Pupuk Langka, Petani Meradang

Terpaksa Gunakan Pupuk Impor sampai Ambil Luar Kota

KEDIRI – Para petani di Kabupaten Kediri kini sedang meradang. Pasalnya, pupuk pertanian bersubsidi sudah sekitar satu bulan ini seakan menghilang, baik di kelompok tani maupun di pasaran, barang langka dan sulit didapatkan. Padahal, umumnya tanaman mereka sudah waktunya dipupuk. Jika toh ada di pasaran, bukan pupuk bersubsidi, yang harganya bisa dua kali lipat per sak, sekitar Rp 150 ribu. Padahal jika bersubsidi, harganya sekitar Rp 75 ribu – Rp 80 ribu.

WAKTUNYA MEMUPUK : Tanaman jagung di Pare, Kediri yang waktunya memupuk, sedang lahan di sebelahnya terpaksa tidak ditanami

Heri, petani Desa Ngreco, Kecamatan Kandat, saat ditemui menjelaskan kelangkaan pupuk itu sudah terjadi sejak masa tanam dulu, sekitar 1 bulan lalu. Dia tidak mengetahui mengapa pupuk langka. Dia sendiri merasa bingung, karena tanaman jagungnya sudah waktunya masa pemupukan yang kedua. “Pas waktu pemupukan pertama, baru tanam dulu, ya kita pakai pupuk cair, kita kocori pupuk cair, karena tidak ada pupuk. Penting dipupuk,”ujarnya.

Menurut Wawan, hampir semua jenis pupuk bersubsidi kini sedang langka, mulai ZA, Urea, dan Ponska. Sehingga dia sulit membayangkan bagaimana hasil panen tanamananya nanti, karena kurang pupuk. Dia khawatir hasil panen nanti anjlok dan petani rugi.  “Seharusnya sekarang waktu memupuk yang kedua. Tapi saat petani membutuhkan, tidak ada yang menjual,”tandasnya.

Hal senada disampaikan Hardi, petani Desa Tulungrejo, Kecamatan Pare. Dia mengatakan, sejak awal proses tanam, sudah kesulitan mencari pupuk.  Sekarang petani banyak yang pakai pupuk impor yang harganya lebih mahal, bisa dua kali lipat harga pupuk subsidi. “Kami berharap kelangkaan pupuk ini bisa segera ditangani, biar normal lagi. Kalau memakai pupuk impor petani bisa merugi,” tandas Hardi..

Sedikit berbeda dengan di Banyakan. Umar, petani asal Desa Sendang, Kecamatan Banyakan. Menurut Umar, jika di sekitar Banyakan pupuk langka, petani sering mengambil pupuk dari luar kota seperti Nganjuk. Karena di Nganjuk beli pupuk bebas. Sehingga bisa mengatasi kesulitan pupuk seperti sekarang ini. Hanya, bedanya di Nganjuk harga lebih mahal, selisih sekitar Rp 10 ribu. Misalnya harga ZA Rp 80 ribu, Urea Rp 90 ribu, dan Ponska Rp 115 ribu. “Jadi kalau kita yang sering beli ke Nganjuk, karena selisih harga hanya selisih sekitar sepuluh ribu,”ujar Umar. (sul/mam)

Rare Fertilizer, Farmers Inflamed

Forced to Use Imported Fertilizer to Take Out of Town

KEDIRI – Farmers in Kediri Regency are now inflamed. The reason is that subsidized agricultural fertilizer has disappeared for about a month, both in farmer groups and in the market, a rare and hard to find item. In fact, it is generally time for their plants to be fertilized. If it is on the market, not subsidized fertilizer, the price can be double per sack, around IDR 150 thousand. Whereas if it is subsidized, the price is around Rp. 75 thousand – Rp. 80 thousand.
Heri, a farmer from Ngreco Village, Kandat District, explained that the scarcity of fertilizer had occurred since the planting period, about 1 month ago. He didn’t know why fertilizer was scarce. He himself felt confused, because it was time for his corn plant to fertilize the second time. “During the first fertilization, we planted it first, yes, we used liquid fertilizer, we leached liquid fertilizer, because there was no fertilizer. It is important to nurture it, ”he said.
According to Wawan, almost all types of subsidized fertilizers are now scarce, starting from ZA, Urea, and Ponska. So it is difficult for him to imagine how the crop will yield later, because it is not enough fertilizer. He is worried that the crop will fall and the farmers will lose. “It should be time for the second fertilization. But when farmers need it, no one sells it, ”he said.
A similar sentiment was conveyed by Hardi, a farmer in Tulungrejo Village, Pare District. He said, since the beginning of the planting process, it was difficult to find fertilizer. Now many farmers use imported fertilizers which are more expensive, which can be twice the price of subsidized fertilizers. “We hope that this fertilizer scarcity can be immediately handled, so that it can be normal again. If you use imported fertilizers, farmers will suffer losses, “said Hardi.
Slightly different from Banyak. Umar, a farmer from Sendang Village, Banyak District. According to Umar, if fertilizer is scarce around the area, farmers often take fertilizer from outside the city such as Nganjuk. Because in Nganjuk you buy free fertilizer. So that it can overcome the difficulty of fertilizing as it is today. Only, the difference is that in Nganjuk the price is more expensive, the difference is around Rp.10 thousand. For example, the price of ZA is IDR 80 thousand, Urea IDR 90 thousand, and Ponska IDR 115 thousand. “So if we often buy from Nganjuk, because the price difference is only about ten thousand,” said Umar. (sul / mam)

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