Pemilihan Bupati Kediri Hampir Pasti Ditunda


PEMILIHAN BUPATI KEDIRI DITUNDA : Nanang Qosim, komisioner KPU Kabupaten Kediri

KEDIRI – Pemilihan Bupati Kediri yang sebelumnya dijadwalkan 23 September 2020, hampir pasti ditunda. Info penundaan itu setelah adanya informasi hasil Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) KPU, Pemerintah, dan DPR. “Kelihatannya begitu (ditunda,red). Kami menunggu arahan dari Bawaslu pusat,”ujar Ali Mashudi, anggota Bawaslu Kabupaten Kediri.

Indikasi akan adanya penundaan Pemilihan Bupati Kediri ini, sebenarnya sudah bisa dilihat dari beberapa hal. Pertama, adanya penundaan jadwal tahapan. Kedua, adanya pembekuan badan adhoc seperti Panitia Pemilihan Kecamatan (PPK), Panitia Pengawas Kecamatan (Panwascam), Pengawas Desa, dan Panitia Pemungutan Suara (PPS).

Hal serupa juga diungkapkan Humas KPU Kabupaten Kediri, Nanang Qosim. Dia tidak menolak soal adanya indikasi akan adanya penundaan Pemilihan Bupati Kediri. Hanya saja, Nanang belum berani menyampaikan secara pasti sebelum ada keputusan resmi dari KPU RI. “Kita hanya bisa menunggu keputusan KPU RI,”jelas Nanang.

Informasi yang dikumpulkan, ada tiga kemungkinan waktu penundaan. Yaitu 9 Desember 2020 atau 17 Maret 2021, atau 29 September 2021. Semuanya jatuh pada Hari Rabu. Nanang juga tidak mengelak terkait adanya 3 opsi  waktu mundurnya Pemilihan Bupati Kediri itu. Hanya saja, dia tetap akan menunggu pengumuman resmi dari KPU RI (mam)

The election of the Kediri Regent was almost certainly postponed

KEDIRI – The Kediri Regent Election which was previously scheduled for September 23, 2020, is almost certainly postponed. The postponement info is after the information on the results of the Hearing Meeting (RDP) of the KPU, the Government, and the DPR. “It seems so (postponed, red). We are waiting for direction from the central Bawaslu, “said Ali Mashudi, a member of the Kediri Regency Bawaslu.
Indications of the postponement of the Kediri Regent Election, can actually be seen from several things. First, there is a delay in the stage schedule. Secondly, there were freezing of adhoc bodies such as the District Election Committee (PPK), the District Supervisory Committee (Panwascam), Village Supervisors, and the Voting Committee (PPS).
The same thing was also expressed by the Public Relations Commission of Kediri Regency, Nanang Qosim. He did not reject the matter of an indication that there would be a delay in the election of the Regent of Kediri. It’s just that, Nanang has not dared to convey with certainty before there is an official decision from the Indonesian KPU. “We can only wait for the decision of the Indonesian KPU,” Nanang explained.
Information collected by, there are three possible time delays. Namely 9 December 2020 or 17 March 2021, or 29 September 2021. Everything fell on Wednesday. Nanang also did not evade the existence of three options when the election of the Regent of Kediri was withdrawn. It’s just that he will still be waiting for an official announcement from the KPU RI (mam)

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