Bangkitkan UMKM, Pameran di Mall

KEDIRI – Pemerintah Kota Kediri terus berusaha membangkitkan ekonomi masyarakat di tengah pandemic covid-19, sekaligus untuk mempersiapkan ekonomi tahun 2021, khususnya sektor UMKM dengan menggelar Glerrr UMKM 2020 di Kediri Town Square. Terdapat 18 stan UMKM yang terdiri dari, batik, tenun ikat, jas, clothing, aksesoris, tas, dan sepatu. Adapula 27 stan tanaman hias, anggrek, reptil, ikan, alat pertanian, dan stan Bank Jatim.

Abdullah Abu Bakar melihat dalam pameran ini pelaku UMKM semakin kreatif. Banyak ide-ide yang fresh muncul dari pelaku UMKM. “Saya lihat banyak ide-ide baru disini beda dengan pameran-pameran sebelumnya. Ini memang kita kerjasama dengan Kediri Town Square untuk memajukan perekonomian. Jadi kita ini prepare untuk Tahun 2021. Karena setelah kesehatan, fokus kita adalah ekonomi.  Sekarang kita masuk ke ekonomi. Kita sedang mempromosikan UMKM,” ujarnya, saat meninjau pameran UMKM itu, Jumat (20/11/2020)

Mas Abu menjelaskan, pada 2021 nanti UMKM di Kota Kediri sudah banyak yang go digital. Sehingga bisa promosi lebih gencar, karena mereka sudah siap memasuki marketplace sekaligus jualan offline . “Ini yang kita dorong. Sebenarnya yang marketplace, ketika dia sudah bisa masuk ke pasar digital, maka marketshare dia akan semakin lebar,” ungkapnya.

Mas Abu mengingatkan meskipun ekonomi tengah digerakkan, namun protokol kesehatan terus dipatuhi. “Saat ini memang masih covid tapi perekonomian harus tetap jalan. Seperti kata Pak Presiden gas dan remnya itu harus selalu diatur. Jadi ekonominya memang kita jalankan, tapi isinya harus kita batasi. Makanya yang kita dorong adalah marketplace nya,” pungkasnya.

Melalui pameran Glerrr UMKM 2020 ini juga membawa dampak positif bagi pelaku UMKM. Seperti dituturkan Ketua Dermo Batik Kediri, Nanik Wijayati, penjualannya dalam pameran ini cukup bagus. “Senang sekali sudah bisa pameran lagi. Kita bisa mempromosikan lagi karya-karya kita. Alhamdulillah setiap hari transaksi. Sampai hari sudah ada sekitar 23 transaksi,” ujarnya. (bad)

Raising UMKM, Exhibition in Mall

KEDIRI – The Kediri City Government continues to strive to revive the community’s economy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as to prepare for the economy in 2021, especially the UMKM sector by holding a 2020 UMKM Glerrr at Kediri Town Square. There are 18 UMKM booths consisting of, batik, weaving, suits, clothing, accessories, bags and shoes. There are also 27 stands of ornamental plants, orchids, reptiles, fish, agricultural tools, and Bank Jatim stands.
Abdullah Abu Bakar saw that in this exhibition, UMKM actors were getting more creative. Many fresh ideas come from MSME actors. “I see that there are many new ideas here, different from previous exhibitions. This is indeed we cooperate with Kediri Town Square to advance the economy. So we are preparing for 2021. Because after health, our focus is on the economy. Now we get into the economy. We are currently promoting UMKM, “he said, while reviewing the UMKM exhibition, Friday (20/11/2020)
Mas Abu explained, in 2021, many MSMEs in Kediri have gone digital. So that promotion can be more intense, because they are ready to enter the marketplace as well as selling offline. “This is what we encourage. Actually in the marketplace, when it is able to enter the digital market, the market share will be even wider, “he said.
Mas Abu reminded that even though the economy was being moved, health protocols were still being followed. “Currently, it is still Covid, but the economy must continue. As the President said, the gas and brakes must always be regulated. So we do run the economy, but we have to limit the content. So what we are pushing is the marketplace, ”he concluded.
Through the Glerrr UMKM 2020 exhibition, it also has a positive impact on MSME players. As said by the Head of Dermo Batik Kediri, Nanik Wijayati, the sales in this exhibition are quite good. “It’s great to be able to exhibit again. We can promote our works again. Alhamdulillah every transaction day. Until today, there have been about 23 transactions, “he said. (bad)

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