Proyek TPA 3 Ditangani Pidsus Kejati

PPKom Proyek Sudah Diperiksa Kejaksaan

KEDIRI – Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPKom) proyek Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPA) dikabarkan sudah diperiksa Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kejati)  Jawa Timur, terkait penyelidikan dugaan korupsi pada proyek TPA 3 Klotok, Kota Kediri, tahun 2019. Informasi yang dikumpulkan, setidaknya sudah ada 3 orang  yang dipanggil untuk pemeriksaan kasus proyek itu. “Setahu saya setidaknya sudah ada 3 orang yang diperiksa, ada yang dari internal dinas, ada juga yang dari luar dinas,”ujar sumber

GAMBAR PROYEK : Desain proyek TPA 3 Kota Kediri, tahun 2019, yang sedang diselidiki Kejati Jawa Timur

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, proyek pembuatan TPA 3 di Klotok, Kota Kediri, sedang diselidiki Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kejati) Jawa Timur. Proyek senilai Rp 7,6 miliar lebih tahun 2019. Tender proyek itu dimenangkan oleh Bangkit Eka Jaya, Gresik.

Informasi yang dikumpulkan kediripost,, lokasi TPA 3 itu sebenarnya direncanakan di sebelah barat TPA sebelumnya, yang kondisinya sekarang masih berupa ‘hutan’ penuh pohon. Namun, karena masih ada masalah tanah di lokasi yang direncanakan itu, akhirnya dipindahkan di sebelah Selatan, yang semula merupakan area makam. Sedangkan sejumlah makam di lokasi itu dipindahkan ke areal pemakaman sebelah utara.   

RY, Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPKom) proyek TPA 3 Klotok, yang disebut-sebut sudah dimintai keterangan oleh Kejati, hingga berita ini ditulis, belum bisa dikonfirmasi. Saat kediripost berusaha menemui di kantornya, dua kali, dia tidak pernah ada di tempat. “Sedang keluar Mas,”ujar security yang sedang bertugas. “Orangnya sedang sakit Mas,”ujar staf yang lain, di bagian penerima tamu.

Saat RY dihubungi melalui saluran WA, tidak ada jawaban. Begitu juga saat kediripost berusaha menghubungi melalui telepon selular, juga tidak diangkat.

Sementara itu, Kasi Penerangan Hukum (Penkum) Kejati Jawa Timur, Fathur Rohman SH. M.H, yang dikonfirmasi terkait kasus tersebut, membenarkan Kejati sedang melakukan penyelidikan terkait proyek TPA Klotok, Kota Kediri. Kasus itu sedang ditangani bagian Pidana Khusus (Pidsus). Tetapi dia belum berani memberi keterangan terbuka dan detail, karena masih tahap penyelidikan. “Mohon maaf, itu ditangani Pidsus, masih penyelidikan, belum bisa dibuka secara detail,”ujarnya. (mam)

The Project of TPA 3 was handled by the Attorney General’s Office

PPKom Project Has Been Examined by the Prosecutor

KEDIRI – The Commitment Making Officer (PPKom) for the Waste Disposal Site (TPA) project has reportedly been investigated by the East Java High Prosecutor’s Office (Kejati), regarding the investigation into suspected corruption in the TPA 3 Klotok project, Kediri City, in 2019. Information collected by , at least 3 people have been summoned to investigate the project case. “As far as I know, there have been at least 3 people who have been examined, some from internal services, some from outside the office,” said a source at
As previously reported, the TPA 3 construction project in Klotok, Kediri City, is being investigated by the East Java High Court (Kejati). The project is worth more than Rp. 7.6 billion in 2019. The tender for the project was won by Bangkit Eka Jaya, Gresik.
The information gathered by kediripost,, that the location of TPA 3 was actually planned to be located in the west of the previous TPA, which is still in the form of a “forest” full of trees. However, because there were still land problems at the planned location, it was finally moved to the South, which was originally a burial area. Meanwhile, a number of graves at that location were moved to the northern burial area.
RY, the Commitment Making Officer (PPKom) for the TPA 3 Klotok project, who was said to have been questioned by the Attorney General’s Office, until this news was written, could not be confirmed. When the kediripost tried to meet him in his office, twice, he was never there. “I’m out, Mas,” said the security on duty. “The man is sick, Mas,” said another staff member, at the reception.
When RY was contacted via the WA channel, there was no answer. Likewise, when the kediripost tried to contact via cellular phone, it was also not answered.
Meanwhile, the Head of Legal Information (Penkum) at the East Java Prosecutor’s Office, Fathur Rohman SH. M.H, who was confirmed in connection with the case, confirmed that the Attorney General’s Office was conducting an investigation regarding the Klotok TPA project, Kediri City. The case is currently being handled by the Special Criminal Division (Pidsus). However, he did not have the courage to give an open and detailed statement, because it was still under investigation. “Sorry, it was handled by Pidsus, it is still being investigated, the details cannot be disclosed,” he said. (mam)

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