Potensi Rangkap Jabatan Dewan dan Wawali?

Tatib Cawawali Menunggu Evaluasi Provinsi  

KEDIRI – Tata tertib pengisian Wakil Walikota (Wawali) Kediri yang menghapus pasal bahwa anggota dewan yang maju sebagai calon kepala daerah / wakil kepala daerah harus mundur, dengan alasan UU Pilkada berlaku ‘hanya’ saat pemilihan langsung, sedang pengisian Wawali Kediri yang melanjutkan masa jabatan yang masih tersisa, bukan pilihan rakyat langsung, bisa debatable. Bahkan, tatib itu lolos total dari evaluasi dari tim hukum provinsi, potensi rangkap jabatan dewan yang terpilih sebagai wawali, juga tidak diatur dalam tatib  yang sudah didok DPRD Kota Kediri itu.

                     Dr. NURBAEDAH                                                                               PUSPORINI ENDAH PALUPI

Ketua KPU Kota Kediri, Pusporini Endah Palupi menjelaskan, pengisian sisa masa jabatan Wawali itu   wewenang sepenuhnya ada di dewan. Namun secara pribadi, Puspo menilai bagus terkait pengisian Wawali yang kosong, bila calonnya dari dewan, tidak perlu mengundurkan diri. Artinya, peluang itu memperingan calon yang maju. “Tidak terlalu berisiko tinggi seandainya yang bersangkutan tidak masuk dalam paripurna (pemilihan Wawali di,Red) dewan,”ujar Puspo.

Menurut Puspo, dia  tidak menemukan regulasi yang mengatur terkait pengunduran diri pengisian sisa masa jabatan Wawali dari dewan. Sehingga menurut Puspo, tatib yang sudah didok dewan itu itu tidak menyalahi. “Kalau pemilihan dilakukan secara langsung oleh rakyat, memang harus mengundurkan diri, sesuai UU 10 th 2016,’tandasnya.

Sementara itu, praktisi hukum Dr. Nurbaedah SH., M.H, menjelaskan pada prinsipnya, tata tertib pemilihan pengisian sisa Wawali tidak boleh bertentangan dengan aturan di atasnya. Hanya saja, Nurbaedah tidak mau memberikan penilain lebih detail terkait tatib pemilihan pengisian sisa jabatan Wawali itu. “Jika didasarkan pada UU No. 10  tahun 2016 pasal 7 ayat 2 huruf s, harus mengundurkan diri. Pasal itu belum ada perubahan. Jadi harus mudur dan tdk  dapat kembali menjadi anggota DPRD jika tidak terpilih,”ujar Nurbaedah.

Meski demikian, lanjut Nurbaedah,  tatib pemilihan pengisian sisa masa jabatan Wawali itu, tidak serta merta batal. Karena masih bisa dikonsultasikan ke provinsi dan Kemendagri, terkait sinkron atau tidaknya tatib itu dengan UU Nomor 10 tahun 2016. “Karena UU bisa diubah, dihilangkan oleh MK dan jika ada UU baru. Yang pasti, Tatib pemilihan itu tidak boleh bertentangan dengan UU yang lebih tinggi,”tambahnya.

Sementara itu, Ashari, ketua Pansus DPRD terkait pengisian Wawali, mengaku hasil evaluasi dari provinsi, terkait tatib pengisian Wawali itu hingga kini belum turun. (mam)

Potential Double Position, Council and Deputy Mayor

Cawawali Standing Orders Awaiting Provincial Evaluation

KEDIRI – The procedure for filling out the Deputy Mayor (Wawali) of Kediri which removes the article that members of the council who run as candidates for regional head / deputy regional head must resign, on the grounds that the Pilkada Law applies ‘only’ during direct elections, while filling Kediri mayor who continues his term of office what remains, not the direct people’s choice, is debatable. In fact, the order has passed the total evaluation from the provincial legal team, the potential for concurrent positions of the elected council as guardian is also not regulated in the guidelines that have been documented by the Kediri City DPRD.
The chairman of the KPU of Kediri City, Puspitorini Endah Palupi, explained that the full authority of the council rests in filling the remaining term of office of the Mayor. But personally, Puspo thinks it is good regarding filling out the empty Wawali, if the candidate is from the council, there is no need to resign. This means that the opportunity will lighten the candidates who run. “It is not too high risk if the person concerned is not included in the plenary (the election of Wawali in, Ed) council,” said Puspo.
According to Puspo, he did not find a regulation that regulates the resignation of filling the remaining term of office of the Wawali from the council. So that according to Puspo, the orders that the council had documented did not violate. “If the election is carried out directly by the people, it must be resigned, according to Law 10/2016,” he said.
Meanwhile, law practitioner Dr. Nurbaedah SH., M.H, explained that in principle, the rules for selecting the remaining Wawali must not conflict with the above regulations. However, Nurbaedah did not want to give a more detailed assessment regarding the election schedule for filling the remaining Wawali position. “If it is based on Law no. 10 of 2016 article 7 paragraph 2 letter s, must resign. The article has not been changed. So we have to go home and cannot return to being a member of the DPRD if they are not elected, “said Nurbaedah.
However, continued Nurbaedah, the election order to fill the remaining term of the Wawali’s term is not automatically canceled. Because it can still be consulted with the province and the Ministry of Home Affairs, regarding whether or not the rules are synchronized with Law Number 10 of 2016. “Because the law can be changed, it is eliminated by the Constitutional Court and if there is a new law. To be sure, the Election Standing Orders must not conflict with a higher law, “he added.
Meanwhile, Ashari, the head of the DPRD Special Committee regarding the filling of Wawali, admitted that the results of the evaluation from the province, related to the rules for filling the Wawali, have not yet been issued. (mam)
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