Beras Covid untuk Kampanye?

KEDIRI – Pembagian beras bantuan masyarakat terdampak covid-19 di Kabupaten Kediri, ditengarai disusupi untuk kampanye pasangan calon. Dugaan pembagian beras covid untuk kampanye itu, setidaknya ditemukan di Desa Sambi dan Desa Purwodasi, Kecamatan Ringinrejo.  Kejadian itu  dilaporkan tim penggerak Bumbung Kosong (BuKos) ke Bawaslu Kabupaten Kediri, Senin (30/11/2020) oleh Ali Ghozi, korcam BuKos Ringinrejo dan Pujito, Kordes Sambi, didampingi ketua BuKos Rahmat Mahmudi dan divisi hukum  BuKos, Heriyanto SH. Mereka diterima oleh Gakumdu yang terdiri Bawaslu, Kejaksaan, dan Polri, di kantor Bawaslu.

BERAS COVID : Pembagian beras covid dari Pemkab Kediri yang diduga disusupi untuk kampanye

Ali Ghozi, Korcam BuKos Ringinrejo menjelaskan, temuan dugaan pembagian beras disusupi kampanye itu di Desa Purwodadi ditemukan Senin (30/11/2020) yang dibagikan di balaidesa setempat. Sedangkan di Desa Sambi dilakukan pada Jum’at (27/11/2020). Di Desa Sambi, setiap penerima beras mendapatkan dua karung beras isi 10 kg atau total 20 kg. Sedangkan di Purwodasi, warga hanya menerima satu karung atau 10 kg.

BUKTI LAPORAN : Ali Ghoxi bersama Heriyanto SH, usai laporan di Bawaslu

Bersamaan dengan pembagian beras itu,  petugas juga memberikan stiker bergambar mirip surat suara dengan gambar paslon yang dicoblos.  Stiker itu, sebagian ada yang ditempelkan di karung beras dan sebagian hanya diberikan langsung tanpa ditempel. “Ada warga yang siap jadi saksi dan ada yang tidak bersedia. Bukti foto ada semua,”ujar Ali Ghozi.

Heriyanto SH, Divisi Hukum BuKos, menjelaskan pihaknya menginginkan kasus ini tidak berhenti begitu saja, karena ada dugaan kasus serupa terjadi di sejumlah desa lain dan di kecamatan lain. “Banyak sekali informasi terkait kasus seperti ini, kita ingin kasus ini dilanjutkan,”ujar Heriyanto.

Sementara itu, Anik Ekowati, anggota Bawaslu Kabupaten Kediri, saat dikonfirmasi belum bisa memberikan keterangan lebih banyak, karena laporan itu masih dalam proses. “Masih proses,”katanya. (mam)

Covid Rice for Campaigns?

KEDIRI – Distribution of rice aid from people affected by Covid-19 in Kediri Regency, is suspected of being infiltrated for the campaign of candidate pairs. The allegation of covid rice distribution for the campaign was found at least in Sambi Village and Purwodasi Village, Ringinrejo District. Ali Ghozi, Korcam BuKos Ringinrejo and Pujito, Kordes Sambi, was accompanied by the head of BuKos Rahmat Mahmudi and the BuKos legal division, Heriyanto SH. They were received by Gakumdu, consisting of Bawaslu, the Attorney General’s Office and the Police, at the Bawaslu office.

Ali Ghozi, Korcam BuKos Ringinrejo explained, the findings of the alleged distribution of rice infiltrated by the campaign in Purwodadi Village were found Monday (30/11/2020) which was distributed at the local balaidesa. While in Sambi Village, it was held on Friday (27/11/2020). In Sambi Village, each rice recipient receives two sacks of rice containing 10 kg or a total of 20 kg. Meanwhile in Purwodasi, residents only receive one sack or 10 kg.

At the same time as the distribution of rice, the officer also gave a sticker with a picture similar to a ballot with a punched passport image. Some of the stickers were affixed to the rice sacks and some were just given away without being taped. “There are residents who are ready to be witnesses and some are not willing. There is all the photo evidence, “said Ali Ghozi.

Heriyanto SH, BuKos Legal Division, explained that his party wants this case not to just stop, because there are allegations that similar cases have occurred in a number of other villages and in other sub-districts. “There is a lot of information related to cases like this, we want this case to be continued,” said Heriyanto.

Meanwhile, Anik Ekowati, a member of Bawaslu of Kediri Regency, when confirmed, could not provide more information, because the report was still in process. “It’s still a process,” he said. (mam)

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