Vonis PN Kediri Menentukan Nasib Supadi?


MENUNGGU NASIB : Supadi, saat mengikuti persidangan secara online melalui telekonference di PN Kabupaten Kediri

KEDIRI –  Supadi, Bakal Calon Bupati Kediri, yang juga Kepala Desa Tarokan, Kec. Tarokan, akan ditentukan nasibnya pada sidang lanjutan di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Kabupaten Kediri, Kamis (11 Juni 2020) dengan agenda pembacaan putusan atau vonis oleh majelis hakim. Jika Supadi divonis 6 bulan penjara atau lebih, maka hampir bisa dipastikan jabatannya sebagai Kepala Desa Tarokan, akan ikut melayang.

Sebab, berdasarkan Perda Nomor 8 Tahun 2015 tentang Pemilihan Kepala Desa, Bab IX, Pasal 58, ayat 2 huruf b, bahwa kepala desa diberhentikan, salah satunya adalah ‘Tidak dapat melaksanakan tugas secara berkelanjutan atau berhalangan tetap secara berturut-turut selama 6 (enam) bulan’.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Supadi, Bakal Calon Bupati Kediri, yang juga Kades Tarokan, dituntut 1 tahun penjara oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) Tomi Marwanto S. H dan Iskandar S.H, dalam persidangan di PN Kabupaten Kediri, karena diyakini secara sah menggunakan gelar akademik yaitu sarjana ekonomi, sebagaimana yang termuat di akta notaris Eko Sunu Jatmiko S.H dan Trisnawati S.H.

Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pemerintah Desa (DPMPD) Kabupaten Kediri, Sampurno, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsap masih belum memberikan keterangan apa-apa karena dia masih ada urusan lain di luar kantornya. “Besok saja ke kantor,”ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Supadi juga sempat divonis 2 bulan penjara dengan masa percobaan 3 bulan, pada kasus dugaan pemalsuan surat dan dokumen di PN Kabupaten Nganjuk, pada awal Agustus 2019 lalu, karena dinilai meyakinkan melanggar pasal 263 ayat 1 KUHP tentang Pemalsuan Surat atau Dokumen. Berdasarkan putusan PN Nganjuk itu, akankah Supadi ‘terpaksa’harus menjalani tambahan kurungan dua bulan karena saat dilaporkan ke polisi, Oktober 2019, dia dinilai masih dalam proses masa percobaan?

Sedangkan Prayogo S.H. Penasehat Hukum Supadi, pada sidang sebelumnya meminta agar Supadi dibebaskan dari segara tuduhan, karena di daerah lain, sebelumnya ada kasus serupa dan terdakwa bebas. (mam)

PN Kediri’s Verdict Decides Supadi’s Fate?

KEDIRI – Supadi, a candidate for the Regent of Kediri, who is also the Head of Tarokan Village, Kec. Tarokan, his fate will be determined at a follow-up session at the District Court (PN) of Kediri Regency, Thursday (June 11, 2020) with the agenda of reading the verdict or verdict by the panel of judges. If Supadi is sentenced to 6 months in prison or more, then his position as Village Head of Tarokan is almost certain, will also float.
Because, based on Local Regulation No. 8 of 2015 concerning Village Head Election, Chapter IV, Article 58, paragraph 2 letter b, that the village head is dismissed, one of which is’ Unable to carry out tasks in a sustainable or unable to remain permanently for 6 (six) ) month ‘.
As reported previously, Supadi, a candidate for the Regent of Kediri, who is also the village head of Tarokan, was prosecuted for 1 year in prison by the Public Prosecutors (TPU) Tomi Marwanto S. H and Iskandar SH, during the trial in Kediri District Court, because they were believed to be legally using academic degrees namely an economics degree, as contained in the notarial deed of Eko Sunu Jatmiko SH and Trisnawati SH
Meanwhile, the Head of the Village Government Community Empowerment Service (DPMPD) of Kediri Regency, Sampurno, when confirmed through the whatsap channel, still did not provide any information because he still had other matters outside his office. “Just come to the office tomorrow,” he said.
Previously, Supadi was also sentenced to 2 months in prison with a trial period of 3 months, in the case of alleged forgery of letters and documents in the Nganjuk District Court, in early August 2019, because it was considered convincing to violate article 263 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning Falsification of Letters or Documents. Based on the Nganjuk District Court verdict, will Supadi ‘be forced’ to undergo an additional two-month confinement because when reported to the police, October 2019, he was considered to be still on probation?
While Prayogo S.H. At the previous trial, Supadi’s legal counsel requested that Supadi be acquitted of all charges, because in another area, there had previously been a similar case and the defendant was acquitted. (mam)
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