Tim Khusus Pemakaman Covid

On Call 24 Jam, Hampir Pingsan di Makam

KEDIRI – Di tengah terus meningkatnya kasus covid-19, tim pemakaman pasien covid-19 yang meninggal dunia, menjadi salah satu elemen yang urgen. Jika di Kabupaten Kediri kadang muncul saling lempar tanggungjawab pemakaman, sehingga kadang warga sendiri yang ‘harus’ memakamkan, di Kota Kediri kasus seperti itu tidak perlu terjadi. Sebab, ada 6 anggota tim khusus pemakaman pasien covid yang meninggal, di bawah koordinator  Dinas Perumahan dan Permukiman (Perkim).

Tim khusus ini, on call 24 jam. Jam berapapun dikabari ada yang meninggal, mereka berangkat. Tidak peduli siang atau malam. Bahkan saat nyenyak tidur bersama keluarga, tengah malam atau dini hari, mereka akan berangkat. Tidak peduli kondisi masih mengantuk dan lelah. Sebab, pada jam kerja mereka tetap bekerja rutin di kantor. “Kalau pada jam kerja ada yang meninggal, pekerjaan rutinnya ditinggal, karena pemakaman pasien covid tidak bisa ditunda,”ujar Hadi Wahyono, Kepala Dinas Perkim, yang dibenarkan oleh Masduki Kolil, petugas pemakaman.

SIAP SEWAKTU-WAKTU : Tim pemakamana pasien covid-19 Kota Kediri

Menurut Hadi, begitu ada informasi dari Dinkes untuk memakamkan covid, dia langsung menghubungi Kolil dan tim untuk berangkat ke lokasi. Untuk pembuatan lubang makam, diserahkan ke warga sekitar. Berkoordinasi dengan kelurahan setempat. Setelah itu, semua urusan petugas. “Mobil ambulance hanya sampai depan gerbang makam. Setelah itu, untuk mengangkat dan memakamkan, dilakukan tim khusus. Ini khusus untuk warga Kota Kediri meninggal dan dimakamkan di Kota Kediri, baik  meninggal di RS luar kota maupun di dalam kota,”tandasnya.

DATA LENGKAP : Kepala Dinas Perkim Hadi Wahyono dan Masduki Kolil

Sementara itu, Kolil mengaku pernah dalam sehari pernah memakamkan sampai 4 orang. Satu belum selesai pemakaman, sudah ada perintah lagi di lokasi lain. Sehingga dia berangkat pagi pulang pagi. Juga pernah dia hampir pingsan di lokasi pemakaman, karena dia belum sempat makan mulai pagi hingga malam. “Sekitar jam tujuh malam itu. Lupa dari pagi belum sempat makan,”kata Kolil.

Kolil mengaku, tugas memakamkan pasien covid ini sebagai bagian dari tugas dan pengabdian dirinya pada masyarakat. Dia mengaku ikhlas karena menolong orang. Dia mengaku, jika pas ada tugas pemakaman, kadang-kadang dia tidak pulang atau pulang seberangkat lagi. (mam)

Covid Funeral Special Team

24 Hours On Call, Nearly Fainted in the Tomb

KEDIRI – Amid the continuing increase in covid-19 cases, the funeral team for covid-19 patients who died has become an urgent element. Whereas in Kediri District sometimes there appears to be throwing burial responsibilities to each other, so that sometimes the residents themselves “have to” bury them, in Kota Kediri such cases do not need to happen. This is because there were 6 members of the special team for the funeral of covid patients who died, under the coordination of the Housing and Settlement Service (Perkim), which was coordinated by Masduki Kholil.
This special team is on call 24 hours. Regardless of the time someone is informed that someone has died, they will go. It doesn’t matter day or night. Even when they sleep well with their families, at midnight or early morning, they will leave. No matter the condition is still sleepy and tired. Because, during working hours they still work regularly at the office. “If during working hours someone dies, his routine work is left behind, because the funeral of a Covid patient cannot be postponed,” said Hadi Wahyono, Head of the Perkim Service, which Kolil confirmed.
According to Hadi, as soon as there was information from the Health Office to bury Covid, he immediately contacted Kolil and the team to go to the location. For the making of the grave hole, it was left to local residents. Coordinate with the local urban village. After that, all the officer matters. “The ambulance only reaches the front gate of the tomb. After that, to lift and bury, a special team was carried out. This is especially for Kediri City residents who died and were buried in Kediri City, whether they died in hospitals outside the city or in the city, ”he said.
Meanwhile, Kolil admitted that he buried up to 4 people in a day. One has not finished the funeral, there are already orders at another location. So he went home early in the morning. Also once he almost fainted at the funeral site, because he had not had time to eat from morning to night. “Around seven that night. Forgot from the morning I haven’t had time to eat, ”said Kolil.
Kolil admitted that the task of burying this Covid patient was part of his duty and dedication to society. He admits that he is sincere because he helps people. He admitted, when there was funeral duty, sometimes he didn’t come home or go home again. (mam)

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