Camat Purwoasri ‘Dipecat’

Terkait Dugaan Pungli THR ke Desa – Desa

KEDIRI – Idul Fitri 1442 H atau 2021 ini, tampaknya menjadi idul fitri yang nahas bagi Camat Purwoasri, Mudatsir. Sebab, di tengah merayakan idul fitri, dia dipecat dari jabatannya oleh Bupati Kediri Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito, atas kasus dugaan pungutan liar (Pungli) Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR) ke desa-desa. Selain itu, Kasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (PMD) Kecamatan Purwoasri, juga diberi sanksi penurunan pangkat satu tingkat selama 3 tahun. “Dugaan pelanggaran PP No. 53 tahun 2010 tentang Disiplin Pegawai,”ujar Bupati Dhito, saat konferensi pers di Pendapa Panjalu Jayati, Sabtu (15/5/2021), mengutip aturan yang diduga dilanggar  Camat Mudatsir. Pada saat konferensi pers, Bupati Dhito didampingi Kepala BKD Solikin dan Kepala Inspektorat Nono Sukardi.

AKHIRNYA DIPECAT : Bupati Dhito akhirnya bertindak tegas memecat Mudatsir dari Camat Purwoasri setelah OTT dugaan pungli THR:

Dhito menjelaskan, sebelum Operasi Tangkap Tangan (OTT) pada Kamis, 5 Mei 2021 di Balaidesa Ketawang, Kec. Purwoasri, sebenarnya dia sudah mengingatkan ke seluruh ASN di Pemkab untuk tidak ada penarikan THR. Bahkan Camat Purwoasri Mudatsir (4/5/2021), setelah buka puasa, sehari sebelum kejadian OTT, ditelepon Bupati Dhito, diingatkan bahwa tindakan permintaan THR itu adalah tindakan indisipliner.

“Saya minta mengembalikan uang yang sudah ditarik dan menghentikan kegiatan tersebut. Ternyata, informasi yang saya terima, transaksi itu terus berjalan. Maka pada 5 Mei, saya sendiri yang turun ke lapangan. Karena saya sudah ingatkan tapi tapi diindahkan, maka saya minta inspektorat memproses,”tandas Dhito.

Hasil pemeriksaan inspektorat, Camat Purwoasri Mudatsir dan Kasi PMD Kecamatan Purwoasri, Didik Prasetyo dinilai sudah melakukan pelanggaran berat disiplin pegawai. “Hasil pemeriksaan inspektorat itu, pada Selasa (11/5/2021) sudah dilakukan rapat koordinasi dengan pihat terkait, antara Bagian Hukum, Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BLD), Inspektorat, dan sebagainya,”tandasnya.

Seperti diberitakan, Bupati Dhito menangkap basah adanya dugaan pungutan liar penarikan uang THR dari Kecamatan Purwoasri ke desa-desa. Masing – masing desa diminta setor uang Rp 1 juta ke kecamatan. Bupati Dhito menangkap dugaan pungli itu saat mereka mengumpulkan uang di Desa Ketawang, Kecamatan Purwoasi, yang saat itu terkumpul uang Rp 15 juta. (mam)

Head of Purwoasri sub-district ‘fired’

Regarding Alleged THR Extortion to Villages

KEDIRI – This Idul Fitri 1442 H or 2021, seems to be an unlucky Eid for the Head of Purwoasri Sub-district, Mudatsir. Because, in the middle of celebrating Eid Al-Fitr, he was fired from his position by the Regent of Kediri Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito, for the alleged illegal levies (Pungli) for Hari Raya Allowances (THR) to the villages. In addition, the Head of Village Community Empowerment (PMD) Purwoasri Subdistrict, was also given a sanction to be demoted one level for 3 years. “Alleged violation of PP. No. 53 of 2010 concerning Employee Discipline, “said Regent Dhito, during a press conference at Pendapa Panjalu Jayati, Saturday (15/5/2021), citing a rule that Head Mudatsir District allegedly violated. During the press conference, Regent Dhito was accompanied by the Head of BKD Solikin and Head of Inspectorate Nono Sukardi.
Dhito explained, before Hand Catch Operation (OTT) on Thursday, May 5, 2021 at Balaidesa Ketawang, Kec. Purwoasri, actually he has reminded all ASN in the district government not to withdraw the THR. Even the sub-district head of Purwoasri Mudatsir (4/5/2021), after breaking the fast, a day before the OTT incident, Regent Dhito called, reminded that the act of requesting THR was an act of discipline.
“I ask to return the money that has been withdrawn and stop the activity. As it turned out, the information I received was that the transaction continued. So on May 5, I myself went to the field. Because I warned but but heed it, I asked the inspectorate to process it, “said Dhito.
The results of the inspectorate’s inspection, Head of Purwoasri Mudatsir Sub-district and Head of PMD Purwoasri District, Didik Prasetyo, were considered to have committed serious violations of employee discipline. “The results of the inspectorate’s inspection, on Tuesday (11/5/2021) have conducted a coordination meeting with related advisors, between the Legal Department, the Regional Civil Service Agency (BLD), the Inspectorate, and so on,” he said.
As reported, Regent Dhito caught red tape of the illegal withdrawal of THR money from Purwoasri District to villages. Each village was asked to deposit Rp. 1 million to the sub-district. Regent Dhito arrested the suspicion of extortion when they collected money in Ketawang Village, Purwoasi District, which at that time collected Rp. 15 million. (mam)

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