Bupati Kediri Siapkan 500 Ton Beras Bantuan

DISTRIBUSI BANTUAN : Pemkab Kediri mendistrinusikan ratusan ton beras ke masyarakat terdampak Covid-19

Distribusi Tahap II Salurkan 32.910 kg

KEDIRI – Bupati Kediri Hj. Haryanti Sutrisno terus melakukan penyaluran bantuan ke masyarakat terdampak Covid-19.  Ada tiga kecamatan yang disasar untuk menerima bantuan beras tahap II, Kamis (7/5/2020) yaitu lemahan,Kecamatan Gampengrejodan Kecamatan Puncu dengan jumlah total 32.910 kg. Rinciannya,  Kecamatan Plemahan 11.370 kg, Kecamatan Gampengrejo 10.380 kg, dan Kecamatan Puncu 11.160 kg.

Bupati Haryanti melalui Sekretaris Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan (GTPP) Covid-19 Slamet Turmudi menjelaskan, data penerima bantuan beras sebanyak 32.910 kg itu sudah sesuai dengan data yang telah diverifikasi oleh Dinas Sosial. “Untuk droping bantuan tahap pertama sudah dilakukan pada Bulan April  sebesar 182 ton. Sedangkan untuk tahap kedua, didistribusikan75 ton untuk 4 kecamatan, ditambah kurang lebih 33 ton untuk 3 kecamatan,” kata Slamet

Menurut Slamet, bantuan untuk tahap 1 per KK menerima 5 kg, di tahap II  menjadi 10 kg per KK. Sehingga persiapan bantuan beras untuk tahap dua sejumlah 500 ton. Untuk teknisnya, Gugus Tugas Kabupaten mendistribusikan ke kecamatan, kemudian gugus tugas  desa mengambil di kecamatan dan mendistribusikan ke penerima yang sudah terdata di Dinas Sosial.

“Harapan kami bantuan ini dapat meringankan beban masyarakat terutama yang terdampak pandemi  Covid-19 ini. Pemerintah Kabupaten Kediri akan terus mendistribusikan bantuan beras sampai pandemi ini berakhir,” tambah Slamet. (adv/mam)


Kediri Regency Government Prepares 500 Tons of Relief Rice

Stage II Distribution Distribute 32,910 kg
KEDIRI – Regent of Kediri Hj. Haryanti Sutrisno continued to channel aid to the affected communities of Covid-19. There are three sub-districts targeted for receiving phase II rice assistance on Thursday (05/07/2020), namely weakness, Gampengrejodan District, Puncu District with a total of 32,910 kg. The details are in the District of Plemahan 11,370 kg, District of Gampengrejo 10,380 kg, and District of Puncu 11,160 kg.
Regent Haryanti through Covid-19 Secretary of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling (GTPP) Slamet Turmudi explained, the data of 32,910 kg of rice recipients was in accordance with data that had been verified by the Social Service. “For the first phase of aid dropping, it has been carried out in April totaling 182 tons. As for the second phase, 75 tons were distributed to 4 districts, plus 33 tons to 3 districts, “Slamet said
According to Slamet, aid for stage 1 per household receives 5 kg, in phase II it becomes 10 kg per household. So that the preparation of rice aid for the second phase was 500 tons. For technical reasons, the District Task Force distributes to the sub-district, then the village task force takes in the sub-district and distributes it to recipients already recorded in the Social Service.
“We hope this assistance can ease the burden on the community, especially those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Kediri Regency Government will continue to distribute rice aid until the pandemic ends, “added Slamet. (adv/mam)


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