Covid Terus Meningkat, PN Lockdown

Pilihan RT Minta ‘Dihentikan’

KEDIRI – Satu per satu kantor pemerintah lockdown gara-gara covid-19. Giliran di Kota Kediri, yaitu Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Kota Kediri di Mojoroto, lockdown karena ada karyawannya yang positif covid-19. Hanya saja, jumlah karyawan yang positif masih simpang siur. Ada yang menyebut 1 orang, 2 orang, dan 3 orang. “Jumlah pastinya berapa saya tidak tahu. Pokok ada,”ujar salah seorang yang piket jaga di depan pintu gerbang PN.

KANTOR PN KOTA : Lockdown sejak Rabu (18/11/2020)

Dengan lockdownnya kantor PN Kota Kediri ini, menambah sederetan kantor pemerintah yang harus dilockdown karena covid. Sebelumnya, di Kabupaten Kediri ada kantor DPRD, kantor Bagian Adm. Pembangunan dan kantor Camat Kepung. Sedang di kota, baru kantor PN. Namun, jumlah terpapar covid-19 di Kabupaten maupun di Kota Kediri, beberapa hari belakangan ini memang dilaporkan terus meningkat.

Juru bicara Gugus Tugas Covid-19 Kota Kediri, Fauzan Adlima, saat dihubungi melalui saluran whatsapp belum dijawab. Saat dihubungi melalui seluler, juga tidak diangkat.  

Sementara itu, Ketua Forum Komunikasi RT/RW se-Kota Kediri, Agung Pribadi, meminta agar Pemkot mencabut surat Sekda nomor : 411.6/231/419.405/2020  tanggal 26 Oktober 2020 perihal pemilihan ketua pengurus RT/RW yang kini terus bergulir di masyarakat, agar tidak terjadi cluster covid-19 ketua RT, terkait terus meningkatnya kasus covid-19 di Kota Kediri yang dalam beberapa hari terakhir naik signifikan.

“Surat Sekda kota ini juga tidak diikuti petunjuk tehnis dengan cara apa pemilihan Ketua RT/RW yang aman di era pandemi. Masing masing Ketua RT/RW melaksanakan kegiatan pemilihan dengan persepsinya masing-masing. Sehingga sangat potensial ada penambahan kasus covid 19 dari kegiatan pemilihan ketua RT/RW di Kota Kediri,”kata Agung.

Menurut Agung, ada beberapa alternatif yang bisa dilakukan oleh Pemkot terkait ketua RT, misalnya bisa memperpanjang masa baktinya hingga kondisinya aman atau tetap bisa pilihan dengan teknis yang ditentukan, misal menggunakan WA, Medsos, atau lainnya agar pemilihan ketua RT/RW tetap bisa langsung, bebas, dan terbuka, tapi warga tetap aman. “Warga tetap bisa menyampaikan aspirasi dan aman, atau ditunda,”tandasnya. (mam)

Covid Continues to Increase, PN Lockdown

RT Option Asking ‘Discontinued’

KEDIRI – One by one the government offices are locked down because of Covid-19. It is the turn in Kediri City, namely the Kediri City District Court (PN) in Mojoroto, to lockdown because there are employees who are positive for Covid-19. It’s just that, the number of positive employees is still confusing. Some say 1 person, 2 people and 3 people. “I don’t know the exact number. The main thing is, “said one of the picket guards at the PN gate.
With the lockdown of the Kediri City District Court office, there is an additional line of government offices that must be locked down due to Covid. Previously, in Kediri Regency there was a DPRD office, the Adm. Development and the Kepung Sub-district office. While in town, only the PN office. However, the number of exposure to covid-19 in the Regency and in the City of Kediri, in recent days has reportedly continued to increase.
The spokesman for the Covid-19 Task Force for the City of Kediri, Fauzan Adlima, when contacted via the WhatsApp channel, had not been answered. When contacted via cellular, they also did not pick up.
Meanwhile, the Head of the RT / RW Communication Forum in Kediri City, Agung Pribadi, asked the City Government to revoke the Regional Secretary’s letter number: 411.6 / 231 / 419.405 / 2020 dated 26 October 2020 regarding the election of the head of the RT / RW management which is now rolling in the community, so that there is no covid-19 cluster head of the RT, related to the continued increase in covid-19 cases in Kediri City which in recent days has increased significantly.
“The city secretary’s letter was also not followed by technical instructions on how to elect a safe RT / RW chairman in the pandemic era. Each Head of RT / RW carries out election activities with their own perceptions. So it is very potential that there will be additional cases of covid 19 from the election for the head of RT / RW in Kediri City, “said Agung.
According to Agung, there are several alternatives that can be made by the municipal government related to the head of the RT, for example extending the tenure until the condition is safe or still being able to choose with specified techniques, for example using WA, Medsos, or others so that the election of the head of the RT / RW can still be direct, free, and open, but the citizens are still safe. “Citizens can still convey their aspirations and be safe, or postpone it,” he said. (mam)
Penyakit virus corona (COVID-19)

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