Warga Ngebrak Desak Kades Kembalikan Tanah

DEMO WARGA : Warga Desa Ngebrak, Kec, Gampengrejo, saat aksi mendesak Kades Saeroji mengembalikan tanah kas desa

KEDIRI – Puluhan warga Ngebrak, Kecamatan Gampengrejo, menggeruduk balaidesa setempat dan mendesak agar Kepala Desa Ngebrak, Saeroji, mengembalikan tanah kas desa yang hilang seluas sekitar 700 ru atau jika diuangkan dengan rata-rata harga per ru Rp 4 juta, senilai Rp 2,8 miliar. Mereka menggeruduk balaidesa sambil membawa spanduk bertuliskan ‘Kembalikan Tanah Kas Desa’. “Tanah yang sekarang sengketa itu bukan tanah kas desa, itu tanah atas nama pribadi Saeroji. Tidak ada urusannya dengan warga,”ujar Munir, salah seorang warga yang ikut mendesak Kades mengembalikan tanah kas desa.

Kasus ini bermula saat ada tukar guling Tanah Kas Desa Ngebrak dengan PT Gudang Garam. Uang hasil tukar guling itu, salah satunya dibelikan tanah tiga lokasi di Desa Toyoresmi, seluas sekitar 700 ru. Namun pada 2015, tiba-tiba tanah itu diminta oleh salah seorang warga. Anehnya, Pemerintah Desa Ngebrak diam saja, tidak melakukan perlawanan. Akhirnya, kasus itu didorong untuk digugat hingga ke persidangan di PN Kabupaten Kediri.

Pada persidangan itu terungkap, ternyata Saeroji yang saat itu juga menjadi Kepala Desa Ngebrak, pembelian itu atas nama pribadi Saeroji, tanpa embel-embel kepala desa Ngebrak. Dia membeli berdasarkanpetok C desa dari Kades Toyoresmi saat itu. Sementara, ternyata ada orang lain yang masih keluarga Kades itu yang memiliki sertifikat atas tanah itu. Saat gugatan di PN Kabupaten Kediri, ternyata Saeroji juga menggugagat atas nama diri sendiri, bukan mewakili Desa Ngebrak. “Ya…. saya tidak mewakili warga pemerintah desa,”ujar Saeroji, di depan warga.

Berdasarkan data-data itu, sebagian warga mencurigai ada yang tidak beres dengan pembelian tanah 700 ru itu, yang sempat diklaimkan oleh Saeroji seakan-akan sebagai tanah kas desa. Sebagian menduga, ada kemungkinan tanah kas desa itu sengaja diatasnamakan pribadi Saeroji. Jika menang gugatan, tanah itu juga bisa dibaliknama atasnama Saeroji pribadi, karena dia menang di gugatan bukan mewakili pemerintah desa. “Yang kita pertanyakan, lalu tanah kas desa itu mana sekarang? Kalau tanah itu jelas atas nama pribadi Saeroji. Dia mau menggugat, banding, atau apa terserah dia,”tandas Munir.

Untuk itu, warga menuntut Saeroji agar mengembalikan tanah kas desa itu. Penasehat Hukum Saeroji, Bagus, saat ditemui mengatakan Saeroji bersedia mengembalikan kas desa asal ada perintah pengadilan. Namun saat ditanya apa mungkin pengadilan memerintahkan Saeroji mengembalikan tanah kas desa yang hilang dan atau dihilangkan, sementara opsi itu sama sekali tidak masuh ranah gugatan,  ranah tuntutan, dan kasus yang Saeroji gugat itu adalah tanah atas nama dirirnya sendiri? Mendengar pertanyaan itu, Bagus hanya tersenyum. (mam)

Residents Hit the Village Head’s Restore Land

KEDIRI – Dozens of Ngebrak residents, Gampengrejo sub-district, raided the local balaidesa and urged the Ngebrak Village Chief, Saeroji, to return the lost village treasury of around 700 ru or if cashed with an average price of Rp 4 million, worth Rp 2.8 billion. They raided the balaidesa while carrying banners reading ‘Return the Land of the Village Cash’. “The land currently in dispute is not the village treasury land, it is the land in the personal name of Saeroji. It has nothing to do with the residents, “said Munir, one of the residents who also urged the village head to return the village treasury land.
This case began when there was an exchange of Land Cash Ngebrak Village with PT Gudang Garam. The money from the bolster exchange, one of which bought land for three locations in the village of Toyoresmi, covering an area of ​​around 700 ru. But in 2015, suddenly the land was requested by one of the residents. Strangely, the Ngebrak Village Government was silent, did not put up a fight. Finally, the case was pushed to be sued to the trial in the District Court of Kediri.
At the trial it was revealed, it turns out that Saeroji, who was also the Head of Ngebrak Village, bought the name in Saeroji’s personal name, without the frill of Ngebrak village head. He bought based on supply C village from Kades Toyoresmi at the time. Meanwhile, it turns out there is another person who is still a Kades family member who has a certificate on the land. During the lawsuit in the Kediri District Court, it turns out Saeroji also sued on his own behalf, not representing the Ngebrak Village. “Yes … I do not represent the village government,” Saeroji said, in front of the residents.
Based on these data, some residents suspected something was wrong with the purchase of the 700 ru land, which Saeroji had claimed as if it was the village treasury land. Some suspect it is possible that the village treasury land was deliberately in Saeroji’s personal name. If you win the lawsuit, the land can also be reversed by the name of Saeroji personally, because he won the lawsuit not representing the village government. “What we are asking is, then where is the village treasury now? The land is clearly in Saeroji’s personal name. He wants to sue, appeal, or whatever is up to him, “said Munir.
For this reason, residents demanded that Saeroji return the village’s treasury land. Saeroji’s Legal Adviser, Bagus, when met said Saeroji was willing to return the village treasury as long as there was a court order. However, when asked whether it was possible for the court to order Saeroji to return the lost and / or lost village treasury land, while the option did not involve the realm of the lawsuit, the realm of demands, and the case that Saeroji claimed was land in his own name? Hearing that question, Bagus just smiled. (mam)

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