Saksi ‘Ahli ITE’ Ditolak PH

Mengaku Ahli, Sertifikat Pelatihan

KEDIRI – Saksi ‘ahli ITE’ (Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik) yang dihadirkan Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) Kejari Kediri, Dendy Eka Puspawadi S.Si, ditolak oleh Penasehat Hukum (PH) Danan Prabandaru S.H, dalam persidangan lanjutan kasus dugaan pencemaran nama baik di daring PN di kantor Kejari Kota Kediri, Senin (8/3/2021), karena dinilai tidak memiliki kualifikasi sebagai ahli. Karena Dendy lulusan teknik dan tidak memiliki sertifikat ahli IT. “Dia hanya memiliki sertifikat pelatihan, bukan sertifikat ahli dan keilmuwan akademiknya tidak di bidang IT, tapi sarjana teknik kimia ITS,”ujar Danan, ditemui usai sidang.

DANAN PRABANDARU SH, Praktisi hukum di Kediri

Penolakan terhadap saksi ahli itu, dilakukan dalam persidangan kasus dugaan pencemaran nama baik di grup WA atas laporan Wijayanto Setiawan atau Wee U, dengan terdakwa Yuyun Masitha Yuwono. Dalam persidangan Dendy Eka, pegawai Dinas Kominfo Jawa Timur, dihadirkan JPU sebagai salah satu saksi ahli untuk memberi keterangan di hadapan majelis hakim.

Menurut Danan, berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 82 tahun 2012 tentang penyelenggaraan sistem dan transaksi elektronik, Pasal 10 ayat 2, yang dimaksud dengan tenaga ahli  ITE, wajib memiliki sertifikat keahlian. “Sertifikat pelatihan itu berbeda dengan sertifikat keahlian,”ujarnya

Mengingat saksi ahli yang dihadirkan dinilai tidak memiliki kualifikasi ahli, lanjut Danan, pihaknya menolak untuk memberikan pertanyaan ke ‘saksi ahli’ yang dihadirkan JPU. Namun, pada persidangan itu JPU sudah sempat memberikan keterangan di awal. (mam)  

Witness “ITE Expert” Rejected by PH

Claiming Expert, Certificate of Training

KEDIRI – The witness ‘ITE expert’ (Information and Electronic Transactions) presented by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Kediri Public Prosecutor, Dendy Eka Puspawadi S.Si, was rejected by Legal Counsel (PH) Danan Prabandaru SH, in the follow-up trial of the alleged defamation case on the PN online at the Kediri City Kejari office, Monday (8/3/2021), because they do not have the qualifications as an expert. Because Dendy graduated in engineering and does not have an IT expert certificate. “He only has a training certificate, not an expert certificate and his academic scholarship is not in the IT field, but an ITS chemical engineering degree,” said Danan, when met after the trial.
The rejection of the expert witness was carried out in the trial of the case of alleged defamation in the WA group on the report of Wijayanto Setiawan or Wee U, with the defendant Yuyun Masitha Yuwono. In the trial, Dendy Eka, an employee of the East Java Communication and Information Service, was presented by the Prosecutor as one of the expert witnesses to testify before the panel of judges.
According to Danan, based on Government Regulation (PP) No. 82/2012 concerning the operation of electronic systems and transactions, Article 10 paragraph 2, which is meant by ITE experts, is required to have a certificate of expertise. “A training certificate is different from a certificate of expertise,” he said
Considering that the expert witnesses presented did not have expert qualifications, continued Danan, his party refused to give questions to the “expert witnesses” presented by the prosecutor. However, at the trial, the prosecutor had given the initial testimony. (mam)

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