Pengisian Wawali, PAN Menunggu Rapat Harian

TETAP LARANG KELUARGA : Abdul Bagi Bafaqih, ketua DPD PAN Kota Kediri

KEDIRI – Pengisian kekosongan Wakil Walikota Kediri yang ditinggalkan oleh (alm) Hj. Lilik Muhibbah alias Ning Lik, masih jalan di tempat gara-gara wabah Covid-19. Pengusung utama pasangan Walikota-Wawali Mas Abu –Ning Lik, DPD PAN Kota Kediri, hingga kini belum melakukan langkah politik prosedural partai, rapat harian dan rapat pleno. “Prosedurnya di PAN, harus ada rapat harian untuk menawarkan atau bertanya atau semacam membuka pendaftaran siapa yang kira-kira ingin maju sebagai Wakil Walikota,”ujar Abdul Bagi Bafaqih, Ketua DPD PAN Kota Kediri, pada jumpa pers di kantor DPD PAN Kota Kediri, Minggu (19/4/2020).

Rapat harian itu, lanjut Bagi, sebenarnya dijadwalkan setelah 40 hari wafatnya (alm) Ning Lik. Tetapi karena situasi belakangan ini terjadi wabah Covid-19 hingga tidak boleh kumpul-kumpul orang dalam jumlah banyak, rapat harian itu ditunda. “Semoga wabah Corona segera selesai. Insya Allah, perkiraannya rapat harian akan dilaksanakan usai Lebaran, pertengahan Syawal atau setelah Syawal, kita menunggu perkembangan situasi wabah Corona. Apalagi, pleno pemberhentian Wawali di DPRD Kota Kediri juga belum dilakukan karena ada wabah,”tandas Bagi.

Menurut Bagi, berdasarkan AD/ART PAN, yang diutamakan adalah kader PAN sendiri. Persoalan siapa nama yang akan diusulkan  nanti, melihat siapa saja yang ingin maju menjadi Wawali pada rapat harian  dan hasil rapat pleno. “Yang menentukan siapa yang direkomendasi, nanti bukan DPD PAN Kota Kediri, tapi DPP PAN. Kita hanya menjalankan tugas dan prosedur sesuai aturan partai,”tambah Bagi.

Bagi mengakui sudah ada dua orang kader PAN yang mengajukan diri untuk menjadi Wakil Walikota Kediri menggantikan Ning Lik, yaitu Reza Darmawan dan Agus Pujihadi. Ada kemungkinan, kader yang mengajukan diri nanti bisa bertambah saat Rapat Harian, bisa tiga, empat, atau lima orang. “Yang jelas,  saya melarang keluarga saya untuk maju sebagai Wakil Walikota Kediri,”tegas Bagi.(mam)

Filling in the Vice Mayor, PAN Awaits Daily Meeting

KEDIRI – Filling the void of the Deputy Mayor of Kediri left by (late) Hj. Lilik Muhibbah aka Ning Lik, is still walking in the place because of the Covid-19 plague. The main bearer of the Mayor-Vice Mayor Mas Abu-Ling Lik pair, DPD PAN of Kediri City, has yet to make political procedural political steps, daily meetings and plenary meetings. “The procedure is in PAN, there must be a daily meeting to offer or ask questions or sort of open the registration of who would like to go forward as Deputy Mayor,” said Abdul Bagi Bafaqih, Chairman of the PAN City Council of Kediri, at a press conference at the DPD PAN City office in Kediri, Sunday (4/19/2020).
The daily meeting, continued Bagi, was actually scheduled after 40 days of his death (late) Ning Lik. But because of the recent situation of the Covid-19 outbreak that caused large numbers of people to not gather, the daily meeting was postponed. “Hopefully the Corona outbreak will soon be over. God willing, it is estimated that the daily meeting will be held after Lebaran, mid-Shawwal or after Shawwal, we are waiting for the development of the Corona outbreak situation. Moreover, the plenary dismissal of the Vice Mayor in the City Council of Kediri has not been carried out because there was an outbreak, “said Bagi.
According to Bagi, based on PAN’s AD / ART, what is preferred is PAN’s cadres themselves. The issue of whose name will be proposed later, sees whoever wants to progress to becoming Vice Mayor at the daily meeting and the results of the plenary meeting. “What determines who is recommended will not be the PAN DPD of the City of Kediri, but the PAN DPP. We only carry out tasks and procedures according to party rules, “Bagi added.
To admit that there were already two PAN cadres who volunteered to become Deputy Mayor of Kediri replacing Ning Lik, namely Reza Darmawan and Agus Pujihadi. It is possible that cadres who volunteered later could increase at the Daily Meeting, could be three, four, or five people. “What is clear, I forbid my family to go forward as Deputy Mayor of Kediri,” said Bagi. (Mam)

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