Bom Waktu Serupa Investasi Bodong?

Merebaknya Koperasi Investasi Kemitraan

Geger terkait Koperasi Niaga Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia (NMSI), yang bergerak di usaha investasi kemitraan budidaya Tawon Lanceng, sebenarnya bagi banyak pihak tidak mengherankan. Sebab, kasus investasi kemitraan serupa sudah pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Antara lain investasi ECMC, pohon mas, Manusia Membantu Manusia (MMM), dan sebagainya, yang diduga investasi bodong, akal-akalan, atau tidak masuk akal dalam hitungan bisnis normal.

MUNGKINKAH UANG MEREKA KEMBALI? : Para agen dan mitra Koperasi NMSI saat menggeruduk kantor di Jl. Patiunus Kota Kediri

Di Kediri, kini masih ada beberapa usaha serupa, mulai pola investasinya, pola jaringannya, pola profitnya, pola rekrutmen agen dan mitra, jenjang jaringannya, dan sebagainya. Umumnya, berbentuk koperasi. Pendiriannya baru ‘seumur’ jagung, tapi sudah mampu meraup dana investasi masyarakat puluhan hingga ratusan miliar.

Berdasarkan feedback pembaca berita kediripost, mayoritas mereka memprediksi usaha serupa itu dalam waktu dekat juga akan ‘meledak’ , sebagian menduga kemungkinan money game, ada yang bilang profit yang diberikan sebenarnya uang mitra sendiri, karena hitungan keuntungan usahanya sebenarnya tidak mungkim cukup untuk memberi profit besar ke mitra.

Perusahaan membuat sejumlah agen di berbagai daerah guna menjaring mitra investasi dengan iming-iming untung besar. Syaratnya, mitra harus setor uang ke perusahaan sebagai investasi. Mitra mendapatkan barang seperti emas, alat usaha, ginseng, atau hewan seperti, sapi, tawon, ayam, kambing atau lainnya. Nilai riil barang atau hewan itu jauh di bawah nilai investasi mereka. Tetapi, karena janji untung besar, masyarakat tidak peduli dengan barangnya, mereka lebih tergiur janji untung besarnya. Sehingga berbondong-bondong mengikuti investasi itu.

Pengalaman di berbagai kasus sebelumnya, di awal usaha, profit selalu terbayar lancar. Sehingga mitra berkeinginan menambah dana investasinya. Maklum, untung besar, kerja ringan atau nyaris tanpa kerja ribet. Sedangkan agen, terus bersemangat mencari mitra baru karena mendapat  bonus atau fee besar.  Namun dalam waktu 1 – 2 tahun, mulai muncul masalah, pembayaran kurang lancar, pembayaran ditunda, dan sebagainya dengan berbagai alasan seperti usaha menurun, pasar lesu, uang dibawa kabur oknum, dan sebagainya. Sedangkan para mitra yang sudah telanjur investasi, hanya bisa uring-uringan, menyesal, menangis sedih, karena uang puluhan hingga ratusan juta bahkan miliaran, hilang begitu saja.

Para mitra akan mengejar ke agen agar uangnya dikembalikan. Mereka akan lepas tanggungjawab,  alasan uang disetor ke perusahaan. Para agen mengejar perusahaan agar uang dikembalikan. Namun pengelola perusahaan seakan lepas tanggungjawab dengan alasan usaha lesu, uang dibawa oknum kabur, mereka tidak tahu menahu, mereka bukan pengurus, dan sebagainya. Kadang, ada juga uang yang bisa kembali, meski jauh lebih kecil.

Dilihat dari personil yang terkait usaha kemitraan investasi, umumnya tidak jauh dari orang-orang yang sebelumnya pernah bersentuhan dengan usaha serupa, yang juga bermasalah. Setelah perusahaan sebelumnya bermasalah dan masalah mulai reda, mereka membuat perusahaan baru dengan nama berbeda, tapi model serupa. Hanya ‘objek’ yang dijadikan ‘usaha investasi’ berbeda. Misalnya, semula hewan A, ganti hewan B. Semula barang A, ganti barang B.

Bukan hanya pengelola usaha. Sebagian agen pun, umumnya juga akan ‘meloncat’ mengikuti perusahaan kemitraan investasi baru itu. Sebab, mereka juga sudah bisa merasakan ‘madu’ keuntungan dari perannya sebagai agen. Tak heran, jika banyak ditemukan orang yang awalnya menjadi agen di usaha investasi kemitraan A, juga ikut di usaha investasi kemitraan B.

Bagaimana cara menarik agar orang menjadi mitra? Iklan besar-besaran dan masif di media, mulai televisi lokal, online, medsos, dan sebagainya, adalah cara yang paling diandalkan. Bagaimana Aparat Penegak Hukum (APH), jika terjadi masalah antara para mitra dengan perusahaan? Mungkin sebaiknya tidak dibicarakan di sini.  (mam)

The spread of Partnership Investment Cooperatives

Time Bombs Are Similar to Stupid Investments?

The commotion regarding the Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia Commercial Cooperative (NMSI), which is engaged in the investment business for the Tawon Lanceng cultivation partnership, is actually not surprising for many. This is because the case of a similar partnership investment has happened before. Among other things, investments in ECMC, gold trees, Human Helping Humans (MMM), and so on, are suspected of being fraudulent investments.
In Kediri, now there are several similar businesses, starting with investment patterns, network patterns, profit patterns, recruitment patterns for agents and partners, network levels, and so on. Generally, in the form of a cooperative. Its establishment is only “as old” as corn, but it has been able to raise investment funds from tens to hundreds of billions of billions.
Based on the feedback from news readers of Kediripost, the majority of them predict that similar businesses will also ‘explode’ in the near future, some suspect the possibility of money games, some say the profit given is actually the partner’s own money, because the calculation of the profit from their business is actually not enough to give a big profit. to partners.
The company creates a number of agents in various regions to attract investment partners with the lure of big profits. The condition is that the partner must deposit money into the company as an investment. Partners get goods such as gold, business equipment, ginseng, or animals such as cows, wasps, chickens, goats or others. The real value of the goods or animals is far below the value of their investment. However, because of the promise of big profits, people do not care about the goods, they are more tempted by the promise of large profits. So that in droves to follow the investment.
Experience in various previous cases, at the beginning of a business, profits always paid off smoothly. So that partners want to increase their investment funds. Understandably, big profits, light work or almost without complicated work. Meanwhile, agents are always eager to find new partners because they get a large bonus or fee. However, within 1 – 2 years, problems began to emerge, payments were not smooth, payments were delayed, and so on for various reasons such as decreased business, sluggish markets, money taken away by individuals, and so on. Meanwhile, the partners who have already invested, can only be grumpy, regret it, cry sadly, because tens to hundreds of millions or even billions of money just disappear.
The partners will chase to the agent so that the money is returned. They will let go of responsibility, because the money is paid to the company. The agents go after the company to get the money back. However, it seems that the company managers are not responsible for the reason that their business is sluggish, money is taken by the people away, they do not know anything, they are not managers, and so on. Sometimes, there is also money that can be returned, even if it is much smaller.
Judging from the personnel associated with the investment partnership business, generally they are not far from people who have previously had contact with similar businesses, which are also problematic. After the previous company had problems and the problems subsided, they created a new company with a different name, but a similar model. Only the “object” which is the “investment venture” is different. For example, originally animal A, replace animal B. At first item A, replace item B.
Not only business managers. Some agents, too, will generally “jump” to follow the new investment partnership company. Because, they can also feel the “honey” of the benefits of their role as an agent. Not surprisingly, many people who initially became agents in partnership investment business A also participated in partnership investment business B.
How to attract people to become partners? Massive and massive advertisements in the media, starting from local television, online, social media, and so on, are the most reliable methods. What about the Law Enforcement Officials (APH), if there is a problem between the partners and the company? Maybe it shouldn’t be discussed here. (mam)

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