PAN – NasDem Mulai Konsolidasi

KEDIRI –  Mensikapi kekosongan Wakil Walikota (Wawali) Kediri, PAN dan NasDem mulai melakukan konsolidasi untuk menyamakan persepsi dan beberapa hal terkait pengisian Wawali. Mereka menggelar pertemuan di salah satu hotel di Kediri, Kamis (7/1/21) bersama Walikota Abdullah Abu Bakar alias Mas Abu. Hadir pada pertemuan itu antara lain, Sri Sajekti Sudjunadi, yang sering dipanggil Bu Janet (ketua DPW NasDem Jatim), Nurhadi (anggota DPR RI dari NasDem), H. Nafis Kurtubi (ketua DPD NasDem Kota Kediri), Abdul Bagi (ketua DPD PAN Kota Kediri), dan Abdullah Abu Bakar (Walikota Kediri). Kebetulan, Bu Janet sedang ada acara konsolidasi partai di Kota Kediri.

Ketua DPD NasDem Kota Kediri, Nafis Kurtubi, membenarkan adanya pertemuan itu. Dia menjelaskan, secara umum pertemuan itu salah satunya membahas terkait pengisian kekosongan Wawali, sehingga ada persamaan persepsi tentang bagaimana pengisian Wawali. “Kita juga sudah menyodorkan beberapa nama bakal calon ke Mas Abu, yang dari NasDem,”ujar Nafis Kurtubi, ditemui usai pertemuan konsolidasi di kantor DPD NasDem.

Hanya saja, Nafis masih belum mau membuka siapa saja nama bakal calon Wawali yang disodorkan ke Mas Abu itu. Sebab, masih dalam perlu penggodokan dan pembicaraan awal. “Soal nama masih secret (rahasia,red),”tandas Nafis.

Soal pembicaraan terkait dengan pengisian Wawali itu, juga sempat disampaikan Bu Janet pada konsolidasi partai. Yang jelas, jika Walikota cocok, kader NasDem siap mengisi jabatan Wawali itu. Persoalan siapa nama yang diusung, masih belum ditentukan. “NasDem yang jelas siap mengisi,”tambah Nafis.

Sementara itu, ketua DPD PAN Kota Kediri, Abdul Bagi, saat dikonfirmasi juga membenarkan adanya pertemuan antara PAN – NasDem dan Walikota Mas Abu itu. Bagi menemui Bu Janet karena kebetulan dia ada agenda di Kediri. Hanya saja, terkait dengan pengisian Wawali, Bagi menyebut pihaknya masih akan menunggu Musda PAN. (mam)

PAN – NasDem Starts Consolidation

KEDIRI – Responding to the vacancy of the Deputy Mayor (Wawali) of Kediri, PAN and NasDem began to consolidate to equalize perceptions and several things related to filling the Wawali. They held a meeting at a hotel in Kediri, Thursday (7/1/21) with Mayor Abdullah Abu Bakar alias Mas Abu. Present at the meeting, among others, Sri Sajekti Sudjunadi, who is often called Mrs. Janet (head of DPW NasDem East Java), Nurhadi (DPR RI member from NasDem), H. Nafis Kurtubi (chairman of DPD NasDem City of Kediri), Abdul Bagi (chairman of DPD PAN. Kediri City), and Abdullah Abu Bakar (Mayor of Kediri). Incidentally, Mrs. Janet was having a party consolidation event in Kediri.
The chairman of the NasDem DPD in Kediri, Nafis Kurtubi, confirmed the meeting. He explained, in general, the meeting discussed, among others, related to filling the vacant Wawali, so that there is a common perception of how to fill Wawali. “We have also submitted several names of prospective candidates to Mas Abu, who are from NasDem,” said Nafis Kurtubi, when met after the consolidation meeting at the DPD NasDem office.
It’s just that Nafis still does not want to reveal the names of the prospective Wawali candidates who were presented to Mas Abu. Because, there is still a need for initial deliberation and discussion. “About the name is still a secret (secret, red),” said Nafis.
Regarding the discussion related to filling the wawali, Mrs. Janet also conveyed at the party consolidation. What is clear, if the Mayor is suitable, NasDem cadres are ready to fill the post of Mayor. The issue of the name being carried has yet to be determined. “NasDem is clearly ready to fill in,” added Nafis.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the DPD PAN for Kediri City, Abdul Bagi, when confirmed, also confirmed the meeting between PAN – NasDem and Mayor Mas Abu. To meet Mrs. Janet because she happened to have an agenda in Kediri. It’s just that, regarding the filling of the Wawali, Bagi said that his party was still waiting for the PAN Musda. (mam)

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