Dugaan ‘Pungli’ Parkir, Aman

KEDIRI – Kasus dugaan ‘pungutan liar’ (Pungli) Parkir, yang melibatkan anggota DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, masih aman dari sanksi Bupati Dhito. Kasus itu dinilai murni karena perubahan kebijakan bupati, yang sebelumnya memberikan ijin untuk pengelolaan parkir dan kini harus dihentikan. “Itu (kasus dugaan pungli parkir,red), murni karena perubahan kebijakan Bupati,”ujar Bupati Dhito, saat dikonfirmasi terkait lanjutan kasus dugaan pungli parkir, di sela-sela konferensi pers kasus dugaan pungli di Kecamatan Purwoasri, Sabtu (15/5/2021).

PARKIR AMAN : Bupati Kediri Handindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhiito, saat konferensi Pers di Pendopo Panjalu Jayati, Sabtu (15/5/2021)

Seperti diberitakan, kasus dugaan pungli THR di Kecamatan Purwoasri, akhirnya Bupati Kediri Hanindhito Himawan Prama alias Dhito, bertindak tegas memecat Camat Purwiasri Mudatsir dan Kasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (PMD). Sebelum menemukan kasus dugaan pungli THR, Bupati Dhito juga menemukan dugaan pungli parkir di lahan parkir kompleks perkantoran Bappenda dan Disnaker.

Soal pemecatan Camat Purwoasri itu, Bupati Dhito mengaku akan segera melaporkan ke Kemendagri dan Pemprov Jawa Timur, karena sebagai Bupati Kediri yang baru, dia belum boleh memutasi pejabat tanpa seijin Kemendagri, mengingat masa jabatannya belum enam bulan. Sehingga untuk menentukan pengganti Camat Purwoasri, dia harus minta ijin ke Kemendagri.

“Terkait dengan aturan ini (larangan mutasi sebelum menjabat kepala daerah selama 6 bulan,red), mungkin kita perlu mengusulkan aturan baru, agar khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pelanggaran berat pegawai, bisa dilakukan langsung oleh kepala daerah,”ujarnya.

Untuk pengganti Mudatsir sebagai Camat Purwoasri, Bupati Dhito mengaku masih mencari-cari siapa pengganti yang pas. Dia berharap, begitu surat ijin mutasi dari Kemendagri turun, dia bisa langsung melantik penggantinya. “Kita masih mencari cari penggantinya. Begitu surat ijin turun, kita bisa langsung melantik,”tandas Dhito. (mam)   

Alleged “Extortion” Parking, Safe

KEDIRI – The case of alleged “illegal levies” (Pungli) on Parking, which involved members of the Kediri Regency DPRD, is still safe from sanctions by Regent Dhito. The case was judged purely due to changes in the regent’s policy, who previously gave permission for parking management and now must be stopped. “That (the case of alleged parking extortion, red), purely because of the change in policy of the Regent,” said Regent Dhito, when he was confirmed regarding the continued case of suspected parking illegal payments, on the sidelines of a press conference for the alleged extortion case in Purwoasri District, Saturday (15/5 / 2021).
As reported, the case of suspected THR extortion in Purwoasri District, finally Kediri Regent Hanindhito Himawan Prama alias Dhito, acted decisively to fire Head of Sub-District Purwiasri Mudatsir and Head of Village Community Empowerment (PMD). Before finding the case of alleged THR extortion, Regent Dhito also found allegations of parking illegal fees in the parking lot of the Bappenda and Disnaker office complexes.
Regarding the dismissal of the Purwoasri sub-district head, Regent Dhito admits that he will immediately report to the Ministry of Home Affairs and the East Java Provincial Government, because as the new Kediri Regent, he has not been allowed to transfer officials without the permission of the Ministry of Home Affairs, considering his term of office is not yet six months. So in order to determine a replacement for the Purwoasri sub-district head, he must ask permission from the Ministry of Home Affairs.
“With regard to this rule (prohibition of transfer before serving as regional head for 6 months, red), maybe we need to propose a new rule, so that especially those related to serious employee violations, can be carried out directly by the regional head,” he said.
To replace Mudatsir as Head of Purwoasri sub-district, Regent Dhito admits that he is still looking for the right replacement. He hopes, once the transfer permit from the Ministry of Home Affairs is issued, he can immediately appoint a replacement. “We are still looking for a replacement. Once the permit letter is issued, we can immediately inaugurate it, ”said Dhito. (mam)



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