Polresta Dapat Hibah Rp 5 Miliar // Polresta Receives a Grant of Rp. 5 Billion


KEDIRI – Selain hibah ke sejumlah lembaga dan para ketua RT di Kota Kediri, berdasarkan draft RAPBD Kota Kediri 2020, Polresta Kediri juga mendapatkan limpahan hibah dari Pemkot Kediri. Total nilainya sekitar Rp 5,2 miliar. Kepada Polres Kediri Kota sendiri nilainya Rp 3,3 miliar lebih dan untuk TK Kemala Bhayangkari Rp 1,9 miliar


Rincian hibah untuk Polresta

Operasi Ketupat dan Operasi Lilin 2020                      Rp 485.2 juta

Rehab gedung  Sarpras                                               Rp 2.1 miliar

Rehab gedung Bag Ops                                              Rp 750 juta

TK Kemala Bhayangkari                                              Rp 1.9 miliar


Hibah yang diberikan ke Polresta Kediri itu berupa uang atau masuk dalam bagian belanja tidak langsung senilai Rp 3,3 miliar. Sedangkan hibah ke TK Kemala Bhayangkari berupa barang atau belanja langsung.

Kepala Bidang Anggaran, Akuntansi, dan Verifikasi, BPPKA Kota Kediri, Nurhayati, didampingi Kabag Humas Pemkot Kediri, Apip Permana saat dikonfirmasi membenarkan adanya anggaran hibah untuk Polresta Kediri itu.

Menurut Nurhayati, pemberian hibah ke Polresta itu berdasarkan pengajuan melalui proposal ke Pemkot Kediri. “Berarti itu memang permintaan dari Polreta?,” saat ditanya begitu, Nurhayati membenarkan. “Ya. Hibah itu berdasarkan permintaan,”tandasnya.

Nurhayati menjelaskan, hibah kepada lembaga pemerintah termasuk ke Polresta memang secara aturan diperbolehkan.

Kapolres Kediri Kota, AKBP Miko Indrayana, saat dikonfirmasi soal hibah dari Pemkot Kediri itu mengatakan itu merupakan pengajuan yang dulu. “Kalau ada bantuan seperti itu ya Alhamdulillah,”katanya.

Berdasarkan data RAPB itu, hibah ke Polresta ini memang cukup besar dsbanding hibah berupa uang ke lembaga-lembaga lain seperti Dewan Masjid Indonesia Rp 75 juta, MUI Rp 250 juta, Baznas Rp 150 juta, dan sebagainya. (mam)

Polresta Receives a Grant of Rp. 5 Billion

KEDIRI – In addition to grants to a number of institutions and RT heads in Kediri City, based on the draft of the Kediri City RAPBD 2020, the Kediri Regional Police also received an abundance of grants from the Kediri City Government. The total value is around Rp. 5.2 billion. The Kediri City Police alone valued more than Rp. 3.3 billion and for Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten Rp. 1.9 billion


Details of the grant for Polresta

Rhombus Operation and 2020 Candle Operation Rp. 485.2 million

Sarpras building rehabilitation Rp. 2.1 billion

Rp 750 million for Bag Ops building rehabilitation

Kemala Bhayangkari kindergarten Rp 1.9 billion


The grants given to the Kediri Police Station were in the form of money or included in the indirect spending portion of Rp 3.3 billion. While grants to TK Kemala Bhayangkari in the form of goods or direct shopping.

Head of Budget, Accounting and Verification, BPPKA of Kediri City, Nurhayati, accompanied by the Head of Public Relations of Kediri City Government, Apip Permana when confirmed confirmed the existence of a grant budget for the Kediri Regional Police.

According to Nurhayati, the grant to the Police was based on submission through a proposal to the City Government of Kediri. “Does that mean it was a request from Polreta ?,” when asked so, Nurhayati confirmed. “Yes. The grant is based on demand, “he said.

Nurhayati explained that grants to government institutions, including to the Police, were indeed permissible.

The Kediri City Police Chief, AKBP Miko Indrayana, when confirmed about the grant from the Kediri City Government said it was the first submission. “If there is help like that, Alhamdulillah,” he said.

Based on the RAPB data, the grant to the Polresta is indeed quite large compared to grants in the form of money to other institutions such as the Indonesian Mosque Council for Rp. 75 million, MUI for Rp. 250 million, Baznas for Rp. 150 million, and so on. (mam)


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