Dhito Diprediksi Raih 70 Persen

BuKos Menang di Beberapa TPS  

KEDIRI – Pasangan Calon Bupati / Wakil Bupati Hanindhito Himawan Pramana (Dhito) dan Dewi Maria Ulfa (Dewi) diprediksi akan memperoleh suara sekitar 70 persen dari hasil Pilkada, 9 Desember 2020, setelah melihat sejumlah sampel perolehan suara di beberapa TPS. Sehingga, bisa dipastikan Dhito-Dewi akan menjadi Bupati/Wakil Bupati Kediri menggantikan Hj. Harjanti Sutrisno dan Masykuri Iksan.

DATANG KE TPS : Dhito dan istrinya, saat mendaftar di TPS 15 Desa Sukorejo, Ngasem

Meski demikian, berdasarkan data yang masuk di kediripost, di beberapa TPS Dhito kalah TPS dengan Bumbung Kosong, misalnya di TPS 01 Desa Pelem, Pare, Dhito mendapat 114 suara dan BuKos meraih 118 suara. Kemenangan telak BuKos juga diperoleh di TPS 01 Desa Sukoharjo, Plemahan, Dhito meraih 93 dan BuKos 191 suara.

Tetapi ada juga TPS yang Bumbung Kosong sama sekali tidak mendapatkan suara, antara lain di TPS 07 Desa Medowo, Kandangan, Dhito memperoleh 263 suara dan BuKos 0 suara. Begitu di TPS lain Desa Medowo, Mayoritas TPS, BuKos sama sekali tidak mendapatkan suara. Hal serupa terjadi di TPS 09 Desa Wonorejo, Wates, BuKos sama sekali tidak mendapat suara dan Dhito mendapat 164 suara.

Di TPS Dhito sendiri, TPS 15 Desa Sukorejo, Ngasem, Dhito memperoleh 184 suara dan BuKos mendapat 42 suara. Sedangkan di beberapa TPS lain, BuKos mampu meraup suara cukup signifikan meskipun kalah dibanding suara Dhito. Sedang di TPS 03 Desa Sukorejo, Ngasem, Dhito 148 persen dan Bukos 84 persen.  

Sementara itu, Dhito usai melakukan pencoblosan mengaku dirinya mentargetkan perolehan suara sekitar 85 persen. Meski demikian, dia menyerahkan semuanya kepada masyarakat Kediri tentang pilihannya. “Saya yakin, apapun yang terjadi, itu yang terbaik untuk masyarakat Kediri,”ujar Dhito. (mam)

Dhito Predicted to Reach 70 Percent

However, also lost at several polling stations

KEDIRI – Candidates for Regent / Deputy Regent Hanindhito Himawan Pramana (Dhito) and Dewi Maria Ulfa (Dewi) are predicted to get around 70 percent of the votes from the regional election results, December 9, 2020, after seeing a number of voting samples at several polling stations. So, it is certain that Dhito-Dewi will become the Regent / Deputy Regent of Kediri replacing Hj. Harjanti Sutrisno and Masykuri Iksan.
However, based on the data entered at Kediripost, in some TPS Dhito lost to the TPS with Bumbung Kosong, for example in TPS 01 Pelem Village, Pare, Dhito received 114 votes and BuKos won 118 votes. BuKos’ landslide victory was also obtained at TPS 01 Sukoharjo Village, Plemahan, Dhito won 93 and BuKos 191 votes.
However, there were also polling stations where Bumbung Kosong did not get any votes, including TPS 07, Medowo Village, Kandangan, Dhito received 263 votes and BuKos 0 votes. Likewise in another TPS, Medowo Village, the majority of the TPS, BuKos did not get any votes. The same thing happened at TPS 09 Wonorejo Village, Wates, BuKos did not get any votes and Dhito got 164 votes.
At TPS Dhito itself, TPS 15 Sukorejo Village, Ngasem, Dhito received 184 votes and BuKos received 42 votes. Meanwhile, in several other polling stations, BuKos was able to get significant votes even though it was less than Dhito’s. While at TPS 03 Sukorejo, Ngasem, Dhito 148 percent and 84 percent in Bukos.
Meanwhile, after voting, Dhito admitted that he was targeting a vote gain of around 85 percent. However, he left everything to the people of Kediri about his choice. “I believe, whatever happens, it is best for the people of Kediri,” said Dhito. (mam)

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