Banyak Baner Hilang, BuKos Lapor Polisi

KEDIRI – Semakin dekatnya hari pencoblosan Pilkada Kediri pada 9 Desember, situasi politik di masyarakat mulai tampak memanas, riak – riak kecil mulai muncul, kelompok penggerak bumbung kosong alias BuKos mulai menggeliat. Banyaknya baner BuKos yang hilang, mulai direspon balik. Mereka melaporkan ke Porlres Kediri Kota  tentang kehilangan Baner BuKos di sejumlah tempat, khususnya di Desa Semen, Kecamatan Semen, Sabtu (7/11/20). “Saya sudah melaporkan kehilangan baner ke polisi,”ujar Asmoro, koordinator BuKos Kecamatan Semen.

BANER BUKOS HILANG : Asmoro, koordinator BuKos Kecamatan Semen, saat melaporkan baner yang hilang

Menurut Asmoro, Baner sosialisasi BuKos yang hilang itu sebenarnya sudah ditempel di rumah – rumah warga, bukan di jalan umum, di tempat ibadah, di sekolah, atau lainnya. Warga yang rumahnya dipasangi baner BuKos itu, juga memperbolehkan rumahnya dipasangi Baner. “Baner di seluruh Desa Semen, itu hilang,”kata Asmoro.  

SUDAH HILANG : Salah satu baner yang dilaporkan hilang

Asmoro menambahkan, Baner yang hilang ukurannya bervariasi. Sementara yang sudah diketahui, jumlahnya 8 baner. Ada yang di tepi jalan, ada yang di rumah warga. “Pemasangan di rumah warga, semuanya sudah seijin yang memiliki rumah,”jelasnya.

Hanya saja, Asmoro tidak mau menyebut siapa kira-kira yang mengambil baner BuKos itu. Bagi dia, yang penting kehilangan baner sudah dilaporkan ke polisi. “Kasus ini memang belum diproses. Polisi masih meminta bukti kepemilikan Baner itu. Kita akan kirimkan buktinya,” tandasnya. (mam)  

Many Baner Missing, Empty Box Police Report

KEDIRI – As the voting day for the Kediri Regional Head Election on December 9 approaches, the political situation in the community begins to heat up, small ripples begin to emerge, the group driving the empty box or BuKos begins to fight back. They reported to the Kediri Kota Porlres about the loss of Social Service Centers in a number of places, especially in Semen Village, Semen District, Saturday (7/11/20). “I have reported the loss of the banner to the police,” said Asmoro, the coordinator of the Civil Service Center for the Semen District.
According to Asmoro, the missing BuKos socialization banner has actually been posted on residents’ houses, not on public roads, at places of worship, at schools, or others. The residents whose houses were fitted with BuKos banners, also allowed their houses to have Banners installed. “Baners in all Cement Village are gone,” said Asmoro.
Asmoro added, the missing Baner varies in size. While what is already known, there are 8 banners. Some are on the side of the road, some are at residents’ houses. “Installation in residents’ homes, all have the permission of the owner of the house,” he explained.
It’s just that, Asmoro doesn’t want to mention who took the BuKos banner. For him, the important thing is that the loss of the tire has been reported to the police. “This case has not yet been processed. The police are still asking for proof of Baner’s ownership. We will send the evidence, “he said. (mam)

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