Tren Hobi  Onthel, Kurang Bengkel Khusus


Pemkot Gelar Pelatihan Service Khusus Onthel

KEDIRI – Tren olahraga dan hobi bersepeda onthel yang kini marak di masyarakat, sangat potensial untuk menjadi peluang baru usaha yang menjanjikan.  Khususnya tukang service atau montir onthel atau bengkel sepeda onthel. Sebab, sepeda onthel yang dipakai para penghobi itu pasti membutuhkan service agar nyaman dikendarai. Apalagi, belum banyak masyarakat yang membuka bengkel khusus sepeda onthel yang biasa dipakai para penghobi itu.

PELATIHAN KHUSUS ONTHEL : Menjemput bola peluang bengkel khusus onthel di tengah tren hobi ngonthel

Melihat peluang itu, Pemkot Kediri melalui Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Mikro, dan Tenaga Kerja (Dinkop UMTK) memberi pelatihan bengkel khusus sepeda onthel kepada 50 orang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan service sepeda dan mengisi peluang usaha. Mereka dibekali ketrampilan service sepeda onthel, mulai teori sampai praktik, selama 20 hari di LPK Decca Comp & Tecnic dan SMA Al Anwar Kediri. Rencananya, peserta terbaik akan diikutkan pelatihan di sebuah perusahaan sepeda.

“ Bengkel sepeda onthel, saat ini merupakan salah satu peluang usaha. Kami berusaha membekali ketrampilan kepada sebanyak-banyaknya pencari kerja di Kota Kediri agar bisa mandiri, punya bekal mencari kerja atau malah bisa membuka peluang kerja,” kata Bagus Alit, Plt. Kepala Dinkop UMTK Kota Kediri (11/11/2020).

Saat dibuka pendaftaran melalui online untuk pelatihan ini, peminatnya luar biasa besar, mencapai 170 orang. Tetapi setelah diseleksi, yang memenuhi syarat hanya 50 orang. “Peserta rata-rata memang sudah punya ketertarikan pada sepeda ontel. Mereka sebetulnya sudah bisa service secara otodidak. Namun ingin meningkatkan kemampuan dan pengetahuan,”ujar Basuki, Kepala Bidang Penempatan Tenaga Kerja (PTK) Dinkop UMTK Kota Kediri.

Sementara itu, Marta, 26, salah seorang peserta asal Kelurahan Ngronggo, mengaku dia terkena PHK dari tempat kerjanya. Sehingga dia ikut pelatihan karena ingin punya ketrampilan untuk buka usaha. “Ikut pelatihan ini, harapannya ya bisa punya ketrampilan, buka bengkel mungkin,” katanya.

Sedangkan Wildan,  25, warga Bandar Kidul, peserta lain, mengaku sehari-hari dia bekerja sebagai Satpam, mengaku ingin ingin meningkatkan kemampuan dan minat pada bengkel sepeda. “Saya ingin tahu cara memodifkasi,”kata Wildan. (bad)

Onthel Hobby Trend, Less Special Server

City Government Held Special Onthel Service Training

KEDIRI – Sports trends and the hobby of cycling onthel which is now widespread in the community, has the potential to become a promising new business opportunity. Especially onthel repairman or onthel mechanic or bicycle repair shop. This is because the onthel bikes used by hobbyists definitely need service to be comfortable to ride. Moreover, not many people have opened a special onthel bike workshop which is usually used by hobbyists.
Seeing this opportunity, the Kediri City Government through the Office of Cooperatives, Micro Enterprises and Manpower (Dinkop UMTK) provided training for 50 people in special onthel bicycle workshops to meet bicycle service needs and fill business opportunities. They are equipped with onthel bicycle service skills, from theory to practice, for 20 days at LPK Decca Comp & Tecnic and Al Anwar Kediri High School. The plan is for the best participants to participate in training at a bicycle company.
“Onthel bicycle repair shop, currently is one of the business opportunities. We are trying to equip as many job seekers as possible in the City of Kediri so that they can be independent, have provisions to find work or even open job opportunities, “said Bagus Alit, Plt. Head of Dinkop UMTK Kediri City (11/11/2020).
When online registration was opened for this training, the enthusiasts were enormous, reaching 170 people. But after being selected, only 50 people qualify. “The average participant is already interested in ontel bikes. They are actually self-taught. But they want to improve their skills and knowledge, ”said Basuki, Head of the Workforce Placement (PTK) Dinkop UMTK Kediri City.
Meanwhile, Marta, 26, a participant from Kelurahan Ngronggo, admitted that he had been laid off from his workplace. So he joined the training because he wanted to have the skills to open a business. “Participating in this training, the hope is that you can have skills, maybe open a workshop,” he said.
Meanwhile Wildan, 25, a resident of Bandar Kidul, another participant, admitted that he works as a security guard on a daily basis, admitting that he wants to increase his ability and interest in bicycle workshops. “I want to know how to modify it,” said Wildan. (bad)

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