Kisruh Pilihan Ketua RT Diadukan Walikota

Sempat Ditolak, Tanpa Panduan, Bisa Konflik 

KEDIRI – Kasus kekisruhan pemilihan Ketua RT 01/RW 05 yang akan dilakukan pemilihan ulang pada Selasa (3/10/20) malam, terus berlanjut. Jika dibiarkan, diprediksi kasus ini bisa menimbulkan konflik berkepanjangan di masyarakat. Selasa pagi, sebagian warga melanjutkan gerakannya penolakan pilihan ulang ketua RT dengan mengirim surat pengaduan ke Walikota Abdullah Abu Bakar, yang diterima oleh Bagian Umum.

LAPOR WALIKOTA : Perwakilan warga saat mengirim surat ke Walikota

Sebelumnya diterima sebagai aduan, surat warga itu sempat ditolak dan diminta untuk direvisi. Alasannya, surat mereka tidak memenuhi syarat dan tidak layak dibaca Walikota. “Tadi surat kita awalnya ditolak, Sekarang surat telah masuk ke Pemkot”, jelas Ari Setya Catur, salah satu perwakilan warga Kaliombo, saat ditemui kediripost.

 Ari menjelaskan, laporan ke Pemkot ini atas anjuran Polres Kediri Kota, saat dirinya mengirimkan surat penolakan pemilihan ulang ketua RT ke Mapolres. Mereka juga diminta klarifikasi ke tiga pilar di Kelurahan Kaliombo, agar tidak terjadi rusuh.

Sedangkan Kepala Kelurahan Kaliombo, Hariono, saat dikonfirmasi kediripost juga tidak mau memberi keterangan saat ditanya dasar pemilihan ulang ketua RT yang membuat kisruh warga itu. “Nanti datang saja ke RT 01 RW 05,”katanya.

Seperti diberitakan, pemilihan ketua RT 01/05 Kelurahan Kaliombo, Kota Kediri, kisruh. Karena tiba-tiba akan dilakukan pemilihan ulang. Padahal semula tidak ada masalah. Sehingga di warga muncul dua blok, pendukung pilihan ulang dan penolak pilihan ulang.  

Sementara itu, koordinator paguyuban ketua RT/RW Kota Kediri, Agung Pribadi, menjelaskan jika kisruh pemilihan RT di Kaliombo itu benar terjadi, maka perlu langkah langkah bijak yang bisa menyelesaikan persoalan, agar semua akar persoalanya dapat terurai dengan baik dan bisa diterima warga RT setempat.

Menurut Agung Pribadi, persoalan pemilihan ketua RT /RW di Kota Kediri, jika tidak dipandu oleh ketentuan teknis yang memadai, bisa menjadi konflik. “Sangat mungkin, kejadian serupa bisa terjadi di RT/RW lain. “Mungkin ada baiknya, panitia pemilihan RT/RW yang akan melaksanakan pemilihan, berkoordinasi dengan koordinator Forum RT / RW kecamatan untuk membantu memberikan saran dan masukan. “Agar kemungkinan terjadinya persoalan bisa diminimalisir dan bisa memperkuat kebersamaan dan kerukunan  warga,”ujar Agung. (har/mam)

Chaostic Choice of RT Chairperson Complained by Mayor

Was Rejected, Because The Mayor Is Not Worth It

KEDIRI – The chaos case for the election of the Head of RT 01 / RW 05 which will be re-elected on Tuesday (3/10/20) night, continues. If left unchecked, it is predicted that this case could lead to prolonged conflict in the community. On Tuesday morning, some residents continued their movement against the re-choice of the RT chairman by sending a letter of complaint to Mayor Abdullah Abu Bakar, which was received by the General Section.
Previously accepted as a complaint, the citizen’s letter was rejected and requested to be revised. The reason was that their letter did not meet the requirements and was not suitable for the Mayor to read. “Earlier our letter was initially rejected. Now the letter has entered the City Government”, explained Ari Setya Catur, one of the representatives of Kaliombo residents, when met by the Kediripost.
Ari explained that the report to the City Government was recommended by the Kediri Kota Police, when he sent a letter rejecting the re-election of the RT head to the Police Headquarters. They were also asked to clarify the three pillars in Kaliombo Village, so that there would be no riots.
Meanwhile, the Head of Kaliombo Urban Village, Hariono, when confirmed by the Kediripost, also did not want to give any information when asked about the basis for the re-election of the RT head which caused confusion among the residents. “Later just come to RT 01 RW 05,” he said.
As reported, the election for the head of RT 01/05, Kaliombo Urban Village, Kediri City, is chaotic. Because suddenly there will be a re-election. Even though at first there were no problems. So that in the residents two blocks appeared, supporters of re-choice and those who rejected re-choice.
Meanwhile, the coordinator of the association for the head of the RT / RW Kota Kediri, Agung Pribadi, explained that if the chaos in the RT election in Kaliombo really happened, then wise steps were needed that could solve the problem, so that all the root problems could be resolved properly and could be accepted by local RT residents .
According to Agung Pribadi, the issue of selecting the head of the RT / RW in Kediri City, if not guided by adequate technical provisions, could become a conflict. “It is very possible that a similar incident could occur in another RT / RW. “Maybe it would be better if the RT / RW selection committee that will carry out the election, coordinate with the coordinator of the sub-district RT / RW Forum to help provide suggestions and input. “So that the possibility of problems can be minimized and it can strengthen the togetherness and harmony of the citizens,” said Agung. (har / mam)

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