Kantor BPR Kota Digeledah Kejaksaan

KEDIRI – Kantor BPR Kota Kediri di komplek ruko Brawijaya, digeledah tim Seksi Pidana Kusus (Pidsus)  Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Kediri, Selasa (19/1/21) mulai sekitar pukul 14.00 terkait dugaan penyimpangan kredit dan keuangan di bank milik Pemkot Kediri itu. “Untuk melengkapi bukti-bukti, selain bukti yang sudah diserahkan,”ujar Nurngali, Kasi Pidsus Kejari Kediri, terkait penggeledahan kantor BPR Kota Kediri itu.

DIGELEDAH : Tim Kejaksaan Negeri Kota Kediri saat menggeldah kantor BPR Kota Kediri

Seperti diberitakan, Kejari Kediri sedang memeriksa kasus dugaan penyimpangan di BPR Kota Kediri. Sejumlah saksi, baik dari internal maupun eksternal BPR Kota Kediri, sudah diperiksa dan sejumlah bukti sudah berhasil disita.

DIKAWAL POLISI : Polisi mengawal penggeledahan kantor BPR Kota Kediri

Dugaan penyimpangan ini, bermula dari Non Performing Loan (NPL) atau kredit bermasalah yang sangat tinggi, sempat mencapai sekitar 50 persen. Sejumlah nasabah dengan nilai ratusan juta, pembayaran angsuran kreditnya tersendat, bahkan dikabarkan ada yang sama sekali tidak membayar angsuran. Sehingga, diduga ada ‘permainan’ dalam prosesnya. Sehingga kredit macet menjadi sangat tinggi.

Pada penggeledahan di kantor BPR Kota Kediri ini, dikawal ketat oleh polisi. Tim kejaksaan terlihat memeriksa sejumlah berkas di kantor itu untuk mencari tambahan bukti-bukti dugaan penyimpangannya dengan membawa tas besar. Hingga berita ini ditulis, belum jelas bukti apa saja yang berhasil disita kejaksaan. “Kami hanya mengawal penggeledahan ini,”ujar Kompol Abraham Sisik, Kabag Ops Polres Kediri Kota, yang ditemui di sela-sela pengawalan penggeledahan. (mam)

City BPR Office Ransacked by the Prosecutor’s Office

KEDIRI – Kediri City BPR Office in the Brawijaya shop-house complex, was searched by the Criminal Criminal Section Team (Pidsus) of the Kediri District Prosecutor’s Office (Kejari), Tuesday (19/1/21) starting at around 14.00 regarding alleged credit and financial irregularities at the bank owned by the Kediri City Government. . “To complete the evidence, apart from the evidence that has been submitted,” said Nurngali, Kasi Pidsus Kejari Kediri, related to the search of the Kediri City BPR office. As reported, the Kediri Prosecutor’s Office is currently investigating a case of suspected irregularities at the BPR Kota Kediri. A number of witnesses, both internal and external to the BPR Kota Kediri, have been questioned and a number of evidences have been confiscated. The suspicion of this irregularity, stems from the very high non-performing loans (NPL) or non-performing loans, which reached around 50 percent. A number of customers with a value of hundreds of millions, their credit installment payments have stalled, and some are even reported to have not paid installments at all. Thus, it is suspected that there is a “game” in the process. So that bad credit becomes very high. During the search at the BPR office in Kediri City, the police were closely guarded. The prosecutor’s team was seen examining a number of files in the office to look for additional evidence of alleged irregularities by carrying a large bag. Until this news was written, it was not clear what evidence the prosecutor had succeeded in confiscating. “We are only guarding this search,” said Commissioner Abraham Sisik, Head of the Ops for the Kediri City Police, who was met on the sidelines of the search. (mam)

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