Pandemi, Ekonomi Jeblok, PAD Melebihi Target 

Menengok LKPJ Walikota Kediri 2020 (bagian 1)

KEDIRI – Gaung Pandemi Covid -19 mulai Maret 2020 lalu, yang terkesan dan atau dikesankan mencekam dan menakutkan bagi sebagian orang, ternyata nyaris tidak berpengaruh pada kinerja Pemkot Kediri. Secara pertumbuhan ekonomi, selama 2020 pertumbuhan ekonomi turun drastis atau jeblok hingga minus (-) 6,25 persen. Namun di sisi Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), justru melampaui target. Betulkah potensi PAD sebenarnya jauh lebih besar dibanding target yang ditetapkan selama ini?   

Berdasarkan Laporan Keterangan Pertanggungjawaban (LKPJ) Walikota Kediri tahun 2020, yang disampaikan Walikota Abdullah Abu Bakar di rapat Paripurna DPRD Kota Kediri, 21 Maret 2021, nyaris tidak ada kendala apapun dalam kinerjanya. Salah satu indikatornya, hampir semua program kerja berjalan maksimal, target rata-rata hampir mencapai 100 persen dan beberapa OPD di antaranya melampaui target, baik dari sisi pendapatan, belanja (pelaksanaan program,red), dan pembiayaan. Sehingga adanya isu covid-19 dan tidak ada isu covid-19, seakan sama saja.

Berdasarkan pidato pengantar LKPJ Walikota 2020, di sisi pendapatan dengan target 1,207 triliun leih, realisasi Rp 1,283 triliun lebih atau 106, 25 persen. Salah satu sumber pendapatan adalag Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). Target PAD 2020 adalah Rp 239, 7 miliar dan terealisasi Rp 262, 8 miliar lebih atau tembus 109 persen lebih.

Namun di sisi lain, pada 2020 pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat Kota Kediri terkontraksi (– ) 6,25 persen, berbanding berbalik pada tahun 2019 yang mengalami pertumbuhan (+) 5,47 persen. Alasan utamanya adalah, karena pandemic covid-19.

Berdasarkan LKPJ Walikota ini, sekilas ada beberapa ‘kejanggalan’. Realisasi PAD yang tembus 109 persen, sementara banyak sumber-sumber pendapatan yang ‘macet’ seperti pariwisata ditutup total, hiburan malam total, kegiatan massal masyarakat dihentikan, jam buka mall dibatasi, rumah makan dan restoran dibatasi, orang dilarang bepergian, sehingga secara logika para pengusaha mengalami penurunan pendapatan, juga area wisata tanpa pemasukan, yang berpengaruh menurunnya PAD dan sulit memenuhi target pendapatan yang ditetapkan sebelumnya. Namun, nyatanya target terlampaui.

Pada data lain yang disampaikan Walikota, terkait pertumbuhan ekonomi, selama 2020 atau pandemic Covid-19, pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kota Kediri justru anjlok, yaitu minus (-) 6,25 persen. Secara umum, masyarakat  banyak merasa kesulitan ekonomi, daya beli menurun, dan sebagainya.

Realitas data yang disampaikan Walikota Abdullah Abu Bakar, itu memunculkan pertanyaan, benarkah  potensi PAD sebenarnya jauh melampaui target yang selama ini ditetapkan? sehingga di tengah pandemi pun, untuk menyetor target PAD 100 persen atau lebih, masih sangat mampu? Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi?

Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Informasi (Kominfo) Kota Kediri, Apip Permana, saat dikonfirmasi terkait pengaruh pandemic Covid-19 terhadap PAD, hingga sekitar jam 14.00, belum memberikan jawaban rinci. Dia mengatakan masih berusaha mencari jawabannya pada Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) yang membidangi. “Masih menunggu,” katanya. (mam) (bersambung)

Looking at the 2020 Mayor of Kediri LKPJ (part 1)

Pandemic, Economic Downturn, PAD Exceeds Target

KEDIRI – The echo of the Covid-19 Pandemic starting in March 2020, which was impressed and or felt tense and frightening for some people, turned out to have almost no effect on the performance of the Kediri City Government. In terms of economic growth, during 2020 economic growth dropped dramatically or fell to minus (-) 6.25 percent. However, in terms of Regional Original Revenue (PAD), it has exceeded the target.
Based on the 2020 Mayor’s Accountability Statement (LKPJ), which was conveyed by Mayor Abdullah Abu Bakar at the Plenary Meeting of the Kediri City DPRD, March 21, 2021, there was almost no problem whatsoever in his performance. One of the indicators is that almost all work programs run optimally, the average target is almost 100 percent and some of the OPDs exceed the target, both in terms of income, expenditure (program implementation, red), and financing. So that there is a covid-19 issue and no covid-19 issue, it seems the same.
Based on the introduction of the 2020 Mayor’s LKPJ, on the revenue side with a target of more than 1.207 trillion, the realization is more than IDR 1.283 trillion or 106.25 percent. One source of income is Regional Original Income (PAD). The target of PAD 2020 is IDR 239.7 billion and realized IDR 262.8 billion or over 109 percent.
But on the other hand, in 2020 the economic growth of the people of Kediri City contracted (-) 6.25 percent, compared to reversing in 2019 which experienced a growth of (+) 5.47 percent. The main reason is, because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Based on the Mayor’s LKPJ, at first glance there are some “irregularities”. The realization of PAD was 109 percent, while many sources of ‘stuck’ income such as tourism were completely closed, total night entertainment, mass community activities were stopped, mall opening hours were limited, restaurants and restaurants were restricted, people were prohibited from traveling, so logically the businessmen experienced a decrease in income, as well as tourist areas without income, which had an effect on decreasing PAD and it was difficult to meet the previously set revenue targets. However, in fact the target was exceeded.
In other data submitted by the Mayor, related to economic growth, during 2020 or the Covid-19 pandemic, economic growth in Kediri City actually dropped, namely minus (-) 6.25 percent. In general, many people feel economic difficulties, decreased purchasing power, and so on.
The reality of the data submitted by Mayor Abdullah Abu Bakar, raises the question, is it true that the potential for PAD actually far exceeds the target that has been set so far? So even in the midst of a pandemic, to pay the PAD target of 100 percent or more, are you still very capable? What exactly happened?
Head of the Kediri City Communication and Information Service (Kominfo), Apip Permana, when confirmed regarding the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on PAD, until around 14.00, had not yet provided a detailed answer. He said he was still trying to find answers to the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) in charge. “Still waiting,” he said. (mam) (to be continued)

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