Diklat Calon Kepsek Berbasis Teknologi

KEDIRI – Para calon kepala sekolah SD dan SMP di Kabupaten Kediri, dituntut untuk mampu menghadapi perkembangan teknologi yang terus berkembang di masyarakat. Untuk itulah, selama hampir 3 bulan pelaksanaan Diklat Calon Kepala Sekolah (Kepsek) SD dan SMP di Kabupaten Kediri, mulai 7 Oktober sampai 22 Desember 2020, mereka digembleng materi tentang pengelolaan sekolah dengan berbasis teknologi. “Materi yang diberikan telah berbasis teknologi informasi, sehingga para lulusan nantinya betul-betul siap menghadapi perkembangan teknologi,”ujar M. Solikin, Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kabupaten Kediri.

Sesuai amanat Permendikbud no 8 tahun 2018, guru yang akan menjadi kepala sekolah harus mengikuti Diklat calon kepala sekolah. Peserta Diklat adalah para guru SD dan SMP yang telah lulus seleksi substansi calon kepala sekolah. Mereka menjalani 300 jam pelatihan dengan moda kombinasi yaitu perpaduan pembelajaran daring dan luring. “Diklat dilaksanakan dalam bentuk in class training di Universitas Pawyatan Daha (UPD) dan on the job training di sekolah tempat kerja masing-masing serta beberapa sekolah magang,”tandas Solikin. 

Diklat calon kepala sekolah ini diikuti 40 orang,  39 orang calon Kepsek SD dan 1 calon Kepsek SMP.  Dalam pelaksanaan diklat calon kepala sekolah ini, Pemerintah Kabupaten Kediri bekerja sama dengan lembaga pengembangan dan pemberdayaan kepala sekolah dan pengawas sekolah (LPPKSPS) Kemendikbud.

Diklat ini, ditutup secara bersama-sama pada Selasa, 22 Desember 2020, oleh Bupati Hj. Haryanti Sutrisno, bersama Perwakilan LPPKSPS, Kepala BKD, dan para narasumber video conference .

Pelaksanaan  diklat ini telah mendapatkan rekomendasi/ijin pelaksananaan dari gugus tugas covid 19 Kabupaten Kediri. Selama Diklat tetap mengedepankan  protokol kesehatan, antara lain menjaga jarak minimal 1 meter, memakai masker dan faceshield, mengecek suhu dan menggunakan hand sanitizer ketika memasuki ruang kelas, serta tidak saling meminjam alat tulis.(mam)   

Education and Training Schoole Head Candidate, Technology-Based 

KEDIRI – Principal candidates for SD and SMP schools in Kediri Regency are required to be able to face technological developments that continue to develop in society.
For this reason, for almost 3 months of implementing the Training for Primary School Principal Candidates (Kepsek) for SD and SMP in Kediri Regency, from October 7 to December 22, 2020, they were trained on technology-based school management. “The material given is based on information technology, so that the graduates will be truly ready to face technological developments,” said M. Solikin, Head of the Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) Kediri Regency.

In accordance with the mandate of Permendikbud No. 8 of 2018, teachers who will become school principals must attend the training for prospective school principals. Training participants are elementary and junior high school teachers who have passed the substance selection for principal candidates. They underwent 300 hours of training in a combination mode, namely a combination of online and offline learning. “Training is carried out in the form of in-class training at Pawyatan Daha University (UPD) and on the job training at each workplace as well as several apprenticeship schools,” said Solikin.

The training for prospective school principals was attended by 40 people, 39 candidates for SD Principal and 1 candidate for SMP Principal. In the implementation of this training for prospective school principals, the Kediri Regency Government collaborates with the Ministry of Education and Culture’s institution for the development and empowerment of school principals and school supervisors (LPPKSPS).

This training, closed together on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, by the Regent Hj. Haryanti Sutrisno, together with representatives of LPPKSPS, Head of BKD, and video conference resource persons.

The implementation of this training has received a recommendation / permit for implementation from the Covid 19 task force in Kediri Regency. During the education and training, it continues to prioritize health protocols, including maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter, wearing a mask and faceshield, checking the temperature and using a hand sanitizer when entering the classroom, and not borrowing stationery. (Mam)

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