Kartu Tani dari Bank Masih Bermasalah


BUTUH PUPUK : Petani saat membeli pupuk di salah satu kios di Kandangan

DPRD Minta PPL Ditambah Personil dan Gajinya

KEDIRI – Kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi yang dirasakan para petani di Kediri, ditengarai salah satu penyebabnya adalah keharusan adanya kartu tani berupa ATM yang dikeluarkan oleh bank.  Kartu tani ini, antara lain berfungsi untuk alat pembayaran pupuk. Petani harus membayar dulu pupuk yang mereka butuhkan sesuai ajuan Rencana Definitif Kebutuhan Kelompok Tani (RDKK) atas pupuk, baru kemudian mereka bisa mendapatkan pupuk melalui kios-kios pupuk.

WIDYO HARSONO : Ketua Komisi II DPRD Kabupaten Kediri

Persoalannya, masih banyak petani yang belum memiliki kartu tani. Meskipun mereka sudah mengajukan. Sehingga mereka tidak bisa mendapatkan pupuk bersubsidi yang mereka ajukan. Kedatangan pupuk di kios untuk diambil petani, belum tentu tepat pada masa pemupukan, sering molo, sehingga saat pemupukan kedua seperti sekarang, pupuk bersubsidi belum ada.

Ketua Komisi II DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, Widyo Harsono, menjelaskan banyak petani yang kurang jelas bagaimana cara membeli pupuk lewat kartu tani, karena kurang sosialisasi. Misalnya uangnya dikirim ke bank apa, caranya bagaimana, dan sebagainya. “Intinya, pihak bank, kios pupuk, distributor, dan PPL, kurang sosialisasi ke petani,”ujar Harsono, yang dikonfirmasi usai melakukan Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) terkait kelangkaan pupuk.

Banyaknya kios yang belum memiliki mesin EDC (alat gesek kartu dari bank,red), lanjut Harsono, juga mempersulit pembelian pupuk menggunakan kartu tani. Sehingga pembelian pupuk melalui kartu tani, secara praktis masih sulit dilakukan. “Sekarang, ada form yang harus diisi petani untuk bisa membeli pupuk bersubsidi. Tidak harus dengan kartu tani,”tandasnya.

Harsono juga mengusulkan untuk tenaga Petugas Penyuluh Lapangan (PPL ) dan Kontak Tani Nelayan Andalan (KTNA) ditambah, sehingga sosialisasi program pemerintah ke petani bisa lebih efektif. Gaji mereka juga harus dinaikkan, agar efektivitas kerjanya naik. “Sekarang satu PPL umumnya membawahi tiga desa. Ini kurang efektif untuk sosialisasi dan pembinaan petani. Idealnya, satu PPL maksimal membawahi dua desa,”tambah Harsono.

Sementara itu, Masruri, petani asal Desa Plosorejo, Gampengrejo, mengatakan adanya form yang harus diisi oleh petani untuk membeli pupuk, dinilai kurang efektif dan membuat ribet. Sebab, sebelumnya petani sudah mengajukan RDKK. “Kan sudah ada RDKK, mengapa harus ada form yang harus diisi lagi?. Ini kebijakan seperti apa?,”katanya.

Sedangkan Umar, petani asal Desa sendang, Kecamatan Banyakan, mengatakan kartu tani sekarang ini masih belum berfungsi apa-apa, kecuali untuk utang ke bank. “Dengan memiliki kartu tani, bank biasa mencairkan utang sekitar Rp 1 juta. Kalau untuk beli pupuk bersubsidi belum bisa,”ujar Umar. (mam)

The Farmers Card from the Bank is Still Troubled

DPRD asks PPL to be added with personnel and salary

KEDIRI – The shortage of subsidized fertilizers felt by farmers in Kediri, is suspected to be one of the causes is the necessity to have a farmer card in the form of an ATM issued by the bank. This farming card, among other things, functions as a means of payment for fertilizers. Farmers must first pay for the fertilizer they need according to the Farmers Group Needs Definitive Plan (RDKK) request for fertilizer, then they can get fertilizer through fertilizer stalls.
The problem is, there are still many farmers who do not have a farming card. Even though they already filed. So that they cannot get the subsidized fertilizer they proposed. The arrival of fertilizer at the kiosk for farmers to collect, is not necessarily the right time for the fertilization period, often molo, so that during the second fertilization process, as now, there is no subsidized fertilizer.
The chairman of Commission C of the Kediri Regency DPRD, Widyo Harsono, explained that many farmers were not clear about how to buy fertilizer through a farmer card, because they lacked socialization. For example, what bank is the money sent to, how to do it, and so on. “The point is, the banks, fertilizer stalls, distributors, and PPLs, lack of socialization to farmers,” said Harsono, who was confirmed after holding a Hearing Meeting (RDP) regarding the scarcity of fertilizers.
The number of stalls that do not yet have EDC machines (bank card swipes, red), continued Harsono, also makes it difficult to buy fertilizers using farmer cards. So that the purchase of fertilizer through a farming card is still practically difficult. “Now, there is a form that has to be filled in by farmers to be able to buy subsidized fertilizers. It doesn’t have to be a farmer card, ”he said.
Harsono also proposed that the field extension officers (PPL) and Mainstay Farmers and Fishermen Contact (KTNA) be added, so that the socialization of government programs to farmers could be more effective. Their salaries must also be increased, so that their work effectiveness will increase. “Now one PPL is generally in charge of three villages. This is less effective for the socialization and guidance of farmers. Ideally, one PPL should supervise a maximum of two villages, ”added Harsono.
Meanwhile, Masruri, a farmer from Plosorejo Village, Gampengrejo, said that there is a form that must be filled in by farmers to buy fertilizer, is considered less effective and makes it complicated. Because, previously the farmers had submitted RDKK. “There’s already an RDKK, why should there be a form to be filled in again ?. What kind of policy is this ?, “he said.
Meanwhile, Umar, a farmer from Sendang Village, Banyak Subdistrict, said that the current farm card does not function, except for bank loans. “By having a farming card, banks usually disburse debts of around Rp. 1 million. We can’t buy subsidized fertilizer yet, ”said Umar. (mam)

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