Uang Rp 5 M Hilang, Koperasi Digeruduk Agen

Ratusan Miliar Uang Mitra Terancam Gagal Bayar

KEDIRI – Koperasi Niaga Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia (NMSI), yang dikenal sebagai koperasi kemitraan budidaya tawon lanceng, kemarin digeruduk para agennya. Para agen ‘pengumpul’ mitra koperasi itu, menggeruduk karena meminta kejelasan pembayaran profit investasi kemitraan mereka. Karena banyak di antara mereka yang sudah menyetorkan investasinya ke koperasi itu hingga miliaran sampai puluhan miliar. Para agen itu datang dari Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar, Kalimantan, Semarang, dan sebagainya.  Pihak koperasi juga sudah meminta agar rekening di 6 bank atas nama Anton di blokir.

DANA RATUSAN MILIAR TERANCAM HILANG : Para agen koperasi NMSI saat menggeruduk kantor di Jl. Patiunus, Sabtu (6 Februari 2021).

Sedangkan ketua koperasi NMSI, Cristian Anton Hadrianto alias Anton, terkesan menghilang.  Total investasi para agen itu, diprediksi mencapai ratusan miliar.  Sejumlah agen belum berani pulang, karena khawatir ganti mereka yang digeruduk para mitra yang mereka himpun. Karena mereka umumnya tidak akan mampu mengembalikan uang  investasi para mitra yang dihimpun para agen.

Koperasi NMSI ini utamanya bergerak di bidang kemitraan budidaya tawon lanceng penghasil madu. Mereka menghimpun mitra melalui agen-agen di berbagai daerah. Setiap memelihara 1 kotak tawon lanceng atau setup, mitra menginvestasikan uang Rp 500 ribu. Setiap 3 bulan, mitra diberi profit Rp 130 ribu. Banyak mitra yang menginvestasikan dananya untuk kemitraan ini mulai ratusan juta sampai miliaran. Bahkan, satu agen ada yang bisa menghimpun investasi dari para mitra mencapai puluhan miliar sampai Rp 25 miliar.

Kegaduhan ini, bermula dari hilangnya sejumlah laptop, uang, dan CCTV di kantor koperasi itu. Selain itu, ada penarikan uang tunai Rp 5 miliar di Bank CIMB oleh Anton, Kamis, 4 Februari 2021.  Kejadian segera dilaporkan ke polisi. Laporan polisi itu, segera disampaikan ke seluruh agen dan menghentikan sementara seluruh pembayaran profit ke para mitra.

Sekretaris Koperasi NMSI, Lalu Ahmad Baiquni, menjelaskan pihaknya sudah melaporkan kejadian itu Polisi. Untuk sementara, pembagian profit dari agen dari mitra, pihak koperasi belum bisa memberikan, sampai koperasi bisa menghitung sisa aset. “Berkaitan dengan panen, pihak koperasi akan memberitahu pada 9 Februari 2021,”katanya. (mam)

Rp. 5 Billion Lost, Cooperative Digeruduk Agent

Hundreds of Billion Partners Threatened with Default

KEDIRI – Koperasi Niaga Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia (NMSI), which is known as a cooperative for cultivating lanceng wasps, yesterday was attacked by its agents. The cooperative partners ‘collectors’ agents, groaning for clarity on the payment of their partnership investment profit. Because many of them have already deposited billions to tens of billions of investments in the cooperative. The agents came from Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar, Kalimantan, Semarang, and so on. The cooperative has also requested that
Meanwhile, the head of the NMSI cooperative, Cristian Anton Hadrianto alias Anton, seems to have disappeared. The total investment of these agents is predicted to reach hundreds of billions. A number of agents have not dared to return home, fearing that they will be attacked by their partners. Because they generally will not be able to return the investment money the partners collect from the agents.
The NMSI cooperative is primarily engaged in the partnership of honey-producing taper wasps. They gather partners through agents in various regions. Every time maintaining 1 box of wasp tanceng or setup, partners invest IDR 500 thousand. Every 3 months, partners are given a profit of IDR 130 thousand. Many partners have invested in these partnerships ranging from hundreds of millions to billions. In fact, one agent can even collect investment from partners in the tens of billions.
This commotion started with the disappearance of a number of laptops, money and CCTV at the cooperative’s office. In addition, Anton had withdrawn Rp5 billion in cash at Bank CIMB, Thursday, February 4, 2021. The incident was immediately reported to the police. The police report was immediately submitted to all agents and temporarily stopped all profit payments to the partners.
Secretary of the NMSI Cooperative, Lalu Ahmad Baiquni, explained that his party had reported the incident to the Police. In the meantime, the distribution of profit from the agent from the partner, the cooperative cannot yet provide, until the cooperative can calculate the remaining assets. “Regarding the harvest, the cooperative will inform on February 9, 2021,” he said. (mam)

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