Giliran Satgas PPA, 6 Bulan Tidak Dibayar

Honor Rp 150 Ribu, Dipotong Rp 50 Ribu

KEDIRI – Puluhan anggota Satgas Perlindungan dan Anak (PPA) Kota Kediri, harus gigit jari. Pasalnya, honor mereka selama 6 bulan, mulai Juli sampai Desember 2020, belum diberikan. Padahal, honor mereka hanya Rp 150 ribu per penanganan kasus. Sebelumnya, honor Rp 150 ribu itupun sudah dipotong Rp 50 ribu, sehingga tinggal Rp 100 ribu per penanganan kasus. Pemotongan itupun, tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Gagal menagih honor ke dinas, mereka mengadukan masalah itu ke DPRD Kota Kediri.

SUMEDI : Kepala Dinas P3AP2KB Kota Kediri

Kasus tidak terima honor kerja untuk petugas di Kota Kediri, ini setidaknya merupakan kasus ke-dua, setelah petugas pemakaman jenazah covid-19 yang juga belum menerima honor mereka selama 6 bulan.   

Pada surat yang dikirim ke DPRD Kota Kediri itu, ditandatangani oleh 8 orang para koordinator PPA Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota, dan Pesantren. Mereka sudah dua kali menanyakan masalah honor pendampingan itu Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Perlindungan Anak, Pengendalian Penduduk dan Keluarga Berencana (P3AP2KB) Kota Kediri. Mereka mendapat jawaban, honor mereka tidak ditberikan karena dananya dialihkan untuk penanganan covid-19. “Tidak diterimanya honor tersebut karena dialihkan pendanaan tersebut untuk kepentingan covid-19,”katanya, sebagaimana tertulis di surat ke dewan.

Kepala Dinas P3AP2KB Kota Kediri, Sumedi, saat dikonfirmasi membenarkan soal tidak dibayarnya honor Satgas PPA itu, karena adanya refocusing dana untuk covid-19. Sumedi menyebut honor yang tidak terbayarkan bukan 6 bulan, tapi 5 bulan. “Dananya memang tidak ada. Mereka kan relawan, anggap saja amal,”katanya.

Apakah honor yang belum dibayarkan itu akan diberikan pada 2021? Sumedi lag-lagi menjawab bahwa dananya memang tidak ada.

Sementara itu, wakil ketua Komisi C DPRD Kota Kediri, Ashari, membenarkan pihaknya sudah menerima surat pengaduan dari Satgas PPA itu. Pihaknya berencana melakukan hearing dengan Dinas  P3AP2KB, hanya jadwalnya masih menunggu rapat Badan Musyawarah (Bamus).  (mam)

PPA Task Force Turn, 6 Months

Unpaid IDR 150 thousand honorarium, deducted IDR 50 thousand

KEDIRI – Dozens of members of the Kediri City Protection and Child Task Force (PPA) have to bite their fingers. The reason is, their honorarium for 6 months, from July to December 2020, has not been given. In fact, their honorarium is only Rp. 150 thousand per case handling. Previously, the Rp. 150 thousand honorarium had already been deducted by Rp. 50 thousand, leaving only Rp. 100 thousand per case handling. The cuts, too, without prior notice. Failed to collect the honorarium from the service, they complained about the matter to the Kediri City DPRD. The case of not receiving work salaries for officers in Kediri City is at least the second case, after covid-19 funeral officers who have also not received their salaries for 6 months. In the letter sent to the Kediri City DPRD, it was signed by 8 PPA coordinators for the Mojoroto, Kota, and Islamic boarding schools. They have twice asked about the assistance fee, the Department of Women’s Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (P3AP2KB) Kediri. They got an answer, their honorarium was not given because the funds were diverted for handling Covid-19. “The honorarium was not received because the funding was transferred for the benefit of Covid-19,” he said, as written in a letter to the board. Head of the Kediri City P3AP2KB Service, Sumedi, when confirmed, confirmed that the PPA Task Force’s fee was not paid due to refocusing of funds for Covid-19. Sumedi said that the unpaid honorarium was not 6 months, but 5 months. “The funds are not there. They are volunteers, think of it as charity, ”he said. Will the unpaid honorarium be given in 2021? Sumedi again replied that the funds were not there. Meanwhile, the deputy chairman of Commission C of the Kediri City DPRD, Ashari, confirmed that his party had received the complaint letter from the PPA Task Force. His party plans to hold a hearing with the P3AP2KB Office, only the schedule is still waiting for the Deliberative Council (Bamus) meeting. (mam)


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