Sidang Kasus Kredit BPR Kota Kediri
KEDIRI – Persidangan kasus dugaan korupsi kredit macet di BPR Kota Kediri, mulai memasuki tahap pemeriksaan saksi-saksi. Pada sidang yang digelar di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor ) Surabaya, Senin (7/6/2021) itu, antara lain menghadirkan mantan direktur Sugiyanto dan mantan Kabag Marketing Adrianto. Ada juga saksi dari BPR Hamindo Pare, dan perangkat desa, dengan tersangka mantan Account Officer (AO) Indra Harianto dan debitur Ida Riyani.
Ditemui di sela-sela persidangan, Indra mengaku pada pengajuan kredit di BPR Kota atas nama Ida Riyani itu, dia hanya sebagai penyaji data ke pimpinan. Karena dia orang bawahan. Perkara data itu disetujui atau tidak, tergantung pimpinan. “Kalau memang data saya salah, kan bisa ditolak, langsung dicoret, kan sudah, selesai. Sakti betul saya kalau bisa mencairkan kredit begitu besar (Rp 600 juta,red),”ujarnya.
Apakah saat itu pimpinan BPR Kota juga ikut survey ke lapangan terkait data yang dia sodorkan? “Ya’ kata Indra. Kalau begitu, pimpinan BPR saat itu juga mengetahui kondisi riil data jaminan kredit itu di lapangan? “Tahu” tandas Indra.
Apakah dia merasa ‘dikorbankan’ dalam kasus ini, karena hanya dirinya dan Ida Riyani yang dijadikan tersangka? “Sampean lebih paham soal itu. Saya hanya penyaji data,”jawabnya.
Seperti diberitakan, Indra Harianto dan Ida Riyani, menjadi tersangka dalam kasus dugaan kucuran kredit macet Rp 600 juta di BPR Kota Kediri. Diduga, data-data yang dimasukkan ke BPR Kota untuk mengucurkan kredit itu banyak yang direkayasa. (mam)
The trial of the Kediri BPR Credit Case
Claiming ‘Sakti’ If Can Disburse IDR 600 Million
KEDIRI – The trial of the alleged corruption case against bad credit at the BPR of Kediri City has begun to enter the stage of examining witnesses. At the trial held at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) Surabaya, Monday (7/6/2021), among others, former director Sugiyanto and former Head of Marketing Adrianto were present. There were also witnesses from BPR Hamindo Pare, and village officials, with the suspects being former Account Officer (AO) Indra Harianto and debtor Ida Riyani.
Met on the sidelines of the trial, Indra admitted that when applying for credit at the City BPR on behalf of Ida Riyani, he was only a presenter of data to the leadership. Because he’s a subordinate. The data case is approved or not, depending on the leadership. “If my data is wrong, it can be rejected, immediately crossed out, right, done. It’s true that I can disburse such a large credit (Rp 600 million, ed),” he said.
Did the leadership of the City BPR also take part in a field survey related to the data he provided? “Yes,” said Indra. If so, did the BPR leadership at that time also know the real condition of the credit guarantee data in the field? “I know,” said Indra.
Does he feel ‘victimized’ in this case, because he and Ida Riyani are the only suspects? “You understand better about that. I’m just a data presenter,” he answered.
As reported, Indra Harianto and Ida Riyani are suspects in the alleged disbursement of Rp 600 million in bad loans at BPR Kediri. Allegedly, many of the data entered into the City BPR to disburse credit were engineered. (mam)
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