Penghasilan Dewan Bisa Rp 1 M Per Tahun

Anggaran Sekretariat DPRD Rp 74 Miliar

KEDIRI – ‘Mogok Kerja’ yang dilakukan para anggota DPRD Kota Kediri, selama 1 bulan lebih tanpa kegiatan apapun, memunculkan banyak feedback pembaca, antara lain ‘apakah mereka tidak masuk kerja tapi tetap mengambil gaji?’ ‘Tidak mogok kerja pun mereka malas kerja, penting gajian’ ‘dewan itu kerja atau tidak kerja, tetap gajian bro’ ‘PP 33 di Nganjuk gak masalah, kok di Kediri masalah? Apa bedanya?’ ‘Gaji Dewan itu berapa to?’ dan sebagainya.

DR. DJOKO SISWANTO M. MSi : Dosen Universitas Pawyatan Daha (UPD) Kediri

Berdasarkan RAPBD 2021, anggaran di sekretariat DPRD Kota Kediri Rp 74 miliar lebih. Dari dana itu, Rp 43 miliar lebih untuk Dukungan Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Fungsi DPRD atau untuk berbagai kegiatan DPRD, termasuk kebutuhan dan honor rapat-rapat, kunjungan kerja, dan sebagainya. Dengan asumsi bersih yang kembali ke masing-masing para anggota dewan Rp 35 miliar saja, maka rata-rata penghasilan resmi setiap anggota DPRD sekitar Rp 1 miliar lebih per tahun.  Masih layakkah mereka ‘mogok kerja?’

Salah satu sumber yang juga anggota DPRD Kota Kediri, mengaku per bulan take home pay atau uang yang bisa dibawa pulang, sekitar Rp 50 juta. Itu sudah termasuk gaji dan tunjangan lain-lain. “Sebenarnya yang sangat menunjang itu kalau ada kunjungan kerja ke luar kota atau rapat di luar kota. Karena ada uang sakunya sendiri,”katanya, tanpa mau merinci nialinya.

Menurut sumber itu, berdasarkan perhitungan penghasilan bulanan anggota DPRD yang cukup besar itu, ada salah satu bank konventional yang sanggup memberikan kredit hingga Rp 1,2 miliar untuk anggota DPRD Kota Kediri. “Bank kan pasti sudah menghitung kemampuan bayarnya. Asalkan di tengah jalan tidak di-recall oleh partai,”kata sumber yang lain.

Sementara itu, Dr. Djoko Siswanto M. M.Si, Dosen Universitas Pawyatan Daha (UPD) Kediri, menilai anggota dewan Kota Kediri yang ‘mogok kerja’ selama satu bulan lebih, sama sekali tidak patut dilakukan. Tindakan mereka bisa mencederai kepercayaan rakyat. Apalagi gaji mereka sudah sangat besar. “Prinsipnya, hak itu kongruen dengan kewajiban. Sepatutnya, jika dewan tetap mengambil gaji mereka, maka seharusnya kewajiban mereka harus dijalankan. Mereka anggota dewan, apa tidak malu makan gaji buta?,”ujar Joko dengan nada bertanya.

Joko menambahkan, secara umum mayoritas rakyat tidak merasakan bahwa dewan benar-benar memperjuangkan aspirasi dan kepentingan masyarakat. Berbeda jika dewan punya kepentingan, mereka akan ngotot memperjuangkannya. “Termasuk ketika dewan menuntut haknya, terkesan berlebihan,”tandas Joko.

Menurut Joko, kasus ‘mogok kerja’ satu bulan lebih di DPRD Kota Kediri, semakin mereduksi kepercayaan masyarakat dan mengesankan bahwa dewan hanya mementingkan diri sendiri, tanpa mau benar-benar bekerja untuk rakyatnya. “Kasus covid-19 tidak sepenuhnya bisa dijadikan alasan untuk tidak bekerja. Nyatanya, semua kegiatan lembaga dan kegiatan masyarakat, secara umum masih tetap bisa berjalan dengan baik. Hanya DPRD Kota yang bersikap berlebihan,”tambah Joko. (mam)

Board income can be IDR 1 billion per year

The DPRD Secretariat budget is IDR 74 billion

KEDIRI – The ‘strike’ that was carried out by members of the DPRD Kota Kediri, for more than 1 month without any activity, led to a lot of feedback from readers, including ‘did they not come to work but still took their salary?’ It is important that the salary is “the council is working or not working, still the paycheck bro” PP 33 in Nganjuk is not a problem, why is it in Kediri? What’s the difference? ” How much is the board salary? ‘And so on.
Based on the 2021 RAPBD, the budget at the DPRD Kota Kediri secretariat is more than Rp 74 billion. Of that fund, more than Rp 43 billion is used to support the implementation of duties and functions of the DPRD or for various DPRD activities, including the needs and fees for meetings, work visits, and so on. With the assumption that the net return to each DPRD member is only Rp. 35 billion, then the average official income of each DPRD member is around Rp. 1 billion per year. Do they still deserve to “strike?”
One source who is also a member of the Kediri City DPRD, admitted that per month the take home pay or money that can be brought home is around Rp. 50 million. That includes salary and other benefits. “Actually, what really supports it if there is a work visit outside the city or a meeting outside the city. Because they have their own pocket money, ”he said, without going into details.
According to the source, based on the calculation of the sizeable monthly income of DPRD members, there is one conventional bank that is able to provide loans of up to Rp 1.2 billion to members of the Kediri City DPRD. “The bank must have calculated the ability to pay. As long as the party doesn’t recall it in the middle of the road, ”said another source.
Meanwhile, Dr. Djoko Siswanto M. M.Si, a lecturer at Pawyatan Daha University (UPD) Kediri, assessed that members of the Kediri City council who have been “on strike” for more than one month are absolutely inappropriate. Their actions can injure people’s trust. Moreover, their salaries are already very large. “In principle, rights are congruent with obligations. Naturally, if the board continues to take their salaries, then their obligations should be carried out. They are members of the board, aren’t they ashamed to eat blind wages ?, ”said Joko in a questioning tone.
Joko added that in general the majority of the people did not feel that the council was really fighting for the aspirations and interests of the people. It is different if the council has an interest, they will insist on fighting for it. “Including when the council demands its rights, it seems excessive,” said Joko.
According to Joko, the case of ‘strike’ for more than one month at the Kediri City DPRD has further reduced public confidence and gives the impression that the council is only concerned with itself, without actually working for its people. “The Covid-19 case cannot fully be used as an excuse for not working. In fact, all institutional activities and community activities, in general, can still run well. Only the City DPRD is overreacting, “added Joko. (mam)

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