24 Positif Belum Diketahui Asal Penularan

SUMBER : Gugus Tugas Kabupaten Kediri

KEDIRI – Sebanyak 24 kasus positif Covid-19 di Kabupaten Kediri, hingga kini belum diketahui darimana mereka tertular dan bagaimana mereka tertular. Sehingga Gugus Covid 19 Kabupten Kediri menempatkannya sebagai klaster baru dari 185 kasus positif Corona selama pandemi.

Dr. Ahmad Chotib, juru bicara gugus tugas Covid-19 Kabupaten Kediri menjelaskan, disebut kluster baru jika muncul kasus baru tanpa atau belum bisa dibuktikan atau diperkirakan hubungan penularan dengan kasus kasus atau kluster sebelumnya. “ Bisa disebutkan atau ditetapkan sebagai nama klasternya, setelah ada kasus lain yang terkait atau ada hubungan penularan dengan kasus tersebut,”ujarnya, saat dihubungi melalui saluran whatsap.

Menurut Ahmad Chotib, klaster baru itu hingga kini belum ditemukan sumber penularannya karena riwayat kontak dengan kasus di tempat lain tidak ada atau tidak jelas.  Jika mereka menularkan ke orang lain, akan disebutkan nama klasternya.

Sementara itu, dalam press release yang dikirim ke awak media, Ahmad Chotib menjelaskan terdapat 1  tambahan kasus terkonfirmasi positif, yaitu warga Desa Mranggen Kecamatan Purwoasri yang melakukan isolasi mandiri. Kasus ini merupakan klaster Halmahera. Gugus tugas melakukan tracing untuk menelusuri riwayat pasien tersebut.

Dengan penambahan ini, terdapat di Kabupaten Kediri terdapat 185 kasus positif, 149 orang dirawat, 26 orang sembuh dan 10 orang meninggal. Mereka terbagi dalam 24 klaster. Paling banyak ada klaster Mustika yaitu 53 kasus, disusul klaster Kedak 27 kasus, lalu klaster Surabaya 11 orang. Sedangkan 24 kasus masuk dalam klaster baru karena petugas hingga saat ini belum menemukan dari mana mereka tertular. (mam)

24 Positive Unknown Origin of Transmission

KEDIRI – As many as 24 positive cases of Covid-19 in Kediri Regency, so far it is not yet known where they are infected and how they are infected. So that the Covid Cluster 19 District of Kediri placed it as a new cluster of 185 positive cases of Corona during the pandemic.
Dr. Ahmad Chotib, spokesperson for the Covid-19 Task Force in Kediri Regency, explained that it is called a new cluster if a new case arises without or cannot yet be proven or it is estimated that the transmission relationship is related to previous cases or clusters. “It can be mentioned or specified as the name of the cluster, after there are other cases that are related or there is a transmission relationship with the case,” he said, when contacted via whatsap channel.
According to Ahmad Chotib, the new cluster has not yet been found to have a source of transmission because the history of contact with cases elsewhere is missing or unclear. If they infect others, the cluster name will be mentioned.
Meanwhile, in a press release sent to the media crew, Ahmad Chotib explained that there were 1 additional positive confirmed cases, namely residents of Mranggen Village in Purwoasri Subdistrict who carried out independent isolation. This case is a Halmahera cluster. The task force performs tracing to trace the patient’s history.
With this addition, there were 185 positive cases in Kediri District, 149 were treated, 26 were cured and 10 died. They are divided into 24 clusters. At most there are Mustika clusters, 53 cases, followed by Kedak cluster 27 cases, then Surabaya cluster 11 people. While 24 cases were included in the new cluster because the officers had so far not found out where they were infected. (mam)

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