Persik Target Menang Laga Perdana


ANGKAT MOTIVASI PEMAIN : Budi Sudarsono, peletik Persik Kediri

KEDIRI – Persik Kediri mentargetkan menang di laga perdana melawan Persela Lamongan,  3 Oktober 2020 mendatang, pada helatan lanjutan liga I usai dihentikan karena pandemic covid-19. Kemenangan di pertandingan pertama itu dinilai sangat penting  untuk memberikan motivasi para pemain pada pertandingan – pertandingan selanjutnya. Untuk itu, kini skuad Persik terus melakukan guna menghadapi pertandingan tandang ke Lamongan itu.

Pelatih Persik Kediri, Budi Sudarsono, menjelaskan kemenangan pada laga perdana merupakan penentu langkah ke depan. Kemenangan dalam laga perdana dianggap mampu memberikan motivasi selanjutnya. “Laga perdana merupakan laga penentu langkah kita ke depan. Biasanya laga yang paling sulit itu laga pertama,”ujar Budi, ditemui di sela-sela latihan Persik di Stadion Brawijaya, Senin, 7 September.

Pelatih kelahiran Kediri ini mengatakan, dia berusaha memaksimalkan pemain yang ada. Latihan kali ini masih memulihkan upaya memulihkan kondisi pemain dan mempersiapkan untuk mengembalikan fisik pemain. “Setiap pertandingan kita akan memaksimalkan  pemain yang ada. Yang terpenting kita berusaha dulu. Musuhnya mau kuat seperti tembok Cina tidak masalah,  yang terpenting berusaha dulu,” tegasnya.

Sementara perihal kesiapan Stadion Brawijaya, Anwar Bahar Basalamah, media officer (MO) Persik Kediri mengatakan, pihaknya sudah mendaftarkan Stadion Brawijaya dan sudah siap di pakai laga kandang Persik Kediri.  “Untuk laga home Saat melawan Arema itu kan malam, sehingga stadion membutuhkan penerangan, nah kita sedang running ke sana, sebenarnya kita tinggal setting penerangan saja kok, kan permintaannya 800 watt dan kita masih di 500 watt. Untuk itu kita berusaha sebelum kompitisi liga semua sudah clear,” tambah Basalamah. (sul)

Persik Target to Win First Match

KEDIRI – Persik Kediri is targeting to win in the inaugural match against Persela Lamongan, 3 October 2020, in the next league I after being stopped due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The victory in the first match was considered very important to motivate the players in the following matches. For that, now the Persik squad continues to do in order to face the away match to Lamongan.
The coach of Persik, Budi Sudarsono, explained that the victory in the first match was a decisive step forward. Victory in the first match is considered capable of providing further motivation. “The first match is a game that determines our steps forward. Usually the most difficult match is the first one,” said Budi, when met on the sidelines of Persik’s training at the Brawijaya Stadium, Monday, September 7.
The trainer who was born in Kediri said he was trying to maximize the existing players. Training this time is still restoring efforts to restore the players ‘condition and prepare to restore the players’ physicality. “Every match we will maximize the existing players. The most important thing is we try first. The enemy wants to be strong like the Chinese wall, it doesn’t matter, the most important thing is to try first,” he said.
Meanwhile, regarding the readiness of the Brawijaya Stadium, Anwar Bahar Basalamah, the media officer (MO) of Persik, said that his party had registered the Brawijaya Stadium and was ready for the home match of Persik. “For the home match. When against Arema it was night, so the stadium needs lighting, now we are running there, actually we just need to set the lighting, the demand is 800 watts and we are still at 500 watts. For that we try before all league competitions. it’s clear, “added Basalamah. (sul)

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