Modal Rp 10 M, Tinggal Rp 6,5 M ?

BPR Perlu Hati-Hati Kucurkan Kredit

KEDIRI – Pemeritah Kota (Pemkot) Kediri, total sudah menyetor dana modal ke BPR Kota Kediri Rp 10 miliar secara bertahap, mulai berdirinya BPR Kota Kediri pada 2003 dengan modal awal Rp 500 juta. Namun berdasarkan neraca 2020, modal itu menyusut hingga tinggal menjadi  Rp 6,5 miliar.

DR. SUBAGYO S,E : Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Nusantara PGRI (UNP) Kediri

Sebenarnya, pada 2018, berdasarkan laporan keuangan BPR Kota, modal investasi itu sempat naik menjadi Rp 11.4 miliar. Namun selama 2019 dan 2020, kembali menurun hingga tinggal Rp 6,5 miliar per September 2020. Sedangkan total deviden yang diperoleh mulai 2003 sampai 2018, Rp 2,1 miliar lebih.  

Posisi modal ini, di luar dana-dana lain seperti penempatan uang Rp 9.5 miliar yang sebenarnya untuk kredit UMKM. Juga ada dana investasi non permanen yang diduga untuk UMKM senilai Rp 6.5 miliar di tahun 2018. Sehingga secara praktis, kucuran dana untuk BPR Kota Kediri dari Pemkot Kediri cukup besar. Dengan total ini saja, dana Pemkot dalam berbagai bentuk, yang masuk ke BPR Kota Kediri sudah mencapai Rp 25 miliar. Tapi, mengapa bisa sampai merugi hingga miliaran? Non Performing Loan (NPL) atau kredit bermasalah hingga macet mencapai di kisaran 50 persen?

Dr. Subagyo S.E, Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Nusantara PGRI (UNP) Kediri, menjelaskan masalah utama di BPR Kota adalah kredit macet yang sangat besar. Sehingga kondisi BPR Kota menjadi tidak sehat. “Pada laporan laba rugi yang mencatat beban penyisihan aktiva produktif yang mencapai Rp 4,4 miliar, menunjukkan kredit macet yang sangat besar. Keuntungan operasional bank, sebagian besar untuk menutup penghasilan aktiva produkti,”ujar Subagyo.

Subagyo menjelaskan, pengelolaan BPR harus profesional. Prinsip kehati-hatian dalam pemberian kredit harus diperhatikan betul. Jangan sampai asal mengucurkan kredit, tanpa memperhitungkan betul kemampuan bayar calon debitur. “Mengingat dana bank sebagian besar berasal dari tabungan masyarakat, bank harus bisa menjamin bahwa nasabah aman dalam menginvestasikan dananya,”katanya. (mam)

IDR 10 billion in capital, Only IDR 6.5 billion?

BPR Needs to Be Careful in Disbursing Credit

KEDIRI – The Kediri City Government (Pemkot), has paid a total of Rp 10 billion in capital funds to BPR Kota Kediri in stages, starting with the establishment of BPR Kota Kediri in 2003 with an initial capital of Rp. 500 million. However, based on the 2020 balance sheet, the capital has shrunk until it is only Rp. 6.5 billion. In fact, in 2018, based on the financial reports of City BPRs, the investment capital had increased to IDR 11.4 billion. However, during 2019 and 2020, it decreased again to only Rp. 6.5 billion as of September 2020. Meanwhile, the total dividends earned from 2003 to 2018 were more than Rp. 2.1 billion.
This capital position, apart from other funds such as the placement of Rp. 9.5 billion, is actually used for MSME loans. There is also an alleged non-permanent investment fund for MSMEs worth Rp. 6.5 billion in 2018. So practically, the disbursement of funds for BPR Kota Kediri from the Kediri City Government is quite large. With this total alone, the City Government’s funds in various forms, which have entered the BPR Kota Kediri have reached Rp. 25 billion. But, why did you lose up to billions? Non Performing Loans (NPL) or non-performing loans to non-performing loans reaching around 50 percent?
Dr. Subagyo S.E, Lecturer at the Faculty of Business Economics (FEB), Universitas Nusantara PGRI (UNP) Kediri, explained that the main problem in BPR Kota is very large bad credit. So that the condition of the City BPR becomes unhealthy. “In the income statement, which recorded the allowance for earning assets which reached Rp 4.4 billion, shows a very large bad credit. Most of the bank’s operating profit is to cover productive asset income, ”said Subagyo.
Subagyo explained that BPR management must be professional. The principle of prudence in providing credit must be properly considered. Do not allow credit disbursement without taking into account the ability to pay potential debtors. “Considering that most bank funds come from public savings, banks must be able to guarantee that customers are safe in investing their funds,” he said. (mam)




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