Begal Payudara Dihajar Massa // Busty Breasts Beaten by the Mass

KEDIRI – Supriyadi (37) warga Dusun Kalilanang Desa Selodono, Kecamatan Ringinrejo, Kabupaten Kediri, dihajar massa karena ditengarai menjadi begal payudara di jalanan jalur Kandat – Kediri. Dia ditangkap massa setelah melakukan pelecehan seksual dengan menggerayangi Payudara seorang wanita Ani (30) warga Desa Sumberjo, Kecamatan Kandat, Senin (18/11)

Kasi Humas Polsek Kandat Bripka Sugianto mengatakan peristiwa tersebut bermula saat Ani, mengendarai sepeda motor melintas di Jalan Desa Sumberejo,  Kandat. Namun di tengah perjalanan, Supriyadi tiba-tiba muncul dari arah belakang langsung menyalip sambil berusaha menggerayangi meras payudara bagian kanan.

Merasa digerayangi, Ani terkejut dan langsung berteriak dengan keras. Warga sekitar yang mendengar teriakan itu langsung keluar lalu mengejar hingga menangkap pelaku. Supriyadi segera digelandang ke salah satu rumah warga untuk diinterogasi. Mereka yang geregetan segera menghajar pelaku hingga babak belur. Warga kemudian melaporkan kejadian tersebut ke Polsek Kandat.

“Kasus ini kami limpahkan ke Unit PPA Polres Kediri untuk penyelidikan lebih lanjut. Meski pelaku begal payudara tertangkap kami menghimbau kepada seluruh warga, khususnya perempuan, untuk berhati-hati pada saat keluar rumah,” tutur Sugianto. (bad)

Busty Breasts Beaten by the Mass

KEDIRI – Supriyadi (37), a resident of Kalilanang Hamlet, Selodono Village, Ringinrejo Subdistrict, Kediri Regency, was beaten up by the masses because they were suspected of being booby breasts on the Kandat – Kediri lane. He was arrested by the masses after sexual harassment by groping the breasts of a woman Ani (30), a resident of Sumberjo Village, Kandat District, Monday (11/18)
Head of Public Relations Section of the Kandat Police Station Bripka Sugianto said the incident began when Ani, riding a motorcycle, crossed Jalan Sumberejo Village, Kandat. But in the middle of the journey, Supriyadi suddenly appeared from behind and immediately overtook while trying to grope squeezing the right breast.
Feeling obsessed, Ani was shocked and immediately shouted loudly. Residents around who heard the scream came out then chased to catch the perpetrators. Supriyadi was immediately taken to one of the houses of the residents to be interrogated. Those who were impatient immediately beat up the perpetrators until they were battered. Residents then reported the incident to the Kandat Police Sector.
“We submitted this case to the Kediri PPA Police Unit for further investigation. Although the perpetrators of the breasts were caught, we appealed to all citizens, especially women, to be careful when leaving the house,” said Sugianto. (bad)

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