

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