Diduga Kongkalikong, Triple’S Indosedulur Didenda Rp 6.7 Miliar

Monopoli dan Dugaan KKN Proyek Jalan

KEDIRI –  PT Triple’s divonis denda Rp 6,7 milir lebih karena dinilai melanggar UU monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat di Kabupaten Kediri oleh Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) Jawa Timur.  Selain triple’s, masih ada sejumlah  rekanan Pemkab Kediri yang lain, yang ikut divonis denda hingga miliaran rupiah, yang ditengarai terkait dengan Sony Sandra, bos triple’s.  Mereka divonis denda terkait pelelangan paket pekerjaan peningkatan jalan  dan paket pekerjaan pembangunan Jalan  pada Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (DPU) Kabupaten Kediri, hingga melanggar  Undang – Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat.

DENDA MILIARAN : Sejumlah rekanan yang divonis denda oleh KPPU Jawa TimurRomi Pradhana Aryo, Kepala Bidang Kajian dan Advokasi KPPU RI Jawa Timur,  saat ditemui di kantornya menjelaskan, kasus perkara lelang atau tender proyek peningkatan dan pembangunan jalan itu memang sudah diputus majelis hakim KPPU Jawa Timur. “Kami juga merekomendasi pada atasan mereka (anggota Pokja Lelang-red) agar memberi sanksi ke personil Pokja. Karena kami (KPPU,red) tidak bisa memberikan hukuman pada pejabat negara,” ujar Romi.

Menurut Romi, inti masalah tersebut adalah melanggar larangan bersekongkol dengan pelaku usaha lain dan atau pihak yang terkait dengan pelaku usaha lain, untuk mengatur dan atau menentukan pemenang tender yang mengakibatkan terjadinya persaingan usaha tidak sehat. “Masalah ini masih ditangani Mahkamah Agung, karena pihak penyedia jasa dan Pokja mengajukan keberatan atas putusan itu,”tandas Romi.

Dalam putusan KPPU Jawa Timur itu, terlapor III dan IV juga dilarang mengikuti tender dalam lingkup jasa konstruksi jalan yang menggunakan dana APBN dan APBD di seluruh Indonesia selama 2  tahun sejak putusan ini memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap. (wan/mam)

Allegedly Kongkalikong, Triple’S was fined Rp. 6.7 billion
Monopoly and Alleged KKN of Road Projects

KEDIRI – PT Triple’s was sentenced to a fine of more than Rp. 6.7 billion because it was judged to have violated the Law on monopoly and unfair business competition in Kediri Regency by the East Java Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU). Apart from the triple’s, there are still a number of other Kediri Regency Government partners, who were also sentenced to billions of rupiah in fines, allegedly related to Sony Sandra, triple’s boss. They were sentenced to fines related to the auction of road improvement work packages and road construction work packages at the Public Works Agency (DPU) of Kediri Regency, violating Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition.
When met at his office, Romi Pradhana Aryo, Head of the Research and Advocacy Division of KPPU RI, explained that the case for the auction or tender for the road improvement and construction project had indeed been decided by the East Java KPPU panel of judges. “We also recommend their superiors (members of Pokja Lelang – red) to impose sanctions on Pokja personnel. Because we (KPPU, red) cannot give punishment to state officials, “said Romi.
According to Romi, the core of the problem is violating the prohibition against conspiring with other business actors and / or parties related to other business actors, to regulate and or determine the tender winner which results in unfair business competition. “This problem is still being handled by the Supreme Court, because the service provider and the Working Group filed an objection to the decision,” said Romi.
In the East Java KPPU decision, reported parties III and IV are also prohibited from participating in tenders within the scope of road construction services using APBN and APBD funds throughout Indonesia for 2 years since this decision has permanent legal force. (wan / mam)

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