Debat Publik KPU, Terasa Hambar

Jawaban Pendek-Pendek, Waktu Menjawab Sering Tersisa

KEDIRI – Debat publik I Pilkada yang digelar KPU Kabupaten Kediri, Selasa (3/11/20) terasa hambar, cenderung sepi senyap, dan  tanpa dinamika. Sehingga kurang mampu menggali secara lebih utuh soal visi misi dan program pasangan calon lebih detail yang bisa dipahami masyarakat.

Suasana itu, ada tengara karena debat publik itu hanya ada satu pasangan calon dan pola yang digunakan lebih tepat disebut tanya jawab dibanding ‘debat publik’. Karena pertanyaan dan jawaban hanya berlangsung satu arah, kurang interaktif, dan pertanyaan lanjutan panelis terhadap jawaban yang diberikan pasangan calon.  

Sementara, pasangan calon yang ada, Hanindhito dan Dewi Maria, terkesan hanya menjawab dengan jawaban umum, pendek-pendek, dan tidak terurai secara detail, agar bisa dipahami secara lebih jelas oleh masyarakat. Sehingga beberapa kali waktu dua menit untuk menjawab satu pertanyaan, Dhito dan Dewi kurang mampu memanfaatkan dengan baik, waktu menjawab masih banyak tapi jawaban sudah terhenti. Terkait jawabannya sesuai dengan arah pertanyaan yang dimaksud atau tidak, juga tidak ada koreksi dan pertanyaan lanjut.

Bahkan saat ada pertanyaan berapa  jumlah orang miskin dan kebutuhan pangan di Kabupaten Kediri, kemudian bagaimana kebijakan paslon, Dhito hanya menjawab bahwa data kemiskinan di Kabupaten Kediri sekitar 250 ribu orang, lalu berhenti menjawab, hingga MC memberitahu bahwa waktu menjawab masih cukup banyak. Sedang terkait dengan ketahanan pangan dan kebijakannya, Dhito menjawab terkait cabe di Kediri dan harga cabe di pasar, termasuk kemungkinan untuk mendatangkan investor.    

Pada pertanyaan lain, terkait dengan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM), terkait dengan bidang kesehatan, Dhito menyampaikan program satu desa satu mobil siaga untuk membantu kebutuhan masyarakat, misalnya menjemput dan mengecek ibu hamil ke Puskesmas.

Sementara itu, Nanang Qosim, Komisioner KPU Kabupaten Kediri Divisi SDM dan parmas mengatakan, debat publik putaran pertama ini secara umum berjalan lancar. Namun dalam putaran ada catatan penting yang dijadikan bahan evaluasi. “Mungkin ada beberapa hal yang kurang pas, misalnya ada beberapa pertanyaan yang keluar dari tema, Itu akan menjadi bahan evaluasi kita sehingga ke depan akan maksimal lagi,” ungkapnya. (sul/mam)

KPU Public Debate, Feels Bland

KEDIRI – The first public debate on Pilkada held by the KPU of Kediri Regency, Tuesday (3/11/20) was bland, tended to be quiet, and without dynamics. So that they are not able to explore more fully the questions of the vision, mission and programs of the candidate pairs in more detail that can be understood by the public.

That atmosphere, there is a landmark because in the public debate there is only one pair of candidates and the pattern used is more accurately called a question and answer rather than a ‘public debate’. Because the questions and answers only took place in one direction, without feedback and follow-up questions from the panelists regarding the answers given by the candidate pairs.

Meanwhile, the existing candidate pairs, Hanindhito and Dewi Maria, seem to only answer with general, short answers, and do not break down in detail, so that they can be understood more clearly by the public. So several times it took two minutes to answer one question, Dhito and Dewi were not able to make good use of it, there was still a lot of time to answer but the answers had stopped. Regarding the answer in accordance with the direction of the question in question or not, there are also no corrections and further questions.

Even when there was a question about the number of poor people and the need for food in Kediri Regency, then what was the candidate’s policy, Dhito only answered that the poverty data in Kediri Regency were around 250 thousand people, then stopped answering, until the MC told him that there was still a lot of time to answer. Being related to food security and policies, Dhito answered related to chilies in Kediri and the price of chilies in the market, including the possibility to attract investors.

On another question, related to the Human Development Index (IPM), related to the health sector, Dhito conveyed the one village one car standby program to help community needs, for example picking up and checking pregnant women to the Puskesmas.

Meanwhile, Nanang Qosim, Commissioner of the KPU Kediri Regency HR and Parmas Division, said that the first round of public debates generally went well. However, in the round there are important notes that are used as evaluation material. “Maybe there are some things that are not quite right, for example there are some questions that come out of the theme. That will be our evaluation material so that in the future it will be more optimal,” he said. (sul / mam)


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