‘Bongkar’ Patok Kuburan, Warga 2 Kelurahan Geger

KEDIRI – Sejumlah warga di dua kelurahan, Kelurahan Pojok dan Kelurahan Sukorame , hampir saja bentrok. Sejumlah warga Pojok memprotes rencana pembukaan lahan baru Kelurahan Sukorame. Pasalnya, pembukaan area pemakaman baru KelurahanSukorame itu membongkari sekitar 15 patok dan kijing di pemakaman warga Pojok, tanpa ijin. Tentu saja, keluarga pemilik makam itu geger, protes dan marah-marah. Untung saja, konflik ini bisa segera diredam.

KEMBALIKAN PATOK DAN KIJUNG : Para pekerja sedang mengembalikan patok dan kijing di pemakaman warga Kelurahan Pojok

Kelurahan Sukorame akhirnya membatalkan pembangunan jalan paving di pemakaman warga Kelurahan Pojok itu dan mereka bersedia mengembalikan patok dan kijing yang sudah terlanjur dibongkar.

Informasi yang dikumpulkan kediripost, geger antar warga dua kelurahan itu bermula saat Kelurahan Sukorame ingin membuka pemakaman baru, yang lokasinya tepat di samping pemakaman warga Kelurahan Pojok. Untuk akses jalan ke pemakaman baru itu, mereka menjebol tembok makam warga Pojok dan membongkari patok dan kijing di pemakaman warga Pojok,

Rencananya, lokasi itu akan dipakai akses jalan paving menuju pemakaman baru Kelurahan Sukorame. Sayangnya, sebelum membongkar patok dan kijing makam, mereka belum meminta ijin dulu. Tentu saja, warga Kelurahan Pojok marah marah. Apalagi warga yang patok dan kijing makam keluarganya dibongkar.

Untung saja, gegeran itu tidak sampai menimbulkan bentrok antarwarga. Warga dua kelurahan itu akhirnya dikumpulkan untuk musyawarah menyelesaikan masalah. Akhirnya, mereka sepakat bahwa pelaksana pembukaan area pemakaman baru Kelurahan Sukorame bersedia mengembalikan patok dan kijing yang sudah telanjur dibongkar, dikembalikan seperti semula.

 Camat Mojoroto, M. Ridwan. Saat dihubungi melalui saluran whatsapp, belum menjawab. (mam)    

Grave Unloading, Two citizen resident near Clash

KEDIRI – A number of residents in two urban villages, Pojok Village and Sukorame Village, almost clashed. A number of Pojok residents protested against the plan to open a new land in Sukorame Village. The reason is that the opening of the new cemetery area forSukorameUrban Village dismantled around 15 stakes and gravestones at the cemetery of Pojok residents, without permission. Of course, the family that owned the tomb was in a riot, protested and got angry. Fortunately, this conflict was immediately suppressed.
The Campurejo Village finally canceled the construction of the paving road at the cemetery of the Pojok Village resident and they were willing to return the stakes and gravestones that had been demolished.
According to the information collected by the kediripost, the commotion between residents of the two urban villages began when Sukorame Village wanted to open a new cemetery, which is located right next to the cemetery of the residents of Pojok Village. To access the road to the new cemetery, they broke through the grave walls of Pojok residents and dismantled the stakes and graves at the cemetery of Pojok residents.
According to the plan, the location will be used to access the paving road leading to the new cemetery in Sukorame Village. Unfortunately, before dismantling the grave stakes and gravestones, they had not asked permission yet. Of course, the people of Pojok village n were angry. Moreover, residents who had pegs and their family graves were dismantled.
Fortunately, the commotion did not cause clashes between residents. The residents of the two kelurahan were finally gathered for deliberation to resolve the problem. Finally, they agreed that the executor of the opening of the new burial area in the Sukorame Village was willing to return the stakes and graves that had been dismantled and returned to their original state.
h the Head of Mojoroto Sub-District, M. Ridwan. When contacted via the whatsapp channel, he did not answer. (mam)

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