Tegang, Ketua RT ‘Kisruh’, Tetap Terpilih

KEDIRI – Pilihan ulang ketua RT 01/05 Kelurahan Kaliombo, Kota Kediri, Selasa (3/11/20) malam, yang diulang karena kisruh warga, berlangsung tegang dan mendapat perhatian luas masyarakat sekitar. Puluhan aparat keamanan berpakaian preman dan dinas, tampak berjaga-jaga untuk mengantisipasi berbagai kemungkinan yang terjadi, karena sejak awal suasana di lingkungan memang sudah memanas.

DIJAGA APARAT : TNI dan Polri ikut menjaga pemilihan ulang ketua RT 01/02 Kelurahan Kaliombo, Kota Kediri

Pemilihan itu dipimpin langsung Kepala Kelurahan Kaliombo, Hariyono. Hasilnya, Eko Jayadi, pekerja kuli batu yang sebelumnya memenangkan pilihan, akhirnya tetap terpilih sebagai ketua RT. Jika sebelumnya dia mendapatkan 25 suara, kini suaranya bertambah menjadi 40 suara. “Orangnya itu (Eko Jayadi,red), entengan, kalau bantu warga tanpa pamrih,”ujar salah seorang warga RT 01/05, yang ditemui usai pemilihan.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, pemilihan ketua RT 01/05 Kelurahan Kaliombo, Kota Kediri, kisruh karena tiba-tiba muncul informasi pemilihan harus diulang. Alasannya, pada pemilihan pertama persyaratan Eko tidak sempurna. Seharusnya dia menunjukkan ijazah SMP, Eko hanya mampu menunjukkan Nilai Ujian Akhir (NUN) dan surat keterangan dari sekolah. Kabarnya, ijazah Eko ketlingsut.

Pada pemilihan ulang itu, warga tidak sampai melakukan pencoblosan di bilik suara. Sebelum pemilihan, Kepala Kelurahan Kaliombo, Hariyono, menanyakan lagi ke warga apakah perlu dilakukan pemilihan ulang atau tidak. Pertanyaan itu langsung disambut dengan teriakan ‘Tidaaakkk’ secara serentak oleh pendukung Eko. Sementara pendukung calon lain, diam saja. Berkali-kali diulang pertanyaan itu, selalu dijawab ‘Tidaaakkk…’’ dan teriakan-teriakan yang lain, hingga hampir terjadi kegaduhan.

Melihat situasi itu, Hariyono akhirnya meminta warga yang punya hak pilih, menolak pilihan ulang dan mendukung pilihan ulang, duduk di kelompok kursi yang berbeda, kelompok kursi sebelah timur dan sebelah barat.  Setelah masing-masing kelompok duduk terpisah, mereka dihitung. Hasilnya, dari 75 orang pemilik hak pilih, satu kelompok timur ada 40 orang, satu kelompok barat ada 35 orang. Setengah iseng-iseng, Hariyono bertanya ke kelompok timur “Ini sebenarnya pendukungnya siapa to ini?,” tanya Hariyono. Pertanyaan itu langsung disambut suara koorr…‘Ekoooo….Ekooo….’

Melihat kenyataan itu, Hariyono menawarkan untuk tidak dilakukan pemilihan ulang. Karena toh Eko pasti menang dibanding 3 calon lain, yaitu Hariono, Ismu Rudito, dan Zainuri. Karena pendukungnya sudah 40 orang dari 75 hak pilih yang hadir atau lebih dari 50 persen. Setelah agak lama tegang dan lainnya terdiam, akhirnya diputuskan tidak ada coblosan pilihan ulang dan Eko Jayadi ditetapkan sebagai ketua RT 01/05 Kelurahan Kaliombo.

Seakan menjawab sejumlah isu yang berkembang di warga, Hariyono di depan warga mengaku dia tidak memihak dan mendukung salah satu calon ketua RT. “Saya tidak memihak salah satu calon. Kalau seperti ini kan terbuka, disaksikan banyak orang. Ini demi kerukunan warga,”katanya. (har/mam)   

ense, Head of RT ‘Chaotic’, Still Elected

KEDIRI – The re-choice of RT 01/05 Kelurahan Kaliombo, Kediri City, Tuesday (3/11/20) night, which was repeated due to community chaos, was tense and received widespread attention from the surrounding community. Dozens of security officers dressed in plain clothes and on duty looked on guard to anticipate the various possibilities that might occur, because from the start the atmosphere in the neighborhood had been heating up. The election was led directly by the Head of Kaliombo Urban Village, Hariyono. As a result, Eko Jayadi, a rock coolie worker who previously won the choice, was finally elected as the head of the RT. If previously he had 25 votes, now his voice has increased to 40 votes. “That person (Eko Jayadi, red), lightly, if you help residents without strings attached,” said one resident of RT 01/05, who was met after the election.
As previously reported, the election for the head of RT 01/05 Kelurahan Kaliombo, Kediri City, was chaotic because suddenly information appeared that the election had to be repeated. The reason is that in the first election Eko’s requirements were imperfect. He should have shown a junior high school diploma, Eko was only able to show the Final Examination Score (NUN) and a certificate from the school. Reportedly, Eko’s diploma was senior.
At the re-election, residents did not vote at the voting booth. Before the election, the Head of Kaliombo Urban Village, Hariyono, again asked the residents whether it was necessary to have a re-election or not. The question was immediately greeted with shouts of “Tidaaakkk” simultaneously by Eko’s supporters. Meanwhile, supporters of other candidates are silent. The question was repeated many times, always answered “Noaakkk …” and other shouts, until almost a commotion occurred.
Seeing this situation, Hariyono finally asked the citizens who had the right to vote, rejected the re-choice and supported the re-choice, to sit in a different group of seats, from the eastern and western groups. After each group sat separately, they were counted. As a result, from 75 voting rights holders, one eastern group has 40 people, and one western group has 35 people. Half on a whim, Hariyono asked the eastern group. “Who are these supporters ?,” asked Hariyono. The question was immediately greeted by the choir’s voice … ‘Ekoooo …. Ekooo ….’
Seeing this fact, Hariyono offered not to hold a re-election. Because after all Eko will definitely win compared to the other 3 candidates. Because 40 people from 75 voting rights attended, or more than 50 percent of the supporters. After being tense for a long time and the others were silent, finally it was decided that there would be no re-choice and Eko Jayadi was appointed as the head of RT 01/05 Kelurahan Kaliombo.
As if answering a number of issues developing among residents, Hariyono admitted in front of the residents that he did not take sides and supported one of the candidates for RT head. “I do not side with one of the candidates. If it’s like this it’s open, witnessed by many people. This is for the sake of community harmony, “he said. (har / mam)

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