Rapat Dewan Pengupahan, Deadlock

Buruh Minta Naik Rp 100 Ribu, Pengusaha Menolak

KEDIRI – Rapat dewan pengupahan untuk menentukan Upah Minimum Kota (UMK) Kota Kediri, yang dilakukan antara Serikat Pekerja (SP), Dewan Pengupahan, Kadin, dan Disnaker Kota Kediri, pada Jumat (7/11/20) dikabarkan deadlock. Mereka gagal menemukan kesepakatan.

GAGAL SEPAKAT : Rapat dewan pengupahan Kota Kediri

Serikat Pekerja yang diwakili SPSI, Sarbumi, dan Kesatuan Buruh Kebangsaan Indonesia (KBKI) menuntut agar ada kenaikan UMK Rp 100 ribu pada 2021 nanti. Tapi perwakilan pengusaha yang diwakili Kadin, menolak. “Terpaksa deadlock, karena belum menemukan kesepakatan,”ujar Suyadi, ketua Serikat Buruh Muslimin Indonesia (Sarbumusi) Kota Kediri, saat dikonfirmasi terkait hasil pertemuan dewan pengupahan.

ZAINAL ARIFIN : Perwakilan Kadin Kota Kediri

Menurut Suyadi, serikat pekerja meminta agar ada kenaikan UMK karena inflasi di Kota Kediri cukup tinggi. Selain itu, serikat pekerja juga berpatokan pada kenaikan Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) Jawa Timur 2021 sebesar Rp 100 ribu. Semula UMP Rp 1.768. 1777 naik menjadi Rp 1.868.777. Sedangkan UMK Kota Kediri, semula Rp 2.060.925 dimintakan naik menjadi Rp 2.160.925 pada 2021. “Permintaan kenaikan ini wajar, karena kita tidak bisa menjamin harga barang tahun depan tidak akan naik. Kalau harga barang naik, buruh akan kebingungan secara ekonomi, karena UMK tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari,”tandasnya.

Hal serupa diungkapkan Imam Mukri, ketua SPSI Kota Kediri. Dia membenarkan adanya permintaan kenaikan UMK Rp 100 ribu pada 2021 nanti. Hanya saja, permintaan itu belum disepakati oleh perwakilan pengusaha. “Permintaan kenaikan itu, dasarnya adalah UMP sudah diputuskan naik Rp 100 ribu,”kata Imam Mukri.

Sementara itu, Zainal Arifin, perwakilan dari Kadin mengakui belum ada kesepakatan antara SP dengan Kadin, saat rapat dewan pengupahan. Karena permintaan kenaikan UMK itu dasar hitungannya tidak jelas. Hanya berdasarkan kenaikan UMP. “Kita tidak menolak, tapi dasar hitungannya yang tidak ada,”ujarnya.

Menurut Zainal, selama ini kenaikan UMK itu berdasarkan survey Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL) dan PP 78 tahun 2015 tentang Pengupahan. Selain itu, situasi sekarang masih pandemi dan  banyak karyawan yang dirumahkan. “Sehingga belum layak UMK untuk dinaikkan,”tandas Zainal. (mam)

Wage Council Meeting, Deadlock

Workers Ask to Increase Rp 100 Thousand, Entrepreneurs Reject 

KEDIRI – The meeting of the wage council to determine the City Minimum Wage (UMK) for the City of Kediri, which was held between the Workers Union (SP), the Wage Council, the Chamber of Commerce and the City of Kediri, on Friday (7/11/20) was reportedly a deadlock. They failed to find an agreement. The Workers Union represented by SPSI, Sarbumi, and the Indonesian National Workers Union (KBKI) demanded that there be an increase in the UMK of Rp. 100,000 in 2021. However, representatives of entrepreneurs represented by Kadin, refused. “Forced to deadlock, because they have not found an agreement,” said Suyadi, chairman of the Indonesian Muslim Workers Union (Sarbumusi) in Kediri, when confirmed regarding the results of the wage council meeting.
According to Suyadi, the union asked for an increase in the UMK because inflation in Kediri was quite high. In addition, trade unions are also based on an increase in the 2021 East Java Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) of IDR 100,000. Initially the UMP was IDR 1,768. 1777 increased to IDR 1,868,777. Meanwhile, the UMK of Kediri City, originally Rp. 2,060,925, was asked to increase to Rp. 2,160,925 in 2021. “The demand for this increase is reasonable, because we cannot guarantee that the price of goods next year will not increase. If the price of goods rises, workers will be economically confused, because the UMK is not sufficient to meet their daily needs, “he said.
The same thing was expressed by Imam Mukri, chairman of the SPSI Kota Kediri. He confirmed that there is a request for an increase in the UMK of Rp. 100,000 in 2021. However, the business representative has not agreed to the request. “The request for an increase, the basis is that the UMP has been decided to increase by Rp. 100 thousand,” said Imam Mukri.
Meanwhile, Zainal Arifin, a representative from Kadin, admitted that there was no agreement between SP and Kadin during a wage board meeting. Because the demand for an increase in the UMK is not clear. Only based on the increase in UMP. “We do not reject it, but the basis for the calculation is not there,” he said.
According to Zainal, so far the increase in UMK is based on the Decent Living Needs (KHL) survey and PP 78 of 2015 concerning Wages. In addition, the current situation is still a pandemic and many employees have been laid off. “So it is not feasible for the UMK to be raised,” said Zainal. (mam)

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