‘Gerilya Politik’ Penyerahan SHP 33 ?   

KEDIRI – Upaya Pemkot Kediri untuk ‘menyerahkan’ lahan SHP 33 Kelurahan Balowerti ke pengusaha perumahan, atau pengembang PT. S.K Bangun Persada, dikabarkan terus berjalan. Di sisi lain, paripurna DPRD tentang laporan hasil Pansus SHP 33 yang sebelumnya dijadwalkan 26 April 2021 lalu, tiba-tiba batal tanpa kejelasan, dan sampai sekarang belum ada kabar kepastian kapan paripurna akan dilaksanakan.

SUDAH SIAP : Gapura masuk Persada II yang sudah disiapkan pengembang, di dekat lahan SHP 33 dan akses jal;an menuju ke lokasi itu, ditengarai sebagian sudah memanfaatkan lahan SHP 33, meskipun belum dilepas oleh Pemkot,

Isu yang berkembang, pengunduran paripurnah penyampaian hasil Pansus SHP 33 itu, sengaja diundur. Sehingga memberikan waktu lobi-lobi politik dan  ‘gerilya politik’ untuk memuluskan SHP 33 bisa diserahkan ke pengembang, berharap DPRD bisa menyetujui  penyerahan tanpa melalui proses ruilslag dari awal. Meski ada ‘gerilya politik’, namun sebagian anggota dewan mengaku kekeuh menolak karena takut pidana dan kurang nyaman dengan isu rese – rese ‘transaksional’ yang sudah menyebar.  “Tidak tahu. Kapan paripurna (Pansus SHP 33,red) dilakukan. Belum ada kabar. Masih lobi-lobian,”ujar salah seorang anggota DPRD Kota Kediri, yang menolak disebut namanya.

Seperti diberitakan, Pansus SHP 33 DPRD Kota Kediri, gagal mengambil keputusan terkait permintaan Pemkot Kediri untuk menyerahkan lahan SHP 33 seluas 3.510 m2 di Kelurahan Balowerti ke PT. SK. Bangun Persada. Alasannya, lahan SHP 33 tidak termasuk dalam perjanjian ruilslag tahun 2014.

Diduga, untuk merespon alasan Pansus yang menolak menyerahkan SHP 33, yaitu tidak masuk dalam perjanjian 2014, Walikota Abdullah Abu Bakar tiba-tiba membuat perjanjian baru tahun 2021 bersama  PT. SK Bangun Persada, dengan memasukkan SHP 33 sebagai bagian dari lahan yang diruilslag. Harapannya, alasan ditolak Pansus karena tidak masuk dalam perjanjian, sudah hilang.

Namu berdasarkan  perjanjian baru ini pula, semakin memperkuat persepsi adanya indikasi bahwa seakan – akan Walikota ingin menyerahkan SHP 33 secara gratis ke pengembang. Selain itu, berdasarkan dokumen yang diterima kediripost, perjanjian baru ini hanya ditandatangani dua orang, yaitu Walikota Abdullah Abu Bakar dan Dirut PT. SK Bangun Persada, Oepoyo Sardjono, tanpa ada satu pun saksi.

Ketua Pansus SHP 33, Mistiani, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsApp, juga mengakui belum adanya jadwal paripurna penyampaian hasil Pansus SHP 33 itu. Dia juga belum tahu kapan akan dijadwalkan. “Belum terjadwal Pak,”katanya. (mam)

Guerrilla Politics’ Submission of SHP 33?

KEDIRI – Kediri City Government’s efforts to ‘hand over’ land for SHP 33 Balowerti Village to a housing entrepreneur, or developer of PT. S.K Bangun Persada, reportedly continued. On the other hand, the DPRD plenary on the report on the results of the Special Committee for SHP 33 which was previously scheduled for April 26, 2021, suddenly canceled without clarity, and until now there has been no news of certainty when the plenary will be held.
A growing issue, the postponement of the delivery of the results of the Special Committee for SHP 33, was deliberately postponed. So that it allows time for political lobbying and “political guerrillas” to smoothen SHP 33 that can be submitted to the developer, hoping that the DPRD can approve the handover without going through the ruilslag process from the start. Despite the existence of “guerrilla politics”, some members of the council admit that they are adamant about rejecting them because they are afraid of being criminalized and uncomfortable with the issue of “transactional” research that has spread. “Do not know. When will the plenary session (Pansus SHP 33, red) be held. No news. It’s still lobbying, ”said a member of the Kediri City DPRD, who declined to be identified.
As reported, the Special Committee for SHP 33 DPRD of Kediri City failed to make a decision regarding the request of the Kediri City Government to hand over the 3510 m2 SHP 33 land in Balowerti Village to PT. SK. Build Persada. The reason is that the 33 SHP land was not included in the 2014 ruilslag agreement.
Allegedly, in response to the reason for the Special Committee for refusing to hand over SHP 33, which was not included in the 2014 agreement, Mayor Abdullah Abu Bakar suddenly made a new agreement in 2021 with PT. SK Bangun Persada, by including SHP 33 as part of the released land. The hope is that the reason the special committee rejected it because it was not included in the agreement was gone.
However, based on this new agreement, it further strengthens the perception that there is an indication that it is as if the Mayor wants to hand over SHP 33 for free to the developer. In addition, based on the documents received by Kediripost, this new agreement was only signed by two people, namely Mayor Abdullah Abu Bakar and Managing Director of PT. SK Bangun Persada, Oepoyo Sardjono, without any witnesses.
The head of the SHP 33 Special Committee, Mistiani, when confirmed through the WhatsApp channel, also admitted that there was no plenary schedule for the delivery of the results of the SHP 33 Special Committee. He also doesn’t know when it will be scheduled. “It has not been scheduled, Sir,” he said. (mam)


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