Desak Selomangleng Dibuka

8 Bulan Tutup, Bingung Cari Penghasilan Lain

KEDIRI – Sejumlah anggota paguyuban pedagang, penyedia mainan anak-anak di kawasan wisata Gua Selamangleng, dan GOR Jayabaya, mendesak agar wisata segera dibuka, sebab mereka sudah sekitar 8 bulan tidak bekerja dan harus mencari pekerjaan lain, karena wisata ditutup. Sebagian pedagang kuliner, kini banyak menempati di area luar wisata. Tetapi bagi pelaku usaha mainan anak-anak, belum bisa berbuat apa-apa.

MINTA SOLUSI : Para pedagang dan penyedia mainan di Selomangleng dan GOR Jayabaya, saat pertemuan di kantorKesbangpolinmas Kota Kediri

Mereka kemarin menggelar pertemuan dengan Kebangpolinmas, untuk menyampaikan aspirasi mereka. Sebenarnya, mereka sudah menyampaikan aspirasi itu ke DPRD dan Pemkot. Jadwal dengan Kesbangpolinmas ini, sebenarnya ajuan mereka untuk audiensi dengan Walikota. Tetapi kemudian diserahkan ke Kesbangpolinmas.

Harsono, salah seorang penyedia mainan anak-anak di Selomangleng, menjelaskan usaha mainan anak-anaknya sudah berhenti sejak Maret lalu atau sekitar 8 bulan. Untuk menghidupi keluarganya, dia bekerja di bidang lain. “Sudah delapan bulan usaha mainan anak-anak tidak operasi. Di beberapa tempat, wisata kan sudah dibuka. Kalau bisa wisata Selomangleng dibuka lagi. Kalau tidak, tolong diberi solusi di tempat lain agar ekonomi keluarga berjalan,”katanya.

Sementara itu, Kepala Kesbangpolinmas Kota Kediri, Bagus mengakui adanya pertemuan dengan paguyuban pedagang dan penyedia mainan Selomangleng dan GOR Jayabaya itu. Persoalan pedagang dan penyedia mainan itu, masih dalam proses pencarian solusi dan masalah itu akan dibicarakan bersama antar Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD). “Dalam waktu dekat akan kita bicarakan dengan OPD terkait. Insya Allah ada solusinya,”katanya. (mam)

Urged Selomangleng to be Opened

8 Months Closed, Confused Find Other Income

KEDIRI – A number of members of the merchant association, providers of children’s toys in the Selamangleng Cave tourist area, and GOR Jayabaya, urged tourism to open immediately, because they had been unemployed for about 8 months and had to find other jobs, because the tour was closed. Most of the culinary traders now occupy areas outside of tourism. But for the children’s toy business, they cannot do anything about it.
Yesterday they held a meeting with Kebangpolinmas, to convey their aspirations. Actually, they have conveyed their aspirations to the DPRD and the City Government. The schedule with this Kesbangpolinmas is actually their proposal for an audience with the Mayor. But then handed over to Kesbangpolinmas.
Harsono, a supplier of children’s toys in Selomangleng, explained that his children’s toy business had stopped since last March or about 8 months. To support his family, he worked in other fields. “It has been eight months since the children’s toy business has not operated. In some places, tours have already opened. If possible, Selomangleng tourism will be opened again. If not, please provide solutions elsewhere so that the family economy runs, “he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Kesbangpolinmas Kota Kediri, Bagus acknowledged that there was a meeting with the association of traders and providers of toys Selomangleng and GOR Jayabaya. The issue of traders and toy providers is still in the process of finding solutions and the problem will be discussed jointly between Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD). “In the near future we will discuss it with the relevant OPD. God willing, there is a solution, “he said. (mam)

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