Operasi Yustisi, Disiplinkan Protokol Kesehatan

Denda Maksimal Rp 500 Ribu, Digelar Siang – Malam  

KEDIRI – Masa pandemi Covid-19, harus terus diwaspadai masyarakat dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Untuk menertibkan masyarakat agar disiplin protokol kesehatan, petugas gabungan TNI Polri, Satpol PP, dan PM, melakukan operasi yustisi secara rutin setiap hari baik siang maupun  malam untuk mendisiplinkan warga Kota Kediri agar melaksanakan protokol kesehatan. Seperti yang dilaksanakan pada Senin (9/11/2020),

OPERASI MASKER : Operasi Yusisi yang digelar tim gabungan di Jalan Bandar Ngalim, Mojoroto

Petugas gabungan menggelar operasi yustisi di Jl. Bandar Ngalim, Mojoroto.  “Operasi ini untuk mendisiplinkan penerapan protokol kesehatan untuk keselamatan masyarakat.  Operasi yustisi ini berdasarkan Perda Provinsi Jatim No.  2 th 2020 dan Perwali Kota Kediri No. 32 tahun 2020,” kata Ferry Djatmiko, Plt. Kasatpol PP Kota Kediri.

Petugas gabungan itu mulai bersiaga di jalan sekitar pukul 13.00 WIB kemudian menghentikan para pengendara yang lewat, baik mobil maupun sepeda motor yang tidak mengenakan masker. Mayoritas warga mengira operasi yustisi itu terkait kelengkapan kendaraan. Sehingga begitu dihentikan, beberapa warga menyodorkan SIM dan STNK kendaraan ke petugas. Padahal yang dilihat adalah penggunaan masker. “Hari ini tadi 10 orang pelanggar yang akan kita sidangkan tipiring (tindak pidana ringan) di Kantor Pengadilan Negeri Kota Kediri,” kata Yuni Widianto, Kasi Penyelidikan dan Penyidikan Satpol PP Kota Kediri

Yuni menjelaskan, sidang hasil operasi yustisi itu digelar setiap Senin. Sesuai Perda, denda maksimal sebanyak Rp 500 ribu atau denda kurungan maksimal 3 bulan. “Hasil denda dimasukan ke dalam khas daerah Kota Kediri melalui Bank Jatim Cabang Kediri,” tambah Yuni.

Menurut Yuni, ada 2 sistem operasi yustisi yang diterapkan.  Pertama sistem di tempat,  dengan melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap pengguna jalan. Kedua sistem keliling, yaitu keliling ke tempat tempat keramaian seperti mal, kafe, dan angkringan. Biasanya, yang terjaring pada operasi malam karena pelanggaran tidak mengenakan masker dan tidak jaga jarak. (adv).

Operation Yustisi, Discipline Health Protocol

Maximum fine of IDR 500 thousand, be held day and night,  

KEDIRI – During the Covid-19 pandemic, the community must continue to be aware of by implementing health protocols. To discipline the community so that the discipline of health protocols, joint officers of the National Police, Satpol PP, and PM, carry out regular justice operations every day both day and night to discipline residents of Kediri City to implement health protocols. As held on Monday (9/11/2020), joint officers held a Justisi operation on Jl. Bandar Ngalim, Mojoroto. “This operation is to discipline the application of health protocols for public safety. This justification operation is based on the East Java Provincial Regulation No. 2 th 2020 and the Mayor of Kediri No. 32 of 2020, “said Ferry Djatmiko, Plt. Kasatpol PP Kediri City.
The joint officers were on standby on the road at around 13.00 WIB then stopped passing motorists, both cars and motorbikes who were not wearing masks. The majority of residents thought the Justisi operation was related to vehicle equipment. So that when it was stopped, several residents handed their vehicle SIM and STNK to the officer. Even though what you see is the use of masks. “Today, we will hear 10 offenders for tipiring (minor criminal acts) at the Kediri City District Court Office,” said Yuni Widianto, Head of Investigation and Investigation of the Kediri City Satpol PP.
Yuni explained, the trial of the results of the Justisi operation was held every Monday. According to the Perda, the maximum fine is IDR 500 thousand or a maximum fine of 3 months in prison. “The fines are entered into the typical areas of Kediri City through Bank Jatim Kediri Branch,” added Yuni.
According to Yuni, there are 2 yustisi operating systems implemented. First the system is in place, by examining road users. The second is the mobile system, namely traveling to crowded places such as malls, cafes, and angkringan. Usually, those caught in night operations for violations do not wear masks and do not keep their distance. (bad).

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