KEDIRI – Percepatan layanan masyarakat, masih terus ditekankan oleh Walikota Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar, karena keinginan masyarakat yang menuntut layanan cepat dan tepat. Penekanan layanan cepat itu, disampaikan Mas Abu secara virtual pada penutupan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Administrator (PKA) Kota Kediri Angkatan VI Tahun 2020, yang digelar Badan Kepegawaian Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Daerah (BKPPD) Kota Kediri, Jumat (20/11/2020) di command centre.
Pelatihan PKA ini, untuk membentuk kompetensi kepemimpinan operasional pada pejabat struktural eselon III yang berperan dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi pemerintahan di instansi masing-masing, Pemerintah Kota Kediri. Kegiatan PKA itu diikuti 30 peserta dari berbagai OPD, selama 8 bulan, mulai 3 Maret sampai 20 November 2020. Masing- masing peserta diminta membuat satu proyek perubahan yang diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan, agar bisa meningkatkan kinerja OPD untuk layanan masyarakat yang optimal.
Kepala Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Provinsi Jawa Timur, Aries Agung Paewai, menyampaikan, PKA ini merupakan yang terakhir dari seluruh pemerintah kota/kabupaten di Jawa Timur. Dia berharap, pada situasi pandemi covid-19 saat ini, ASN di Jawa Timur dapat terus beradaptasi dan bersinergi untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi masyarakat. “ASN harus melaksanakan pekerjaan untuk memberikan pelayanan masyarakat. Ini tantangan yang luar biasa. Namun kami melihat seluruh ASN di Jawa Timur sangat kolaboratif, sinergi, adaptif dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan terbaik,”katanya.
Aries menilai, di Kota Kediri sangat luar biasa ASN-nya. Dia melihat potensi mereka saat melaksanakan kegiatan PKA sampai selesai. Di tengah pandemi ini, butuh langkah ektra normal. Butuh kecepatan, ketangkasan, dan inovasi dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. “Proyek perubahan yang sudah dilaksanakan, tidak hanya di atas kertas, tapi harus diimplementasikan,” tutur Aries.
Sementara itu, Wali Kota Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar menilai, kegiatan tersebut sangat penting guna peningkatan kapasitas ASN. Mengingat tuntutan zaman yang tidak bisa ditunda terkait percepatan pelayanan. “Tidak hanya di pemerintah, juga di bidang jasa swasta. Mereka sangat cepat berubah. Saya mendukung acara ini karena kita dituntut adaptif. Kita harus mengubah habit para ASN. Perubahan itu sudah mulai nyata dan berdampak sangat positif. Yang paling penting bagi ASN adalah perubahan mindset. Basic kita adalah pelayanan. Bagaimana memberikan pelayanan yang optimum,” jelasnya. (bad)
Mayor Requests Acceleration of Community Services
KEDIRI – The Mayor of Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar continues to emphasize the acceleration of community services because of the people’s desire for fast and appropriate services. The emphasis on fast service was delivered by Mas Abu virtually at the close of the Kediri City Administrator Leadership Training (PKA) Class VI of 2020, which was held by the Regional Education and Training Personnel Agency (BKPPD) of Kediri City, Friday (20/11/2020) at the command center .
This PKA training is to form operational leadership competencies for echelon III structural officials who play a role in carrying out government duties and functions in their respective agencies, the Kediri City Government. The PKA activity was attended by 30 participants from various OPDs, for 8 months, from March 3 to November 20, 2020. Each participant was asked to make a change project that was expected to be implemented, in order to improve OPD performance for optimal community service.
Head of the Human Resources Development Agency for East Java Province, Aries Agung Paewai, said that this PKA is the last of all city / district governments in East Java. He hopes, in the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, ASN in East Java can continue to adapt and work together to provide the best service for the community. “ASN must carry out work to provide community services. This is a tremendous challenge. However, we see that all ASNs in East Java are very collaborative, synergistic, adaptive in order to provide the best service, “he said.
Aries assessed that in Kediri, the ASN is extraordinary. He saw their potential when carrying out PKA activities to completion. In the midst of this pandemic, extra normal steps are needed. It takes speed, agility, and innovation in providing services to the community. “Change projects that have been implemented, are not only on paper, but must be implemented,” said Aries.
Meanwhile, the Mayor of Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar assessed that this activity was very important in order to increase the capacity of ASN. Given the demands of the times that cannot be postponed regarding the acceleration of service.
“Not only in the government, but also in the private service sector. They change very quickly. I support this event because we are required to be adaptive. We have to change the habit of ASNs. The changes have started to be real and have a very positive impact. The most important thing for ASN is a change in mindset. Our basic is service. How to provide optimum service, ”he explained. (bad)
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