Sering Kekeringan, Bangun Sumur Bor 120 Meter

KEDIRI – Kekurangan air bersih di musim kemarau yang sering dirasakan masyarakat Lingkungan Lebak Tumpang, Kelurahan Pojok, Mojoroto,  mulai mendapatkan solusi. Pemerintah Kota Kediri, membangun sumur bor dengan kedalaman sekitar 120 m, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih warga sekitar. Sumur bor itu, merupakan bantuan hibah dari Kementerian ESDM. “Pemkot memang pernah mengusulkan dana hibah kepada Kementerian ESDM untuk pembangunan sarana air bersih. Usulan tersebut disampaikan pada saat kunjungan Ditjen ESDM ke Pondok Lirboyo, Februari 2020,”ujar Walikota Abu Bakar.

ATASI KEKERINGAN : Pembangunan Sumur Bor berkedalaman 120 m di Lebak Tumpang

Sementara itu, Zachrie Ahmad, Kepala Bagian Perekonomian Kota Kediri, (4/11/20) menjelaskan bantuan sumur bor itu dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih di wilayah Lebak Tumpang, Kelurahan Pojok. “Di sini saat musim kemarau kesulitan air bersih. Saat ini masih  satu sumur bor  dengan kedalaman sekitar 120 – 125 meter,” kata Zachrie.

Sedangkan Edi Lukito, Ketua RT 24/RW 05 Lebak Tumpang, mengatakan  sumur bor itu diharapkan dapat menyuplai 5 RT di sekitar sumur. Sebab, warga Lebak Tumpang memang  sering kesulitan air. Kini warga mendapatkan suplai air  dari  Sumber Tretes, yang dibendung dan dialirkan ke rumah rumah warga. “Persoalannya, kalau musim hujan airnya keruh. Sedangkan pada musim kemarau cukup jernih, tapi  jumlahnya terbatas. Makanya, warga sering beli air galonan untuk masak. Kalau untuk mandi bisa pakai air dari sumber. Tapi kalau tidak biasa, pasti tidak tega mandi dengan air keruh itu,” tambah Edi.

Ada juga beberapa warga yang memiliki sumur timba. Biasanya dengan kedalaman sekitar 30 meter. Tetapi kalau musim kemarau, sumur itu juga sering kering, tidak ada airnya. (adv)  

Often Drought, Build a 120 Meters well drill

KEDIRI – The lack of clean water in the dry season that is often felt by the people of Lebak Tumpang Environment, Pojok Village, Mojoroto, is starting to find a solution. Kediri City Government, built a drilling well with a depth of about 120 m, to meet the clean water needs of local residents. The drilling well is a grant from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. “The municipal government has indeed proposed a grant fund to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the construction of clean water facilities. The proposal was submitted during a visit by the Directorate General of Energy and Mineral Resources to Pondok Lirboyo, February 2020, ”said Mayor Abu Bakar.
Meanwhile, Zachrie Ahmad, Head of the Economic Section of the City of Kediri, (4/11/20) explained that the bore well assistance is in order to meet the needs of clean water in the Lebak Tumpang area, Pojok Village. “Here, during the dry season, there is a problem with clean water. Currently, there is still one drilling well with a depth of about 120 – 125 meters, ”said Zachrie.
Meanwhile, Edi Lukito, Head of RT 24 / RW 05 Lebak Tumpang, said that the borehole is expected to supply 5 RTs around the well. This is because the residents of Lebak Tumpang often have water problems. Now residents get their water supply from Sumber Tretes, which is dammed and channeled to residents’ houses. “The problem is, during the rainy season the water is cloudy. Meanwhile, during the dry season it is quite clear, but the numbers are limited. Hence, residents often buy gallon water for cooking. For bathing, you can use water from a source. But if it is unusual, surely you won’t have the heart to take a shower in that turbid water, ”added Edi.
There are also some residents who have bucket wells. Usually about 30 meters deep. But during the dry season, the well is often dry, there is no water. (bad)

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