Covid ‘Meledak’, Sempat Sehari 9 Meninggal

Camat Positif, Kecamatan Ngasem Lockdown

KEDIRI – Kasus covid-19 di Kabupaten Kediri, sejak awal Desember 2020, seperti ‘meledak’. Kasus kematiannya meningkat tajam. Berdasarkan data yang dirilis web remi gugus tugas Kabupaten Kediri, mulai tanggal 7 Desember sampai 15 Desember, setiap hari selalu ada yang meninggal dunia. Kadang 1 orang meninggal, tapi kadang pernah mencapai 9 orang meninggal dalam satu hari, yaitu pada 10 Desember 2020.  Mungkinkah ini akibat penanganan yang kurang maksimal? Meski dengan dana melimpah? Belum ada kejelasan.

LOCKDOWN : Kantor Kecamatan Ngasem

Dilihat dari data perkembangan per Desember 2020. Di awal Desember data meninggal baru 98 orang. Tapi sampai 15 Desember, sudah mencapai 143 yang meninggal atau selama sekitar 15 hari, ada penambahan meninggal 45 orang atau rata-rata 3 orang meninggal setiap hari.

Sedangkan untuk kantor pemerintahan yang lockdown, terus bertambah. Informasi yang dikumpulkan kediripost, kantor Camat Ngasem dan Wates, dilockdown. Sedangkan kantor Kemenag Kabupaten Kediri, meski ada dua kepala seksi yang positif, belum melakukan lockdown, tetapi layanan langsung dibatasi dan pegawai yang merasa tidak enak badan, diminta istirahat di rumah.

Informasi yang dikumpulkan kediripost, kantor Kecamatan Wates lockdown sejak Senin (14/12/20) sedangkan kantor Kecamatan Ngasem lockdown sejak Selasa (15/12/2020). Di Kecamatan Ngasem, seluruh layanan dan ruangan ditutup. Kantor PPK dan Panwaslu Ngasem yang satu lokasi dengan kantor kecamatan, dipindah ke rumah pribadi. Sedang kantor Koramil Ngasem yang berada di sebelah utara kantor kecamatan, masih beraktivitas seperti semua. “Tutup semua pokoknya. Semua ruangan kosong,”ujar salah satu staf di kompleks kecamatan Ngasem.

Juru bicara gugus tugas covid-19 Kabupaten Kediri, dr. Ahmad Khotib, membenarkan adanya lockdown kantor kecamatan Ngasem dan Wates itu. Namun, saat ditanya masalah utama ‘meledaknya’ kasus covid di Kabupaten Kediri dan banyaknya yang meninggal dunia, dia belum menjawab.  (mam)

Covid ‘exploded’, 9 died a day

District Head is Positive, Ngasem Districk Lockdown 

KEDIRI – The covid-19 case in Kediri Regency, since the beginning of December 2020, has “exploded”. His death cases have risen sharply. Based on data released on the web of the Kediri Regency task force, from December 7 to December 15, every day someone dies. Sometimes 1 person died, but sometimes up to 9 people died in one day, namely on December 10, 2020. Could this be due to inadequate handling? Even with abundant funds? There is no clarity yet.
Judging from the development data as of December 2020. In early December, only 98 people died. But until December 15, there were 143 people who died or for about 15 days, there were an additional 45 people died or an average of 3 people died every day.
Meanwhile, government offices that are in lockdown continue to grow. The information collected by the kediripost, the Ngasem and Wates sub-district office was locked down. Meanwhile, the Kediri Regency Ministry of Religion office, although there are two positive section heads, have not carried out a lockdown, but direct services are limited and employees who feel unwell are asked to rest at home.
The information collected by the Kediripost, Wates Subdistrict office has been locked down since Monday (14/12/20) while the Ngasem District office has been on lockdown since Tuesday (15/12/2020). In Ngasem District, all services and spaces are closed. The PPK and Ngasem Panwaslu offices, which were in the same location as the sub-district office, were moved to private homes. The Ngasem Koramil office, which is located to the north of the sub-district office, is still active like everyone else. “Close everything. All the rooms are empty, ”said one of the staff at the Ngasem sub-district complex.
Spokesperson for the Covid-19 task force in Kediri Regency, dr. Ahmad Khotib, confirmed the lockdown of the Ngasem and Wates sub-district offices. However, when asked the main problem of the ‘explosion’ of the covid case in Kediri Regency and the number of people who died, he did not answer. (mam)

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